According to local legend, the Gargut-Ammat is a great crocodile-like creature that makes its home in the River Tamarat of Amunat. The Gargut-Ammat is said to be at least three times as large as the average (already overly large) Tamarat crocodile, yet its size is not what makes it marvelous. It is said to have swallowed entire villages full of people, and indeed entire peoples, who no longer exist on the face of the earth. However it is said that a new race of people actually dwells within the belly of Gargut-Ammat, which in fact contains a vast world full of the things that it has devoured since time immemorial, as well as great cities built by the people who now live there. The creature's scales shine like mirrors, and in them it is said that one can catch glimpses of the world inside, and the many things which the creature has swallowed (although one is not likely to enjoy this view for long). Although Gargut-Ammat's appetite is voracious, it needs only be satisfied at long intervals, but at these times no person or village is safe.
Gargut-Ammat is also known as the Great Devourer and the Swallower of Worlds.