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| Unknown
| Unknown
|  Queens, bellmakers, platonic love
|  Queens, bellmakers, platonic love
| '''St. Hieronim'''
| Arghnamen
| the Hermit
| Mar 24
| Raziya
| Poets, sculptors, riddles, the Kalentian community of Omrazir
| '''St. Horis'''
| '''St. Horis'''

Revision as of 15:55, 25 January 2025

The Kalentoi Church honors numerous saints, holy men and women and virtuous martyrs who have devoted and often sacrificed their lives for the One God. Many Kalentians name their children for saints as well as praying to them as intermediaries between the faithful and God. Although many people owe their name to the saint on whose day their own birthday falls, the day itself mostly typically represents the day of the saint's death rather than birth. Saints' days are spread liberally across the Kalentoi calendar, and the personal days of the greater saints are often the occasion for festivals and fairs as well as for special religious observances at the local church.

Kalentic Saints

Canon Name Also Known As Epithet Saint's Day Origin Patronage
St. Barthomew San Bartolo the Underdog Abito 22 Cadenza Foot soldiers and guards, underdogs, street children, the city of Plomo
St. Chantal of the Fens Mar 6 Merouen Pathfinders, wild places, unmarried women
St. Demetrios San Demetrio the Messenger Vel 30 Cadenza Couriers, diplomats, apothecaries, the Grand Duchy of Cadenza
St. Elen Aedonika (the Nightingale) Reneca 1 Yashalen Sisterhood, siblings, bards, songbirds, suffering
St. Hollyberry Ilvius 20 Unknown Queens, bellmakers, platonic love
St. Hieronim Arghnamen the Hermit Mar 24 Raziya Poets, sculptors, riddles, the Kalentian community of Omrazir
St. Horis the Hardheaded Mar 24 Iskandria Muleteers, farriers, rhetoricians, lawyers
St. Korsik St. Ciarseagh Atronia 7 Kintairie Isles Pilgrims, tinsmiths
St. Lumis St. Loomis the Wayfarer Viducia 4 Unknown Travelers, sailors, chandlers, the Kingdom of Ensor
St. Sira St. Siraz the Flamekeeper Sylla 15 Rahoum/Irzal Lighthouse keepers, cooks, the city of Hagia Sira

Pages in category "Saints"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.