Porpoise (Zodiac)

From Avaria
Revision as of 16:12, 23 August 2024 by Aleph (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Porpoise''' is the fifth sign in the Avarian zodiac. It is the birth sign for the month of Lemnis. {| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 20px;" |+'''The Porpoise''' |- |'''Month''' |Lemnis |- |'''Ruling Element''' |Water |- |'''Ruling Planet''' |Celeiri |- |'''Modality''' |Resolute |- |'''Ruling Trait''' |Grace |- |'''Keywords''' |Playful, kind, diplomatic, superficial, altruistic, articulate, avoidant |} ==Description== The Porpoise is a good-he...")
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The Porpoise is the fifth sign in the Avarian zodiac. It is the birth sign for the month of Lemnis.

The Porpoise
Month Lemnis
Ruling Element Water
Ruling Planet Celeiri
Modality Resolute
Ruling Trait Grace
Keywords Playful, kind, diplomatic, superficial, altruistic, articulate, avoidant


The Porpoise is a good-hearted and empathetic sign, quick to make friends and happy to adapt itself to its immediate company. Porpoises generally get along well with others and are good at helping people to find common ground with one another. They make excellent diplomats and are willing to give as well as to take, demonstrating an innate intuition of what a situation requires in order to make all parties cooperative and comfortable. Perhaps this is because they like comfort themselves, both material and psychological. They prefer to avoid challenges and discomfort where they can, but when pressed can prove themselves capable of rising to the occasion.

Porpoises have a great sense of fun, and love games, wordplay, and jokes. Although some are quite athletic, they generally have little interest in sports as they prefer cooperation to competition. Instead they like activites where they can be in unison with others, such as dancing. They can also be practical jokesters whose pranks are not always appreciated by others, but thankfully their innate empathy helps moderate any real malice. Sometimes Porpoises are accused by the other signs of not taking anything seriously enough, but this is hardly the case. Porpoises simply feel that life should be enjoyed as best one can manage despite hardships and hurdles, and they prefer to find the best in people and situations rather than dwelling on the negative or being frustrated by things they cannot change.

Porpoises have a highly fluid nature, able to adapt themselves to the circumstances and company at hand. Though sometimes this might make them seem two-faced or driven by expediency, they simply find it easy to step into another person's shoes and have a natural preference to go with the flow rather than making waves. Some Porpoises may, however, find it hard to set boundaries or tell people no, and may at times feel uncertain as to who they really are or what they truly want. They also can find themselves with a multitude of superficial friendships, while lacking in close companions with whom they feel safe and accepted enough to truly be themselves. Underneath the cheerful demeanor many Porpoises are sensitive souls, who fear being set aside by others if they ever stop trying to be all things to all people.

=The Resolute Porpoise

The Porpoise's resolution is emotional and social, and manifests in the ease through which it brings people together and harmonizes conflicting interests. It is excellent at sensing opportunities for collaboration and compromise, and its easy-going and balanced nature helps it to set aside its own self-interest in the goal of bringing others into harmony. Its sense of fun and ability not to take itself too seriously also balance well with the earnestness it brings to bear on its goals.

The Porpose in the Heavens

The Porpoise is a simple but bright constellation, consisting of a triangular trio of stars for its body and an additional two stars for its tail. It gives the impression of leaping out from the horizon, and plunging back beneath it again on the opposite side of the sky. It is best seen in the spring, reaching its zenith in the twelfth month of Rashani.