Language command

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The LANGUAGE command allows you to see what languages you speak, and how well you can speak or understand them. It will also allows you to switch between the languages you know. SPEAK is an alias for the LANGUAGE command.


Depending on your language proficiency, it will return something like this:

These are the languages you speak:
| Fluent     | Adept     | Basic     | Incapable |
| --------   | --------  | --------  | --------  |
| Sirdabi    |           |           | Ilexi     |
|            |           |           |           |
|            |           |           |           |
|            |           |           |           | 
Currently speaking: Sirdabi

LANGUAGE <language name>
Switches to speaking/writing the specified language.


  • You learn languages over time by listening to them or by practicing speaking. The Linguistics skill can grant additional leaning abilities.
  • If writing, you will write in whatever language you are currently SPEAKing.

See also