Sekani Rayegan

  • Origin: Sirdabi
  • Heritage: Amunati
  • Age: 28
  • Eye color: honey-gold
  • Hair color: seal brown
  • Skin color: fawn brown
  • Size: 61in / 191lb


Embodying the proud heritage of Amunat, this woman stands at a normal height, her plump frame conveying a sense of strength and resilience. Soft, kinky seal brown hair frames her face, cascading in gentle waves that hint at the untamed spirit within. Her fawn brown skin, kissed by the sun, adds warmth to her presence, harmonizing with the dreamy honey-gold hue of her eyes. Within the heart-shaped contours of her face, kohl-lined eyes draw attention to their depth, revealing a world of wisdom and mystery. The rounded nose and soft, full lips contribute to an inviting visage, blending natural grace with a hint of enigmatic allure. A distinctive gap between her front incisors adds a touch of uniqueness to her smile, reflecting a subtle quirk in an otherwise serene countenance. In her late twenties, she carries an air of quiet confidence, each feature harmonizing to create a striking and memorable presence. The amalgamation of Amunati heritage, earthy hues, and distinctive facial features paints a portrait of a woman who carries the essence of her roots with grace and pride.