Log session starting at 11:31:29 on Monday, 12 June 2023.

Your Inventory
Your right hand is empty.
In your left hand, you are: holding a battered steel mug
Your keyring contains: a simple bronze key
Your coinpouch contains: 80 follies (80 bits)
You are wearing: a hemp-corded resin necklace, an ill-fitting rust-colored flannel skirt, a blue
gingham kerchief, a ripped pale-hued homespun shift, and a linen bandage
>l in mug
a battered steel mug
This deep mug is made of thin-battered steel, quite durable but not altogether pleasing to the eye.
The rim is faintly curved so as not to injure the lip of any drinker, and a looped steel handle
curves out from the side.
It is full of hearty herbal rabbit stew.
You walk through a low southeast archway.
[City of Omrazir, Customs Authority, East Courtyard]
Seagulls and starlings battle the tumult of human voices to add their shrieks to the general
cacophony of the interior court. Skirting the greater chaos visible beneath the central pavilion to
the west, smaller groups of people on mysterious errands duck in and out of the various doors that
open onto the yard from a covered portico on its east side. A group of customs guards loiters
outside the barracks building to the south, observing the commotion.
Deep puddles of rain threaten to flood the area. The blazing sun bakes the land in merciless heat.
Cardinal Exits: west and southeast
Other: a low archway, the junior barracks: barracks door (open), and a covered portico

Beneath the scorching skies, you walk southeast.
[City of Omrazir, Customs Authority, Quiet Corner]
In between the covered portico to the north and the side wall of the barracks westward lies a
relatively quiet corner of the courtyard. The main feature of this area seems to be a small
whitewashed adobe structure, fronted by a wide barred gate that allows for a view of the holding
chamber where some of the city's less desperate criminals may be temporarily imprisoned. A posted
guard is typically assigned to the booth that stands before the so-called Quiet Room, dutifully
observing the courtyard while managing criminal records in a large, well-kept tome.
A booth holding a tome of records stands outside the Quiet Room.
Deep puddles of rain threaten to flood the area. The blazing sun bakes the land in merciless heat.
Cardinal Exits: northwest
Other: the Quiet Room: barred cell door (closed)

A dark-haired young warden is standing near a booth that contains a tome of records.
The sun shines with growing intensity through the dissipating haze of dust as it leaves the sky a
scorched pale blue.
>emote nods to ~warden, holding a steaming mug of stew. She warily approaches ~room, peering inside.
You have emoted: Emmaline nods to a dark-haired young warden, holding a steaming mug of stew. She
warily approaches the Quiet Room, peering inside.
>peer room
You peer through the cell bars...
[City of Omrazir, Customs Authority, Quiet Room]
Whitewashed adobe forms the windowless walls of this constricted holding chamber. The only light is
provided by a lantern hung outside the gated entrance, and whatever daylight manages to creep
through the bars. A stack of plainly-sheeted, hard bunks adorns one back corner of the room, while
the other back corner holds a large ceramic pot. The floors are flagstone that matches the
courtyard outside, but they are whitewashed too, as is the arched adobe ceiling. The uniformity of
the pale surroundings creates a bland sense of tension, of tedium and waiting.
Cardinal Exits:
Other: out: barred cell door (closed)

An athletic, dusky-skinned young woman is asleep here.
>think (feeling some pity for Djafira, locked up in there) At least, it's not as bad as the stories I've heard about the dungeons in Merouen...
Feeling some pity for Djafira, locked up in there, you think: At least, it's not as bad as the
stories I've heard about the dungeons in Merouen...
>stand near room
You go to stand near the side of the Quiet Room.
>emote waits a little, shifting uncomfortably and anxiously outside the barred door.
You have emoted: Emmaline waits a little, shifting uncomfortably and anxiously outside the barred
A small breeze forays across the land, providing no relief as it pushes the baking air about.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman twitches in her sleep.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman wakes up, lying on the floor.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman rolls over with a quiet grumble under
her breath, and then immediately sits bolt upright when she spots you outside the cell.
>emote stands there with a steaming mug of stew in one hand that releases a minty aroma. "Good afternoon," she extends awkwardly towards the bars. "I, um..."
You have emoted: Emmaline stands there with a steaming mug of stew in one hand that releases a minty
aroma. "Good afternoon," she extends awkwardly towards the bars. "I, um..."
>give mug to djafira
You cannot reach Djafira at a general area, all the way from the Quiet Room.
>feel a little dumb.
You feel a little dumb.
>think I can't give her the mug through these bars...
You think: I can't give her the mug through these bars...
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman stares, blinking once as if half
>emote looks down at ~mug, then over at the warden, then back to ~djafira. "I guess I can't fit this through the bars," she mutters sheepishly.
You have emoted: Emmaline looks down at a battered steel mug, then over at the warden, then back to
an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman. "I guess I can't fit this through the bars," she mutters
Inside the Quiet Room, Rising from the bunk, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman moves swiftly
over to the other side of the bars. Her mouth moves like a landed fish for a moment, then she expels
a strangled-sounding, "I am very sorry, Emmaline."
The blazing sun burns ruthlessly in the parched blue arc of the heavens.
>emote watches ~djafira, and her expression goes through a transparent contortion of disbelief. "I..." She sounds confused<tell> and a little hurt</tell>. "How can I believe you? You sound
honest now, but -- "
You have emoted: Emmaline watches an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman, and her expression goes
through a transparent contortion of disbelief. "I..." She sounds confused and a little hurt. "How
can I believe you? You sound honest now, but -- "
>feel like ~djafira can't be trusted.
You feel like an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman can't be trusted.
>say but I don't know. You tricked me before.
You say, "But I don't know. You tricked me before."
>emote looks down at the mug in her hands. "And I still don't understand why."
You have emoted: Emmaline looks down at the mug in her hands. "And I still don't understand why."
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman sighs, shaking her head once. "I
needed to stand out." She leans her forehead against the bars. "My parents were proud of me, being
the apprentice of Arezou ibn Gauzar Rufsani."
Inside the Quiet Room, with another sigh, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "I worried
you were eclipsing me."
>emote frowns.
You have emoted: Emmaline frowns.
>think She tried to kill me... just because she was jealous?
You think: She tried to kill me... just because she was jealous?
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman lifts her head and looks at your
frown. "I have never been good at intrigue," she admits. "Courtly life and all its expectations were
never my forte, and never something I desired, however much it was desired for me by others." She
sounds more honest now than she has ever sounded before.
Inside the Quiet Room, distantly, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "No matter however
much my family expected it of me..."
>emote remains quiet, simply nodding slowly.
You have emoted: Emmaline remains quiet, simply nodding slowly.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "It was clumsy. A clumsy means
of getting rid of you. Clumsy, brutal..."
Inside the Quiet Room, with a headshake, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "I am sorry."
>emote keeps her gaze down into the mug, staying quiet.
You have emoted: Emmaline keeps her gaze down into the mug, staying quiet.
>think I don't know what to say to that. Is she sorry for trying to get rid of me, or sorry for failing to do so?
You think: I don't know what to say to that. Is she sorry for trying to get rid of me, or sorry for
failing to do so?
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman sits down at the barred cell door,
dropping her face into both hands.
Inside the Quiet Room, after rubbing her face viciously and then looking up again towards the bars,
an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "Now I am imprisoned, and my family has disowned me." A
deep bitterness, and loss, suffuses her voice. "I don't know what I will do now..."
>emote finally looks at ~djafira again, but obviously doesn't seem to know what to say.
You have emoted: Emmaline finally looks at an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman again, but
obviously doesn't seem to know what to say.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman is quiet, too, and the Quiet Room
lives up to its name.
>think I feel bad for her, despite it all.
You think: I feel bad for her, despite it all.
>feel some empathy. Bad decisions can be a result of great pressure. Perhaps Djafira was experiencing a lot of pressure, and it burdened the better part of her soul.
You feel some empathy. Bad decisions can be a result of great pressure. Perhaps Djafira was
experiencing a lot of pressure, and it burdened the better part of her soul.
OOC: Your account has been awarded 1 Presence for developing a rich inner life as Emmaline.
>say (starting to speak, stopping, and starting again in a stuttery manner) Well -- if, well, your family --
Starting to speak, stopping, and starting again in a stuttery manner, you say, "Well -- if, well,
your family --"
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman studies you closely from her pathetic
slouch against the bars.
Heat waves shimmer across cloudless horizons as the sun marches inexorably across the sky.
>think What am I saying?
You think: What am I saying?
>say (collecting ~myself) If your family has disowned you, then you are free of their expectations for you.
Collecting yourself, you say, "If your family has disowned you, then you are free of their
expectations for you."
>say Free of their desires. You have only your own...
You say, "Free of their desires. You have only your own..."
>emote tilts her head, looking down through the bars at ~djafira solemnly. "What are your desires for yourself?"
You have emoted: Emmaline tilts her head, looking down through the bars at an athletic, dusky
-skinned young woman solemnly. "What are your desires for yourself?"
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman continues to stare at you, and finally
gives a slow and strange smile. It seems almost a confused expression, like a smile doesn't belong
on her face, but has found its way there nevertheless.
Inside the Quiet Room, quietly, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "I have wanted to join
the Lion Guard since I was a child."
>emote smiles a little back at ~djafira, and gives a small encouraging nod.
You have emoted: Emmaline smiles a little back at an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman, and gives
a small encouraging nod.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "My mother told me it was not a
suitable occupation for an upper class woman..."
>emote offers a half-shrug with her better arm. "You can follow your dreams now," she says to ~djafira, her tone sober despite the lingering smile.
You have emoted: Emmaline offers a half-shrug with her better arm. "You can follow your dreams now,"
she says to an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman, her tone sober despite the lingering smile.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman shakes her head in awe. "You are
right, Emmaline," she utters, with an amazed shine in her eyes. "This mistake has freed me."
>emote emits a surprised laugh, glancing around the cell bars between herself and ~djafira.
You have emoted: Emmaline emits a surprised laugh, glancing around the cell bars between herself and
an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman laughs suddenly at the irony in her
statement, raising a hand to indicate the prison cell around her, and then notices your similar
gesture. This provokes a broad and genuine grin.
Inside the Quiet Room, teeth flashing even as she speaks, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman
says, "We have shared laughter, Emmaline, and it is sweeter than your soup."
>emote nods slowly, her smile fading only halfway into seriousness.
You have emoted: Emmaline nods slowly, her smile fading only halfway into seriousness.
>feel a twinge of regret that ~I couldn't get the stew to Djafira in the cell.
You feel a twinge of regret that you couldn't get the stew to Djafira in the cell.
Heat waves shimmer across cloudless horizons as the sun marches inexorably across the sky.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "We are friends now."
>say (with a small gesture of ~mug) When you are released from here, we may share stew as well...
With a small gesture of a battered steel mug, you say, "When you are released from here, we may
share stew as well..."
OOC: Djafira has just recorded an impression of you: My first TRUE friend. Fate is funny, but I am
>emote 's smile fades fully into a soft-eyed blink, and she swallows.
You're faint from blood loss.
There is pain from your wound but there is some improvement.
You have emoted: Emmaline's smile fades fully into a soft-eyed blink, and she swallows.
OOC: Your account has been awarded 1 Presence for emoting today.
>feel a lump in ~my throat.
You feel a lump in your throat.
>think Friends? I...
You think: Friends? I...
>think (a warmth building inside ~my chest) I think I can be friends with Djafira. Now that I have seen her for who she truly is...
A warmth building inside your chest, you think: I think I can be friends with Djafira. Now that I
have seen her for who she truly is...
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman nods, her own eyes glimmering with
unshed tears. "I will not ask you to forgive me, Emmaline --" she starts.
>say (quickly) You are already forgiven.
Quickly, you say, "You are already forgiven."
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman stops, then rubs at her face again
with both hands, seeming overcome with emotion.
>think ... it feels good to know someone through and through, with their flaws and their follies, and accept friendship nonetheless, and extend forgiveness.
You think: ... it feels good to know someone through and through, with their flaws and their
follies, and accept friendship nonetheless, and extend forgiveness.
>feel content.
You feel content.
Inside the Quiet Room, voice muffled, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "It has been a
tumultous week, and I am realizing much -- about my future, and my -- my freedom. My family..."
Inside the Quiet Room, beginning to sound clearly overwhelmed even though her voice is still
muffled, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman says, "... I must rest, but it was pleasant to speak
with you, Emmaline, and I hope --"
>feel another twinge of pity for Djafira.
You feel another twinge of pity for Djafira.
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman seems unable to finish her sentence,
letting it die off into silence.
>emote nods at ~djafira through the cell bars. "I will visit you again another time," she offers softly. "Rest well..."
You have emoted: Emmaline nods at Djafira through the cell bars. "I will visit you again another
time," she offers softly. "Rest well..."
>say (decisively) my friend.
Decisively, you say, "My friend."
Inside the Quiet Room, an athletic, dusky-skinned young woman nods mutely, keeping both hands over
her face as she turns away from the bars.
>think It must be difficult, adjusting to a new mindset about everything... and losing one's family, which one had been struggling to please for so long...
You think: It must be difficult, adjusting to a new mindset about everything... and losing one's
family, which one had been struggling to please for so long...
>say Until next time.
You say, "Until next time."
>emote turns away from the bars as well, on her own side, and begins to walk back through the courtyard.
You have emoted: Emmaline turns away from the bars as well, on her own side, and begins to walk back
through the courtyard.
>relationship djafira impression She has taught me so much about this city. I hope we will be strong friends and allies in the free days to come.
You have added a new impression to your relationship with Djafira:
She has taught me so much about this city. I hope we will be strong friends and allies in the free
days to come.
You have earned some experience.
Beneath the scorching skies, you walk northwest.
[City of Omrazir, Customs Authority, East Courtyard]
Seagulls and starlings battle the tumult of human voices to add their shrieks to the general
cacophony of the interior court. Skirting the greater chaos visible beneath the central pavilion to
the west, smaller groups of people on mysterious errands duck in and out of the various doors that
open onto the yard from a covered portico on its east side. A group of customs guards loiters
outside the barracks building to the south, observing the commotion.
Deep puddles of rain threaten to flood the area. The blazing sun bakes the land in merciless heat.
Cardinal Exits: west and southeast
Other: a low archway, the junior barracks: barracks door (open), and a covered portico

A teal-blue waning gibbous sphere descends from the late morning.
There's no way in that direction to go.

Log session ending at 12:02:32 on Monday, 12 June 2023.