Flee command

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The FLEE command is an attempt to escape combat by running away. In order to get completely away from a fight, there are three steps you must successfully take. First, you will first need to get away from anyone near you that is hostile. Then you will need to leave the room. Finally, you will have to get out of line of sight from anyone that is trying to attack you. Using FLEE will help you accomplish that, step-by-step, until you have left the fight.

If you're not actually running away but are even more scared and horrified, you can also FREEZE. Or if you're distractedly not paying attention you can even DAYDREAM. You're encouraged to use the optional emote capacity of all of these commands.


FLEE <emote>
>flee emote rapidly backs off and tries to run away!

FREEZE [emote]
DAYDREAM [emote]


  • Remember, playing Song of Avaria isn't always about winning, but rather about telling a compelling story! It's okay to FREEZE if that's what your character would do. You can even DAYDREAM, if your character is too distracted to pay attention to an opponent's moves.
  • Both freezing and daydreaming will negatively impact any of your character's dice rolls, until your next turn.

See also