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When first creating your character, you will have a chance to describe their personality -- obviously a key component of who the character is and how you imagine playing them. The personality profile should paint a broad picture of what a character is like, what moves and motivates them, how they come across to others, and any other details that you think are fundamental to describe who they really are. If the character behaves one way in public but secretly is a very different person, that is also a useful thing to note here. It's not necessary to delve into extreme detail on their every motivation or quirk, but their profile should give a good idea of how the character tends to act and react. A character's personality profile is only visible to staff, and may be used to help tailor interactions with them.


Arezou Rufsahni

Long accustomed to his position as one of the greatest poets in the caliphate, Rufsahni has a strong sense of his own importance and can come off at times as pompous and grandiose. But this perhaps excessive sense of self-regard is tempered by a genuine interest in other people, particularly those who excite his curiosity or compassion. He has a shrewd nature but can be swayed by flattery, and though neither a cruel nor an intolerant man, he is capable of furious grudges against those whom he feels have dishonored him or threatened either his own reputation or that of his beloved Poets' Guild. Whatever else he may be, he is known for being as generous with his time and interest as with his money.

Jumaane Andobu

Jumaane is young man with an amiable bearing and a ceaseless enthusiasm for new experiences. A little on the mercurial side, he can be superbly meticulous and exacting when it suits him but is sloppy and distractable when bored. Unfortunately for Jumaane, boredom comes to him easily and in a way that is often incomprehensible to his exasperated colleagues. Capable of watching the play of light and color off the sea for hours, or contentedly daydreaming while waiting for something to happen, it's having to actually do and think about the same things over and over again that bores him to tears, and he's always jumping from one job to the next, leaving whenever something more interesting comes his way. Good humor and a naive relish for life have seen him through his many self-inflicted hardships, and with his easy manner and dazzling smile he has charmed many a female acquaintance (and some male ones besides). He's not really a ladies' man, though; he just enjoys people of any age, rank, or gender, finding new acquaintances to be just one more interesting life experience.

Nemi Starling

Nothing if not resourceful, Nemi is the sort of person who can manage somehow to eke out a living from nearly nothing using whatever skills and resources lie at her disposal, from deception and bargaining to stealing and scavenging. But she also is the sort of person to whom the phrase "honor among thieves" applies, as she has the capacity for immense loyalty towards whoever she likes and trusts. Unfortunately for most people, this category of individuals is vanishingly small and shows little inclination to grow to any noticeable degree. Mistrustful and suspicious by nature, Nemi regards most people with marked skepticism shading towards paranoid hostility, tempered only by a well-hidden reserve of righteous anger and compassion on behalf of the unfairly oppressed. She reserves her most particular antipathy and distrust for men, but has ample quantities of it to spread around to the world at large.

See Also