Recent History of Avaria

Newest entries are ordered first.

797 N.D.

Present day.

The Elukoi freighter, the Greenest Dolphin, is reported lost at sea en route from Omrazir to al-Sabiyyah, following a series of particularly ferocious storms and large waves. All crew and passengers are presumed dead.

796 N.D.

Yehani seafarers bring ominous reports from the Adelantean Sea, telling of treacherous currents and dangerous storms beyond even the ordinary.

The island of Eleira off the southwestern coast of Cadenza rises up and declares itself free of the Kalentoi Empire, driving out or subjugating the loyal Elukoi and Cateni population. It simultaneously proclaims its allegiance to the Sirdabi Caliphate, but receives no encouragement from that quarter.

795 N.D.

Reports of increasing incursions by barbarian horse warriors come from the northern frontier of Irzal, along with still more troubling reports of local unrest.

787 N.D.

Nour, the City of Light, welcomes the Augur of Endings and becomes the center of the movement.

783 N.D.

Conflict erupts in the Gilded Plain over the legitimacy of the Augur of Endings, which will spill over into Tessere, Niyone, and other adjacent lands in the years to come.

782. N.D.

The Volusian Republic of Ovelia falls to Merouen, along with the Duchy (formerly the Free Commune) of Lunastra. Lunastra was captured with the connivance of many of the citizenry, who still resent the takeover of their free commune by the ducal Estevarre family.

780 N.D.

Meroueni-Volusian wars flare up again when the new king of Merouen marches on the mainland portion of the Volusian Republics.

780-782 N.D.

The Al-Sabiyyan Conspiracy pits those favouring closer ties with the Kingdom of Koumbasi and less oversight from the Sirdabi Caliphate against Sirdabi loyalists. It ends when the malcontent dey of Tessere dies under suspicious circumstances, which is widely considered to be the work of the Assassins' Guild.

780 N.D.

A mysterious figure calling himself the prophet of God's final word appears in Idiri, accompanied by a younger man styling himself the Herald of the Prophet of Endings.

779 N.D.

The Kalentoi Empire resumes efforts to stamp out the Silenyan heresy in its land of origin.

668-690 N.D.

Tensions between the Sirdabi Caliphate and the Kalentoi Empire flare up once again in the the War of the Pines, a period of fierce but small-scale engagements in the mountainous region of eastern Cadenza and Saramat province.

99 N.D.

The Kingdom of Koumbasi officially becomes part of the Sirdabi Caliphate as an emirate.

0 Year of the New Dawn (N.D.)

The world becomes warm enough again to allow a successful harvest, and ordinary life starts to resume.

The Great Dark

Also called the Dimming, the Despair, and the Great Winter. A period of three years after the eruption of Mount Elemnis, in which ash and dust fill the atmosphere so heavily that the sun dims, harvests fail, and a terrible chill settles upon the world. More northerly than other lands and lying beneath the pall of the thickest plume of ash, Ruvera is hardest hit, but the suffering is widespread across Avaria. Countless people die of famine and cold, and civilization comes to a standstill.

0 Years Before the Dark (B.D.)

Mount Elemnis violently erupts, annihilating the island homeland of the Yehani. A thick blanket of ash covers the sky, and tsunamis devastate the Adelantean coastline.

9 B.D.

The slumbering volcano Mount Elemnis begins to awaken.

42 B.D.

After several months of increasingly violent riots, the people of Omrazir overthrow the Kalentoi governor with the aid of the city's guards. Rallying in support of Adwa and the Azadi faith, Omrazir becomes the first and only major city to join the fold of the nascent Sirdabi Caliphate without conquest.

43 B.D.

Adwa is called before the Kalentoi governer of Omrazir to answer for her incorrect religious teachings. A series of religious debates are held in the governer's palace, where Adwa's adroit performance only further enrages the authorities. Charged with heresy and subversion, Adwa nevertheless refuses to recant under torture and is finally released following local rioting, although not before having her eyes put out as a final punishment.

51 B.D.

Adwa arrives in Omrazir, and begins teaching the ways of the Azadi faith.

52 B.D.

Death of al-Azadi. The Sirdab Council is formed for the purpose of deciding upon a successor to al-Azadi's position as leader of the faithful. Meeting in the tranquil retreat of the sacred Sirdab shrine near the Ennescu River, the council quickly descends into dissension and infighting, largely stirred up by the dominant branch of al-Azadi's former Imaad tribe. Rather than pressing her own claim as successor to her late husband, al-Azadi’s first and favorite wife Adwa flees Rahoum for the continent of Idiri.

60 B.D.

Omrazir unprecedentedly accepts the appointment of a bishop straight out of Calentium to serve as the religious leader of the city's Kalentic population, rather than relying on its usual local appointments. This is allowed mostly as an attempt to check and undermine the power of the High Priestess of the Temple of Storms. Unfortunately, the new bishop swiftly makes himself deeply unpopular with nearly everybody by instituting a repressive orthodoxy which he tries to extend to the entire populace.

62 B.D.

The Azadi conquests begin with the fall of Bargha.

75 B.D.

Convinced of the truth of his ongoing revelations, Fadil takes the name of al-Azadi and begins preaching the new verses of the Song of God to a growing community of believers.

76 B.D.

Due to the exertions of a mysterious benefactor, Fadil is taken from prison and, rather than being executed, is brought to the al-Azad Plaza where prisoners are pardoned and allowed redemption.

77 B.D.

Fadil is arrested in the Rahoumi city of Bargha for assaulting the scion of a noble family. Accused of being part of a conspiracy against the elites of the city, Fadil is imprisoned for many months and subjected to great privation, but in his darkest hour hears the Song of God sung to him.

104 B.D.

Birth of Fadil bin Ahmad, the future al-Azadi.

601 B.D.

Omrazir's modern Temple of Storms completed.

741 B.D.

Omrazir falls by treachery to the Ruveran Empire.

1081 B.D.

Founding of the city of Elam Rassi, the future Omrazir.

ca. 1150-850 B.D.

Peak flourishing of the Rassi civilization of northeastern Idiri.

1158 B.D.

Establishment of the Marzum Despotate in southern Rahoum.