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The Province of Marzum
Allegiance Sirdabi Caliphate
Capital Qaysum
Governor Hanbal ibn Shahnour
Demonym Marzumite
Official Language Sirdabi
Official Religion Azadi
Currency fals/dirham/nour
Native Heritages Sirdabi

The province of Marzum is a mountainous strip of land south of Rahoum, a place whose rich history far surpasses the narrow borders of its coastal plain. Grain and fruit abound in that slender strip of fertile ground, while the great incense routes wind through the hills and valleys bringing exotic scents to the great port of Qaysum and the lands of the Sea of Salaah that washes the province's shores. Proud of their storied past, yet deeply invested in the present prosperity of the Sirdabi Caliphate, the people of Marzum cherish the famous sites from their history while pursuing new opportunities in commerce and foreign relations.

Geography & Climate

Marzum Province, Sirdabi Caliphate




Cities & Towns

Points of Interest