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RPT: More Danger!

posted by pilgrim

Posts: 271
RPT: More Danger! 1 of 2
Feb. 11, 2024, 2:03 a.m.

Time: February 11th, 10AM EST (3PM GMT)

Location: The Greenest Dolphin... Above Deck, Anywhere


As this is our first combat-inclusive RPT, here is a quick primer:

What is Combat?
When you engage in a formal physical altercation, the game puts you in combat mode with your fellow combatants. This means there are some things you can't do, and the moves that you can do are permitted by combat roundtime. When something momentous happens in the fight, the combat mode will force a pause to allow you to write an emote. Use CONTINUE when you're done, or WAIT if you need some more time to contemplate your next move. The moves you make in combat can matter! 

Main Attacks:
It being alpha, we do have some small amount of abilities, but here are the main attacks you can use. To use a weapon or object, you will need to have it WIELDed.

  • SLASH: hit with a sword
  • BASH: hit with a blunt weapon
  • WHACK: hit with whatever object you have wielded (a chair? an oud? a heqet bottle? a bookbag?)
  • KICK: use a foot
  • PUNCH: use a hand


How can you fight defensively?

  • STANCE: (stance defensive) You can use a defensive stance
  • ARMOR (wear armor) Armor mitigates damage wherever it covers you
  • WIELD (wield something) If something is wielded, you'll have a chance to parry or block enemy attacks

Team Combat:
If you see a friend having trouble in a fight and you want to save them, what do you do? What if you're confused by spam, but want to help?

  • ASSIST: (assist <ally>) Attack an ally's target - good option if you're confused by spam, just assist an ally!
  • RESCUE: (rescue <ally>) Attempt to draw an enemy's attention away from an ally
  • GUARD: (guard <ally>) Set yourself up as an ally's guard, meaning you will automatically try to take attacks for them - note: you have to be in their general vicinity, i.e. the same place as them, to do this.


Ranged Combat:

You want to attack from far away, without being directly in the same room or same place as the enemy. No need to specify direction, and if you have ammunition appropriate to the weapon in your inventory, the command should use it.

  • AIM: (aim <enemy>) Once you have started aiming, you will be able to shoot when next you have roundtime
  • SHOOT: (shoot <enemy>) You can do this after aiming


This can sometimes be the very best option, believe me! If you try to escape a fight when at the same vicinity as an enemy, they might have a chance to block you. It's best to retreat first, and then flee.

    • ​​​​​​​Retreating in a direction causes you to move first to that direction, and then through the exit. You'll be at the same exit on the other side, and have to retreat to another exit if you want to move further away. Combat can span several rooms this way.
  • FLEE:
    • ​​​​​​​Fleeing a fight means you will be released from being in-combat, after the pause in which you can write an emote about your strategic retreating!


For non-combatant PCs, there is still potentially a lot to do -- studying and investigating the situation, organizing others to react effectively to the situation, using first aid abilities. The main thing to do is basically just to play your character, whatever that looks like, when dangerous things happen!


Feb. 11, 2024, 2:03 a.m.
Posts: 271
Re: RPT: More Danger! 2 of 2
Feb. 12, 2024, 8:32 a.m.

Healing tips:

  • Drink -- liquids help to regenerate blood faster.
  • Rest -- lying down is the position that heals the best, much faster than standing, but sitting or leaning still improve the healing rate.
  • Sleep -- sleep increases healing (this counts for sleep avatars, too).
  • Wash -- dirtiness, even just blood, likens the chance of infection.
  • Constitution -- any effect that boosts your constitution will quicken your healing, and any that decreases your constitution will slow your healing.


Feb. 12, 2024, 8:32 a.m.