Eye (Zodiac)

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The Eye is the seventh sign in the Avarian zodiac. It is the birth sign for the month of Kholabi.

The Eye
Month Kholabi
Ruling Element Fire
Ruling Planet Alharat
Modality Consonant
Ruling Trait Will
Keywords Secretive, mystical, patient, strategic, control, intense


The most mystical and secretive of signs, the Eye is perhaps the great enigma of the zodiac. Often smooth and placid on the surface, it can be very difficult to tell just what lies behind the Eye's penetrating gaze. It is deeply strategic and patient almost to a fault, capable of laying out and following plans which may not come to fruition for months or years. While sometimes this may render the Eye ineffectual and make it seem passive or even helpless in the face of immediate events, it is in fact a deeply driven sign that can be a force to be reckoned with.

The Eye is a surpassingly discreet personality, to the point sometimes of obsessive secrecy. It will not divulge its secrets save under the most extreme pressure, even if self-interest might favor revealing them, for while it very much likes to observe others, it dislikes having the same scrutiny turned back upon itself. The Eye likes to look its best at all times and so may appear materialistic or superficial, but this stems less from vanity than from the Eye's eternal desire to manage its appearance in such a way that whatever imperfections or eccentricities lie below the surface remain hidden. It may be relied upon to keep other people's secrets nearly as well as its own -- though it may use them for its own purposes at the same time.

An Eye will confront direct opposition without batting a lash, but they find mockery and scorn -- not being taking seriously -- much harder. Sometimes an Eye's apparent passivity can become a reality when it becomes too caught up in waiting for its schemes to play out. It has difficulty in being spontaneous or executing quick actions or decisions, and does not like to take one step without having the next dozen already planned out. The Eye often feels alone and misunderstood by others -- not without reason, but it is the Eye's own inordinate secrecy that makes this so. If it ever finds someone it can trust it can prove itself a deeply dedicated friend or lover, but it may be a deeply controlling one as well if it seeks to devise sweeping new plans for its loved ones' lives.

The Consonant Eye

The Eye is so patient and still that its consonant nature can be difficult to perceive -- as with most other things about it. Despite that, it is perhaps the most deeply driven of all the signs, possessing enough patience and strength of mind to persist in intricate plans for years or decades. The Eye is in it for the long game. Though its fondest schemes might take years to come to fruition, yet the Eye will not falter in the pursuits of its ends. Eyes are sometimes accused of being irrational or working contrary to their own self-interest, but this is only because the gaze of the Eye is fixed much farther forward than that of the other signs. They are not like Jinni in being indifferent to discomfort or hardship, but are simply aware of the fact that they may need to endure difficulties and discomforts in the present in order to achieve their goals for the future -- and this they are determined to do.

The Eye in the Heavens

The Eye constellation consists of six stars that form the line of its upper lid and collection of seven densely clustered stars that make up the Pupil. None of the stars in the eyelid are more than moderately bright, so the star cluster is the most distinctive part of the constellation. Its brightness varies month to month and year to year, not very predictably, but it seems to reach its maximum brightness about every eleven years. The Eye is best seen in the summer, reaching its zenith in the second month of Ashbat.