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Heritage represents a character's ethnicity and to some extent their cultural background. Heritage is something that would be reflected in an individual's general appearance, so that anyone looking at a character would be able to make a fair guess at their heritage.

People who have a common heritage will share some basic physical characteristics as well as a root language. Although there is much diversity in lifestyle and dialects within each heritage group, members of each one tend to share various broad cultural traits as well and can usually understand other speakers of the language. Despite these basic blood ties, however, most people will tend to identify more strongly with a particular political or kinship unit, whether a kingdom, clan, city-state, or tribe.

The different heritages of Avaria have their roots within specific regions of the world's continents, but may often be found pursuing lives and livelihoods outside their ethnic homelands.

Idiri heritages

Amunati - A proud and mystical people of the River Tamarat, descendants of one of the greatest kingdoms of the ancient world.

Bissenke - Peerless scholars and collectors of manuscripts, grown wealthy from control of the gold trade.

Kiliku - Diminutive hunter-gatherers from the remote jungles and deserts, bearers of an intricate tradition of story and song.

Milombo - An artistic people of the tropical highlands, famed for their skill in working wood as well as their complex diplomacy.

Razmani - Sturdy canyon-dwellers known for their sophisticated techniques in architecture, engineering, and dryland farming.

Salawi - A highly mercantile people from the eastern coast, whose enterprising sailors can be found on ships from the Adelantean to the Sea of Salaah and beyond.

Tessouare - The free-spirited peoples of the Hazari Desert, ranging from wandering pastoralists to hardy farmers and villagers.

Xhalantu - An adaptable people whose diverse cultures have produced fierce warriors, builders of great cities and fortresses, and skilled ironworkers.

Near Ruleska heritages

Elukoi - The dominant people of the Kalentoi Empire, a deeply religious people whose roots lie in the rugged borderlands of Ruvera and Ruleska.

Irzali - Those from the Sirdabi Caliphate's eastern province of Irzal, a former empire in its own right, long conquered but with a distinct and highly cultured tradition of science, medicine, literature -- and insurrection.

Sirdabi - The people at the heart of the Sirdabi Caliphate, deeply devoted to learning, poetry, literature, and the Azadi faith.

Altaruleska heritages

Rusalvi - The peoples of the forested country of eastern Ruvera and northern Ruleska, living lives of frequent hardship and violence but also great bravery and spirituality.

Ruvera heritages

Cateni - The widespread residents of the northern Adelantean coast, with diverse cultures of art and architecture, trading and warfare.

Ilexi - The people of Ensor and the High Hinterlands, a pugnacious people with tribal roots and a touch of xenophobia.

Ravenni - The people of the Ruveran heartland, a disputatious realm of warring princes and independent-minded townsfolk.

Rhodish - Fisherman, farmers, and seafaring raiders of northern Ruvera, with strong social bonds and ancient bardic traditions.

Wandering Peoples

Rovara - Wandering bands of peddlars, entertainers, and mystics with a distinctive and colorful culture, often viewed with mistrust by settled peoples.

Yehani - A widespread diaspora of seafarers and traders, making their homes in the lands of other peoples since the destruction of their island homeland many centuries ago.

Character Generation

When creating a new character, players may assign a single heritage to their character or can choose up to three in order to represent a mix of bloodlines. Not all of these heritages are initially available in character generation, but players will progressively be able to unlock more heritages by investing accumulated Presence points.

Pages in category "Heritage"

The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.