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The Salawi are coastal peoples from northeastern Idiri, their society blending local Idiri with Sirdabi customs to make a distinctive culture that has only grown and thrived since the days of the early caliphate.

The prosperity of the Salawi derives chiefly from maritime trade with southwest Riendu and the demicontinent of Jalanjhur, and many of them live in bustling commercial cities built directly on the coast or upon clusters of islands just offshore. Further into the interior, pastoral life in small village communities is common, and many people also work in the mines that provide the region's famed high-quality iron. They have an enterprising independent spirit, and are the pre-eminent sailors and shipbuilders of the Sirdabi Caliphate.


Salawi typically have very dark complexions ranging all the way from a deep chocolate brown to a lustrous blue-black, with tightly curled to kinky hair. Their eyes may be a range of browns, including deep gold and amber. They are commonly tall and lanky, the women with willowy frames and the men with musculature more wiry than bulky.



The native language of Salawi is called simply Salawi. Despite being a distinctly Idiri language, it has incorporated a number of Sirdabi loan words over the centuries, and it is also written in the Sirdabi script. As citizens of the Sirdabi Caliphate, the vast majority of Salawi also speak Sirdabi itself. It is not uncommon for Salawi sailors and merchants also to speak some Jalanit; familiarity with this tongue is especially widespread in the southern city of Laascana. Basic literacy is widespread among Salawi, with city dwellers generally boasting more sophisticated reading and writing ability than rural or village populations.


In their homeland of Zalawi, the Salawi historically lived in city-states which competed fiercely among one other for power, prestige, and trade. While this era ended when these smaller states united as a province of the Sirdabi Caliphate, most Salawi retain a highly competitive spirit, usually (though not always) tempered by a strong sense of fun. Games and competitions of all kinds are extremely popular throughout Zalawi, as much in the interior village communities as the urban population of the coast. Salawi have an especially great love for dice games, which they often use to while away long hours at sea or in port.