Eagle (Zodiac)

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The Eagle is the tenth sign in the Avarian zodiac. It is the birth sign for the month of Alkhila.

The Eagle
Month Alkhila
Ruling Element Air
Ruling Planet Nuru
Modality Consonant
Ruling Trait Magnetism
Keywords Adventurous, idealistic, reckless, ego, charisma, larger-than-life


Eagles sometimes seem like an irresistible force of nature. They often have a noble and high-minded outlook and tend to be quite principled -- although their principles can at times be skewed by their ego and a disinclination to admit when they might be in the wrong. They are generous to their friends and magnanimous to vanquished enemies, and have a certain presence that inspires others to look up to and follow them. It is not always a safe thing to follow an Eagle, however, as they can be reckless in the pursuit of their goals and can sometimes believe in their plans and themselves to the point of delusion.

Highly sociable, Eagles are not always empathetic or considerate. They require the presence of others, gathering around them those who will admire them and follow their lead. They have a need to be looked up to, which can manifest positively in a role as mentor or teacher, or negatively as egomanic despots. Eagles do not always consciously manipulate others, but their personality and their demands can be so persuasive or overwhelming that many people simply find themselves going along with whatever the Eagle wants regardless of their own personal inclinations.

Eagles are often "ideas people" who become convinced that their ideas will change the world -- for the better, of course. Though less intellectually inclined than the other air signs, the Eagle nevertheless is continually coming up with brand new schemes for change and improvement, and it is always eager to share them and gain support to carry them out. They tend to believe that what they want is what everyone else wants too, and do not typically take advice well since they also know best. It takes a heroic feat to convince an Eagle that it is wrong. Luckily they have good instincts, often relying on intuition (or luck) rather than logic, but when this fails the consequences of their own self-delusion can be both dramatic and long-lasting.

The Consonant Eagle

At its best the Eagle is a dynamic and inspiring leader, spurring those around them to accomplish things which they might never have even dreamt of otherwise. Eagles are highly driven in all they do, and can make superb rulers and commanders, as well as religious leaders and prophets. With their magnetic personalities and powerful presence, they possess that rare gift of making other people feel special simply by association. Unfortunately Eagles are prone to falling for their own charm and self-promotion, often developing outsize egos and convincing themselves of their own righteousness and invincibility.

The Eagle in the Heavens

The Eagle is a constellation of twelve stars that form the soaring raptor's outspread wings and head. It is a fairly dim constellation overall, most easily located by the two brighter blue-tinged stars, Behzad and Shahrokh, that make up the right wingtip and the bend in the left wing, respectively. The Eagle is best seen in the fall, reaching its zenith in the fifth month of Lemnis.