

* More dawn and dusk weather messaging.
* New plants for real this time, for both the St. Loomis and Omrazir areas.
* Added and edited holidays on the web calendar, and made some other small changes to pages on the website.


* You no longer need to be 'wielding' a needle to mend garments, only 'holding' it.


* Weather fixings.
* There seem to be some 500 errors with the website that I haven't been able to figure out -- if you get one, please send me an OOCMail with all the information about how. The server log isn't being useful about this. I've taken out some prints for NPC actions that were cluttering the log, though.
* It is now possible to forge cowbells (and make custom crafts reliant on that base functionality of essentially being a wearable musical instrument that sounds like a small bell when rung or played).


* Some phrasing typos fixed with designs in tailoring and leatherworking.
* Leatherworkers can now fabricate slings. (You can use scrap leather as well as an actual piece of tanned hide, if you don't want to waste the whole hide and don't care about it being fancy.)
* A bug with personas resetting has been fixed; anyone frequently donning disguises now shouldn't have their personas constantly being erroneously reset.


* It is no longer easy to commune in the misty zone.
* Two more communion abilities added at level 2, though one is a special ability based on whether or not a PC has had a certain mysterious life event.
* Diminishing returns have been implemented in order to soften the xp-gain from bug reporting -- first bug reported will gain the playtester 1xp, then .5xp, then .33 xp, and so on. These decimal xp points may not register in SCORE until the fraction reaches the next integer point, but it's there!


* Traverse effects have been added for the afflictions of clumsiness and dizziness.
* 'Disturbances' are being coded in for those who are going through a process of becoming ungrounded. At first these should be very rare, and they will only be triggered if someone is meddling with things of a magical nature.
* It is no longer possible to diagnose 'magical' afflictions, unless you have a sufficient level of arcana.


* Buggy rank order reworked in organizational code, and currently existing organizations should be patched.
* It should be possible to get through organizational guards when: they are not present, conscious, standing, and able to move to the vicinity of the exit they're guarding -- you are following a member of the organization -- or you are riding an animal. Some of this HAD already worked, but was rendered broken with the handling revamp and is now fixed.
* Organization leaders can view coffers and set up temporary stipends at the local bank.


* Bug with concocting burn cream fixed.
* Sleep avatar behavior is slightly changed -- they will no longer vanish when someone else is present and watching, and they will vanish after 24 hours instead of 8. Traumatized sleep avatars will no longer vanish at all. The documentation in HELP QUIT has been updated to reflect these changes.
* Using STOP while in the middle of doing an ability will now return your lost roundtime.
* Armor value and copper value should now properly work on forged armor items. (Actual values might need som editing as they're based on multiple modifiers: the base template and the metal used for armor value, the skill of the roll for copper value -- but at least they generate properly now!)
* It is now possible to forge pots, pans, and saucecups.


* A lumberer VNPC group has been added to the lumber camp outside St Loomis, along with a functional sawpit.


* New general ability: split wood. (For splitting chopped-up log chunks into firewood bundles).
* Throwing containers at objects will now cause that object to get messy with the contents of the container, instead of it just spilling on the ground. If the targeted object is a canvas or other sort of page, and the contents included ink or paint or dye, it will create a new paragraph of randomly-generated drawing complete with the color.


* Logging abilities have been added: chop, saw, fell (level 2), notch (3), and mill (4). The old logging abilities which were never functional have been removed.


* Three general abilities have been added: excavate, bury, and prop.
* Some Mining abilities have been added: timber (level 6, but also accessible through construction 8 or a combo of mining 2 and construction 2), and tunnel-excavation (level 8). Tunnel-excavation is not fully fleshed out yet and will need some staff help after the character effort goes in.


* The 'arrange transport' ability has been added to several other skills, including mercantilism, education, and logging at different levels.


* The herbalist ability of CONCOCT has been added at level 5 Herbalism, with several designs for various cures, along with the capacity to submit custom concoctions. This system may still be a little buggy but I'll be working on testing and refining it, so it might see some immediate changes.


* Some changes to the acquisition mechanics for one of the currently-existing magical abilities will not impact those who already possess it, but they might have new 'life events' added at an incongruously later time. (Just ignore please!)


* Fixed a really bad character creation bug that occurred due to the last time I fiddled with disguises -- initial guise population was malfunctioning.


* A new magical ability has been finalized and tested.
* New magic system stuff now shows in outputs when characters are not Grounded anymore.
* An ability primer has been developed that allows for specific intrinsic knowledge to be disseminated easily upon gaining an ability. This can be used later to collect primers for new characters too, especially when it comes to secretive abilities like crime.


* Some small-scale secret magic stuff has been added along with a semi-magical combo ability.
* Another magic skill added.


* Some large-scale background magic stuff added. This was a system that we had planned since before alpha opened, thematically, but hadn't gotten around to coding it. However, it is something that nobody will notice (probably, unless there are some weird tracebacks or new bugs).
* The delete button is now further away from the edit button in the forum interface.


* You no longer need to wield a quill or brush in order to DIP it in ink or paint.
* Writing anything will now prompt you at the beginning regarding what language you're writing in. The confirmation of this prompt will stand for one hour after you're done writing, so you don't have to confirm for every paragraph.
* Dipping a quill will now last for multiple paragraphs, and better-quality quills will hold more ink (the default/average is 3 WRITEs). Since old quills don't have quality set on them, if you have a fancy pen, let us know via petition or OOCMail and we'll put a quality on that.