Great Thirsty Mountains

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The Great Thirsty Mountains are a small mountain range in northeastern Idiri forming the border between the Sirdabi provinces of Raziya and Zalawi. Despite receiving moderate rainfall from the monsoon winds off the Sea of Sala'ah, the mountains are extremely arid and little grows there besides scattered grasses and scrub. In fact, most of the rain that falls swiftly disappears into the numerous cracks and crevices that riddle the limestone range, feeding a handful of local springs and, most importantly, the River Tamrasset. Although the vegetation is sparse, in many places the mountains are vibrant with color from the lichens that grow abundantly on the bare craggy rock.

A single route, the Trail of Thirst, leads through the mountains to connect the Raziyan port town of El Gedz with the Zalawi village Maleah. Although the distance is not overly great and the seasonal Alouzi Spring is located near the midway point, it is a dangerously harsh route during most times of the year and is not well traveled.