Shishir Khaider

  • Origin: Sirdabi
  • Heritage: Irzali and Sirdabi
  • Age: 25
  • Eye color: forest green
  • Hair color: dark blond
  • Skin color: dusky olive
  • Size: 69in / 137lb


This young man appears to be of Irzali lineage and stands at fairly tall height in comparison to his slender physical build. His skin is a dusky tone of olive, and his eyes are swirling pools of malachite, lively and attentive. He keeps his dark blond hair short and curled to the side, though by nature it seems his hair is unruly and hard to tame -- a short and shaggy beast crowning an angular face. The shape of the man's nose is akin to a sparrow's beak, while his cheekbones are sharp. There is the faint hint of stubble on his chin, and his lips are oft upturned in a rakish manner, as if amused at some joke that only he is privy to.