Alpha Phase: Registration Closed

From the crystalline spheres of the heavens it comes, an exalted music that thrums from the outermost shell down to the center on waves of invisible resonance.

It shrieks and thrums through the jungles of Jalanjhur, whispers in hollow tones across the desert sands of the Great Hazari, and murmurs drowsily in the tranquil green fields of Ensor. The Kalentoi sing it beneath the resonating vaults of cathedrals while the Koumbasi drum out its most intricate rhythms, and Sirdabi caravans pound it out with careless joy in the cadence of camels' hooves. Even the merchants of Marpagna and the natural philosophers of Omrazir mumble it under their breaths, unknown to themselves, as they count their clinking coins and sound the depths of knowledge human and divine.

This is the hum of existence.

This is the Song of Avaria.

Song of Avaria is in the alpha phase of development, and registration is currently closed.

The hands-on story-oriented experience that we aim to craft for current players takes a great deal of care and attention, and we are also continuing to work extensively on the further development of the game for its eventual beta stage. This involves fixing bugs, documenting game lore, implementing new systems and expanding existing ones, and building out more areas of the game, including the region that will be our main hub for roleplay and stories.

We deeply appreciate the excitement and dedication of our current players, who have given us a huge amount of helpful feedback while helping to bring this alpha version of the world to life!

With our continuing focus on development and assisting in the ongoing stories of our playtesters, new account registration remains disabled for the time being. However, we tentatively plan for the next and final stage of alpha to begin in the spring of 2025.

If you are interested in joining up, please check back for more news and updates on this eventual re-opening of alpha to new playtesters. Thank you for your interest in Song of Avaria!

Please submit lots of bugs, and feel free to bring up any exciting ideas for development on the forums.


There's currently 1 connected out of a total of 184 accounts registered.

Of these, none were created this week, and 12 have connected within the last seven days.

Development Changelog

Game Data


Niota's Day, 18 Nimrus 797
Zone Weather
City of Omrazir overcast and cool
Town of St Loomis dark and foggy
Sea of Mist partly cloudy


You can connect via telnet at:
port 4000