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There are twelve constellations in the zodiac, one presiding over each month of the Avarian year. Each is associated with a particular ruling element, planet, metal, and modality, and exerts its own defining influence over those born beneath its sign. The zodiac constellations follow the line of the ecliptic, dipping above and back below the horizon with the procession of the night and the changing seasons. As sun signs, the signs of the zodiac represent the constellation in which the sun happened to be located in at the time of a person's birth.


The ruling element of a sign is that which most directly relates to or characterizes the sign's essential personality. The four classical elements of the zodiac are water, air, fire, and earth.


Keywords: Emotional, intuitive, profound, artistic, responsive.

Water signs have a deep and emotional nature, whose sensibilities may flow out naturally into their relationships with other people, or into works of creativity. Their character is highly fluid, often shifting with the demands of the moment or the people around them, but underneath their responsive surface their thoughts and feelings can be quite profound.

The water signs are the Peacock, Porpoise, and Pearl Diver.


Keywords: Idea-oriented, communicative, perceptive, restless, mercurial. Air signs are the mental acrobats of the zodiac, leaping zestfully from one idea or project to the next. Even when physically still their minds are seldom at rest, and they cannot resist sharing the fruits of their mental energy with others. They love new ideas, new experiences, and new acquaintances, and if these are lacking they will come up with something new themselves.

The air signs are the Sunspider, Archer, and Eagle.


Keywords: Passionate, proud, willful, unpredictable, intense. Fire signs simmer with passion and vitality, but the fires of their inner nature may just as likely be carefully banked as blazing. They have a strong sense of who they are and what they want, and can sometimes burn others who stand in their way or simply get too close. They have intense natures and feel things strongly, whether it is a slight to their pride or love for those who can withstand their heat.

The fire signs are the Jinni Queen, Eye, and Leopard.


Keywords: Grounded, sensual, hard-headed, vigorous, natural. Earth signs present themselves exactly how they are, having little interest or patience in artifice. They tend to tackle both problems and projects with vigor and pragmatism, though occasionally their hard-headed stubbornness can can lead them astray. With their feet set solidly on the ground, they are people who can be depended on.

The earth signs are the Shield, Badger, and Gryphon.


The modality of a sign indicates the fundamental manner in which it resonates with the Song. This affects how it tends to act and react, approach problems, and deal with other people, besides influencing the general tenor of its temperament. The three modalities are consonant, dissonant, and resolute.


Keywords: Driven, consistent, willful, single-minded, proactive.

Consonant signs are the active and strong-willed signs of the zodiac -- sometimes to the point of being stubborn and inflexible. They have driven and dynamic personalities and typically prefer to lead rather than follow, or to simply go their own headstrong way. They excel in situations where energy, focus, and singleness of purpose can lead them to victory.

The consonant signs are the Peacock, Shield, Eye, and Eagle.


Keywords: Changeable, adaptable, contradictory, unpredictable, reactive.

Dissonant signs tend to be the more reactive and sensitive signs of the zodiac, which can give them great flexibility and empathy but can also make them vacillating and contradictory. They are less inclined than other signs to be the initiators of action or relationships, but are not truly passive nor necessarily followers. They are quite adaptable to changing needs and circumstances and find it easier to change course than other signs.

The dissonant signs are the Jinni Queen, Archer, Pearl Diver, and Gryphon.


Keywords: Ingenious, unconventional, original, strength in flexibility.

The term "resolute" does not apply to resolve in the sense of a fixed determination; rather, it implies the ability to resolve seemingly conflicting or opposed strains of thought, opinion, or action. Resolute signs often have a slightly unconventional mindset that allows them to devise innovative solutions to problems of all kinds. Original as they tend to be, resolute signs are sometimes misunderstood by other signs in the zodiac.

The resolute signs are the Sunspider, Porpoise, Badger, and Leopard.

Signs of the Zodiac

Sign Month Ruling Element Modality Ruling Planet Metal Affinity Ruling Trait
Peacock Pavana Water Consonant Niota Pewter Finesse
Sunspider Ashbat Air Resolute Salesh Saramite Logic
Jinni Queen Jinniyah Fire Dissonant Maysa (evening star) Copper Command
Shield Jirguz Earth Consonant Sun Adamantine Endurance
Porpoise Lemnis Water Resolute Celeiri Tin Grace
Archer Azana Air Dissonant Salesh Bronze Acuity
Eye Kholabi Fire Consonant Alharat Lead Will
Badger Oniris Earth Resolute Alharat Agonel Constitution
Pearl Diver Darshali Water Dissonant Celeiri Silver Intuition
Eagle Alkhila Air Consonant Nuru Gold Magnetism
Leopard Nimrus Fire Resolute Maysa (morning star) Lusine Composure
Gryphon Rashani Earth Dissonant Nthanda Iron Strength