Maha Hilal

  • Origin: Sirdabi
  • Heritage: Sirdabi
  • Age: 18
  • Eye color: charcoal grey
  • Hair color: coal black
  • Skin color: dusky olive
  • Size: 57in / 100lb


Looking to be descended from Sarmatiyyan heritage, this young woman is petite in build, standing under five feet tall. She seems no stranger to exercise, though is also thin and under-nourished. Her lithe arms lead to slender hands and fingers, and her legs lead to similarly dainty feet. Her hair is the color of coal, shiny and straight and well-maintained. It's cared for far better than the rest of her, reaching to mid-back when left to flow free. Her eyes are a lighter shade, resembling charcoal rather than coal itself, and seem a little too large for her face. Her button nose rests above small and shapely lips. Her face is soft, with gentle curves and no real angular features.