Jinni Queen (Zodiac)

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The Jinni Queen is the third sign in the Avarian zodiac. It is the birth sign for the month of Jinniyah.

The Jinni Queen
Month Jinniyah
Ruling Element Fire
Ruling Planet Maysa (evening star)
Modality Dissonant
Ruling Trait Command
Keywords Passionate, strong-willed, dedicated, pride, vindictive, command


Those born under the sign of the Jinni Queen tend to be strong-willed and passionate, with the confidence to tackle challenges head-on. They can also, however, be arrogant and vindictive. At their best they make strong leaders with a passionate if somewhat abstract care for those they lead; at worst they can readily fall in love with power for its own sake.

Jinni Queens have a commanding and indeed often domineering character, and while they prefer that people follow them out of respect, or agreement with their goals, they do not mind inspiring fear instead. Despite all this the Jinni Queen is not truly immoral by nature, and it is at least as often motivated by high ideals as base ones -- even if the means it uses in fulfilling its ideals can leave something to be desired. Jinni Queens are excellent leaders in times of crisis, using their immense will and fiery drive to spur themselves and others to overcome great odds. They also have scant regard for material things or comfort, and find it disconcertingly easy to make great sacrifices to achieve their goals -- and feel few qualms in getting others make them as well.

The Jinni Queen is capable of feeling great emotional and physical passion for others, but at the same time distrusts the relinquishing of control that comes with giving in to them. This means that they can spend their life in an uncomfortable back-and-forth of yielding to their desires in the moment and regretting them later, and they may back out of a relationship in more haste than they fell into it. This can make them difficult to form long-term romantic relationships with. Nevertheless their actual feelings are not so fickle, and they may maintain strong emotional attachments even as they strive to keep themselves at a distance.

The Dissonant Jinni Queen

The "reactive" tendencies of Jinni appear less than those of other dissonant signs, because they are most often reacting to their own internal ideas and emotions and so what they are truly responding to is not apparent to others. They seldom are observed in a moment of indecision, as they have usually wrestled internally with all sides of any matter at some length, so that by the time the moment of decision comes they are already prepared to act. They can be volatile emotionally, and feel both positive and negative emotions quite powerfully.

The Queen of Jinn in the Heavens

In the night sky, the Queen of Jinn is a snaking line of eight stars with two slightly outstretched arms, one raised and the other lowered. The lowered arm consists of three stars, the raised arm of only two, but the hand of the raised arm is the brightest star in the constellation, the very noticeable yellowish star Umtaz. It is best seen in the winter, reaching its zenith in the tenth month of Alkhila.