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A huge variety of different weapon types and individual weapons may be used in Avaria. Each particular weapon comes with its own style, drawbacks, abilities, and general intricacies. A heavier weapon will generally be slower to swing. A lighter weapon will be quicker and allow you to riposte, but perhaps fail to deal the intensive damage that, say, a two-handed battleaxe might regularly be capable of inflicting.

You can STUDY all weapons that you're holding in order to get a fairly good understanding of their physical traits, but you will need to learn how to use a weapon -- in other words, to invest points in its related skill -- to truly comprehend its abilities. As you learn and improve your skill with a weapon, you will gradually gain abilities that unlock moves you can use in combat. Some moves will be passive, others will be wind-up moves in order to prepare for other moves, and still others will be very powerful combat-finishers.

Weapon Types

Weapon Type Description Primary Associated Stat(s)
Blowguns Projectile weapons from the tropical forests of Idiri. Finesse
Bolas Ranged weapons used to incapacitate a target. Finesse, Strength
Boomerang Wooden ranged weapons from the Desert of Fallen Stars. Finesse, Strength
Flails Peasant flails, ball-and-chains, etc. Strength
Heavy Swords Broadswords, etc. Strength
Javelins Skill in throwing spears, including light javelins and assegais. Finesse, Strength
Knives Daggers, stilettos, khanjars, and other short blades for close and stealthy combat. Finesse
Light Swords Leaf-blade swords, flyssas, cutlasses, rapiers, etc. Strength or Finesse
Medium Swords Scimitars, sabers, shotels, etc. Strength or Finesse
One-Handed Axes Small battlaxes, horsemen's axes, etc. Strength
One-Handed Maces Small flanged, spiked, and ball maces; war hammers, etc. Strength
Polearms Heavy spears, pikes, glaives, halberds, etc. Strength
Slings Slings and slingshots. Finesse
Staves Quarterstaves, donga, canes, etc. Strength or Finesse
Two-Handed Axes Large battleaxes. Strength
Two-Handed Maces Large flanged and spiked maces. Strength
Two-Handed Swords Greatswords, flamberges, etc. Strength
Whips Bullwhips, sjamboks, etc. Finesse