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[[Category:Crafting Commands]]

Revision as of 18:10, 13 February 2023


Crafting is the practice of making items and also of providing more refined materials with which to make items. Learning crafting skills will grant you new abilities to perform certain crafts. You can make unique custom items with the abilities granted by most crafting skills, but some sorts of crafting skills are primarily for the specialized gathering of natural resources, and these do not give you the opportunity to make customized products. There are further other sorts of crafting skills that are truly unique and work in their own specific ways. All crafting skills will allow you to produce a tradeable product in some fashion, and inhabit a specific needed niche in a given market.

Types of Crafting Skills

The following table will show what type of abilities are granted by which crafting skills.

CRAFTING SKILL Resource-Gathering Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Foraging: A person skilled at foraging will be able to find any sort of natural resource in any environment. Resource-Gathering
Herbalism: A herbalist has the ability to refine and modify plant material to produce a variety of products, often with medicinal uses. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making
Cooking: This skill governs the crafting of edible and drinkable foods or drinks. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Hunting: This skill grants the ability to track down animals in their natural habitat and specialized abilities for finishing off small prey. Resource-Gathering
Mining: A miner can mine ore and deposits with a pickaxe, or quarry for larger blocks of stone with quarrying tools. Resource-Gathering
Fishing: This skill is for catching fish in a variety of different ways. Resource-Gathering
Horticulture: This skill is for the caretaking and harvest of live plants. Resource-Gathering
Butchering: A butcher is skilled at harvesting deceased animals. Resource-Gathering
Construction: A skilled crafter of constructs can build all manner of unique dwellings by utilizing items crafted by others. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making
Painting: A painter is an artist, most often using canvas, whose works always tend to be unique. However, a painter can also paint on other existing objects. Resource-Manipulation Custom-Product-Making
Sculpting: A sculptor turns blocks of stone into sculpted objects, from bowls to statues. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Tailoring: This skill governs the sewing of clothes. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Leatherworking: This skill governs the tanning of hides into useable leather and the working of leather into materials for further crafting as well as functional tools and equipment. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Smithing: This skill governs the refining of raw ore into useable ingots of metal, and the forging of metal into materials for further crafting as well as functional tools and equipment. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Logging: A logger is able to locate and fell prime lumber as well as turning raw wood material into useful planks or blocks for a carpenter. Resource-Gathering Resource-Manipulation
Bowyering: A bowyer makes bows and other sorts of hand-held string-or-strap-based ranged weapons. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Weaving: A weaver makes and dyes textiles, and can also make items such as rope or wicker from raw materials, and also can make baskets and wicker furniture. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Luthiery: A luthier makes instruments, and to a degree can design the quality of sound made by the instrument when played. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Jewelcrafting: This skill governs the minute forging of jewels and precious metals, along with bone and other less-precious-items, into items of jewelry to be worn. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Glassworking: This skill governs the making of lamps, windows, spectacles, and lenses for the use of other crafters. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Tinkering: A tinkerer is particularly good at taking existing things apart and putting them back together; most often helpful in terms of making repairs or salvaging materials. Resource-Manipulation
Carpentry: This crafting skill is for carving furniture, tools, and other materials such as poles and hooks, out of wood. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Pottery: A skilled potter can make ceramic figures, clayware receptacles, and various bricks to be used in construction. Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Engineering: An engineer deals in mechanisms of all sorts. It's a somewhat mysterious crafting skill that is still a mostly-unexplored technological frontier in the world, except for siege engines, which are fairly well-known. Resource-Manipulation Generic-Product-Making Custom-Product-Making
Animal Husbandry: This skill governs the caretaking and harvesting of live animals. Resource-Gathering Resource-Manipulation