Strait of Sorrows

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The Strait of Sorrows separates northeastern Idiri from the southern shore of Ruleska, and joins the Adelantean Sea with the Gulf of Adwa. It forms the northern border of the Sirdabi province of Raziya and the southern limit of the Archduchy of Cadenza. Navigation through the strait can be challenging due to the strong currents and unpredictable weather, but nevertheless it is a key artery for trade between the lands around the Adelantean and those of the Sea of Salaah. It is also an excellent fishery, its waters rich with nutrients from the confluence of cold Adelantean currents and the warm waters of the tropics.

The north Idiri city of Omrazir and its port of al-Sakhna are the chief harborages off the strait, while San Demetrio in Cadenza is the most prominent city on the Ruleskan side of the water.