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| Clothing
| Clothing
| A simple cloak or mantle, generally worn by men of the Sirdabi Caliphate.
| A simple cloak or mantle, generally worn by men of the Sirdabi Caliphate.
| '''Bhang'''
| Drugs
| Cannabis in liquid form, often mixed with milk and sometimes flavored. Popular among the lower classes of Omrazir.
| '''Breel'''
| Food & Drink
| The meat from a bruul.
| '''Bruul'''
| '''Bruul'''
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| Music
| Music
| A bard of the Bissenke peoples of northwestern Idiri, whose influential social role is a combination of musician, storyteller, historian, and genealogist.
| A bard of the Bissenke peoples of northwestern Idiri, whose influential social role is a combination of musician, storyteller, historian, and genealogist.
| '''Groum'''
| Food & Drink
| A fermented fish sauce commonly used in Ifru.
| '''Hashish'''
| Drugs
| Cannabis in smokable form, often smoked from a hookah. Popular among the middle and upper classes of the Sirdabi Caliphate.
| '''Heqet'''
| Food & Drink
| Amunati beer, brewed from emmer wheat or barley.
| '''Jembe'''
| '''Jembe'''
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| Music
| Music
| A complex hybrid string instrument with characteristics of both lute and harp, plucked with the fingers. It features a large body made from cowhide stretched over a calabash, and 22 strings on a long hardwood neck. It is the characteristic instrument of the Bissenke griot.
| A complex hybrid string instrument with characteristics of both lute and harp, plucked with the fingers. It features a large body made from cowhide stretched over a calabash, and 22 strings on a long hardwood neck. It is the characteristic instrument of the Bissenke griot.
| Clothing
| A simple length of generally water-resistant woolen fabric that is worn wrapped around the upper body, draped loosely or belted at the waist. It can be plain or woven in a plaid. A similar garment original to [[Marzum]] is called a marzuq.
| Clothing
| A simple length of generally water-resistant woolen fabric that is worn wrapped around the upper body, or sometimes draped loosely in a toga-like manner. It can be plain or may have an embroidered band along one edge. A similar garment common to parts of [[Ensor]] is called a lummie.
| '''Mizado'''
| '''Mizado'''
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| Music
| Music
| A bowed string instrument with a long neck and small rounded body, often with a spike at the bottom so that it may easily be played upright and resting on the ground. It may have one, two, or three strings, and has a very limited but haunting range. Simple versions are popular among the nomadic tribes of Rahoum.
| A bowed string instrument with a long neck and small rounded body, often with a spike at the bottom so that it may easily be played upright and resting on the ground. It may have one, two, or three strings, and has a very limited but haunting range. Simple versions are popular among the nomadic tribes of Rahoum.
| '''Qat'''
| Drugs
| The mildly stimulating leaves of the qat plant, usually chewed.
| '''Sayyid/a'''
| '''Sayyid/a'''
| Titles
| Titles
| A polite form of address, like "Mr." or "Mrs.", or "Master" or "Madam".
| A polite form of address, like "Mr." or "Mrs.", or "Master" or "Madam".
| '''Seraphim'''
| Drugs
| A powdery drug of uncertain origin that can be snorted directly, or burnt and the smoke inhaled. Creates euphoria and a sense of buoyancy.
| '''Sirwaal'''
| '''Sirwaal'''

Latest revision as of 16:41, 31 January 2024

Term Category Definition
Abaya Clothing A cloak, mantle, or wrapper worn by women of the Sirdabi Caliphate. It can be plain colored, in dark or light hues, or it may be brightly colored and patterned, or feature trim and braid. It may be worn wrapped around the shoulders or, for greater modesty, draped from the crown.
Amza Music A one-string fiddle typically played by Tessouare women to accompany men reciting poetry, and occasionally vice-versa.
Barracan Clothing A thick, strong wool made from camel hair.
Bey Titles The governor of a Sirdabi province.
Bimaristan Architecture A hospital of the Sirdabi Caliphate, established from charity and serving all classes of society.
Bisht Clothing A simple cloak or mantle, generally worn by men of the Sirdabi Caliphate.
Bhang Drugs Cannabis in liquid form, often mixed with milk and sometimes flavored. Popular among the lower classes of Omrazir.
Breel Food & Drink The meat from a bruul.
Bruul Animals A gnu-like ungulate revered among the Amunati and roundly despised everywhere else. Nevertheless widely raised for meat, milk, and hide.
Burnoose Clothing A long hooded robe commonly worn in northern Idiri.
Caliph Titles The leader of the Sirdabi Caliphate and guardian of the Azadi faith. Considered the successor to the Prophet Azad but functionally more a secular figure than a religious one.
Caravanserai Architecture A lodging place for travelers throughout the Sirdabi Caliphate, generally consisting of one or more levels of rooms arranged around a central courtyard. The word khan may also be used to specifically refer to a caravanserai in an urban setting.
Emir/a Titles The chief functionary of an emirate, generally equivalent to a king or a queen.
Emirate Government A semi-sovereign principality under the ultimate authority of the Sirdabi Caliphate, such as Koumbasi or Eladje. The ruler of an emirate is an emir or emira.
Griot Music A bard of the Bissenke peoples of northwestern Idiri, whose influential social role is a combination of musician, storyteller, historian, and genealogist.
Groum Food & Drink A fermented fish sauce commonly used in Ifru.
Hashish Drugs Cannabis in smokable form, often smoked from a hookah. Popular among the middle and upper classes of the Sirdabi Caliphate.
Heqet Food & Drink Amunati beer, brewed from emmer wheat or barley.
Jembe Music A skin-covered goblet drum of northwestern Idiri, tuned with ropes and played with the hands.
Kaftan Clothing A full-length, collarless tunic shaped lightly to the body, worn by both men and women.
Kaiostauros Religion The flame curled around a stake which is the chief emblem of the Kalentic faith.
Kalentian Religion A member of the Kalentic faith, worshiping the One True God and regarding Kalen as ultimate prophet and divine son.
Kemenche Music A bowed string instrument with three strings and a pear- or paddle-shaped body. Usually played resting upright on the musician's knee, or sometimes on the ground. Particularly popular in Irzal.
Khuffs Clothing Soft leather slipper-shoes.
Kofia Clothing A flat-crowned, brimless cap worn by Salawi men.
Kora Music A complex hybrid string instrument with characteristics of both lute and harp, plucked with the fingers. It features a large body made from cowhide stretched over a calabash, and 22 strings on a long hardwood neck. It is the characteristic instrument of the Bissenke griot.
Lummie Clothing A simple length of generally water-resistant woolen fabric that is worn wrapped around the upper body, draped loosely or belted at the waist. It can be plain or woven in a plaid. A similar garment original to Marzum is called a marzuq.
Marzuq Clothing A simple length of generally water-resistant woolen fabric that is worn wrapped around the upper body, or sometimes draped loosely in a toga-like manner. It can be plain or may have an embroidered band along one edge. A similar garment common to parts of Ensor is called a lummie.
Mizado People A person of mixed Cateni and Sirdabi heritage, native to Cadenza. Most follow the Azadi faith.
Mizmar Music A conical-bore, double-reed woodwind instrument especially popular in northern Idiri.
Mizuda Clothing A small leather or woven pouch or bag, decorated with beads, shells, tassels, applique, or other adornments, used for storing a variety of small objects from money to herbs. Used by both men and women.
Ney Music An end-blown flute widely played throughout the Sirdabi Caliphate. It may have either five or six holes in the front, and a single thumb hole in back. It can be made from a reed or from various types of wood.
Olliwag Animals A cat-sized omnivore with large dark eyes, tufted ears, and a long banded tail. It makes its home in cliffsides, amidst boulders, or in stony hills, and has a marked propensity to steal stray objects and hoard them in its den. Different species are found around the Adelantean basin.
Oud Music A short-necked, fretless lute of Sirdabi lands. It most typically has eleven strings grouped in six courses, and it is played using a wooden plectrum.
Rebab Music A bowed string instrument with a long neck and small rounded body, often with a spike at the bottom so that it may easily be played upright and resting on the ground. It may have one, two, or three strings, and has a very limited but haunting range. Simple versions are popular among the nomadic tribes of Rahoum.
Qat Drugs The mildly stimulating leaves of the qat plant, usually chewed.
Sayyid/a Titles A polite form of address, like "Mr." or "Mrs.", or "Master" or "Madam".
Seraphim Drugs A powdery drug of uncertain origin that can be snorted directly, or burnt and the smoke inhaled. Creates euphoria and a sense of buoyancy.
Sirwaal Clothing Capacious long pants with a sash to draw in the waistline, worn by both men and women. Generally synonymous with pantaloons.
Thawb Clothing For men, a calf- or ankle-length shirt-like garment with long sleeves and a standing collar. For women, a capacious overdress usually featuring full flowing sleeves.