Alkhila 11, Nthanda's Day (a Saturday in January)

1:00 deep night hour of starfall
2:00 deepest night hour of starfall
3:00 deepest night hour of starfall
4:00 deepest night hour of starfall
5:00 pre dawn hour of starfall
6:00 dawn hour of the promise
7:00 sunrise hour of the phoenix
8:00 early morning hour of birdsong
9:00 midmorning hour of the ox
10:00 midmorning hour of the ox
11:00 late morning hour of the camel
12:00 midday hour of the scales
13:00 early afternoon hour of the vine
14:00 midafternoon hour of the rukh
15:00 midafternoon hour of the rukh
16:00 midafternoon hour of the rukh
17:00 late afternoon hour of thirst
18:00 sunset hour of the jackal
19:00 dusk hour of respite
20:00 evening hour of the scorpion
21:00 evening hour of the scorpion
by Otty
evening hour of the scorpion
night hour of the owl
24:00 midnight hour of the flame

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