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An ode to thinking and feeling

posted by Fadila

Posts: 34
An ode to thinking and feeling 1 of 1
March 16, 2024, 10:49 a.m.

Maybe its just me? Or maybe it's something that others don't have to think about. Or maybe this isn't the right place. If not please don't mind me, because I didn't know where else to post this.

Part of me always knew there was feeling and thinking to bring out your roleplay and flesh out your inner character personality enriching the story of who you are. But for me having recently remembered that there was such a thing I've been using thinks and feels quite a lot more. A general forgive me to Pilgrim for having to see them all.

To me thinking and feeling brings your character to life. Your personality is fleshed out through your thinks and feels. Your roleplay is more enriched because of your thinks and feels. Most human beings have an inner dialogue of thoughts and feelings that help you perceive the world. It doesn't just become a network of facts or experiences, it becomes a layered tapestry.

For example a friend tells you that they saw one of your other friends yelling at the top of his lungs last night at the local inn.

Drunk or upset?" "What could have caused that?" "Is my friend just gossiping or is it true?" Or any other  number of  posibilities.

Feeling tired because you didn't sleep well and why is this person saying such things. Or whatever the case may be.

Thinking and feeling lets you convey all that and it becomes part of your logs. So your story, or at least mine feels more like a story then just, reacting speaking, and not thinking. So give your thinking and feeling a thought or two.

March 16, 2024, 10:49 a.m.