Kinsa Haz Shahin

  • Origin: Sirdabi
  • Heritage: Tessouare
  • Age: 28
  • Eye color: amethyst
  • Hair color: sable
  • Skin color: burnt umber
  • Size: 66in / 224lb


A figure in her late twenties of seemingly Tessouare heritage, this woman has a heavy, well-built frame, burnt umber skin showing generous curves atop thickly packed muscle. Her hair has been shaved carefully down to the scalp, with only the very faintest of sable stubble to be seen. Bright amethyst eyes gleam from beneath a hard brow, contrasted by lips accented with smile lines, often curled into a grin showing a few gold teeth. Softly rounded cheeks are worked with tan freckles, running over her aquiline nose.