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RPT: St Loomis Town Hall

posted by Pomeroy

Posts: 8
RPT: St Loomis Town Hall 1 of 3
May 18, 2024, 12:49 p.m.

Event Link!


Location: St Loomis, Fountain Square, Town Hall Building

Start Time: Friday midday EST (5/31/24)

Do you want a permit for a shop or a stall? Do you have questions about ongoing legal affairs? Are there particular warnings from the Mistwatch? Bandits on the road? Any wanted criminals to beware of in the dark at night? Apparently, Quartermaster Grandin of the Mistwatch will be making an announcement regarding the foreigners...

All the public is welcome to attend, including foreigners... but there will certainly be heightened guard presence, and an expectation of formal behavior!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is going to be a public cutscene that could last all weekend (and potentially longer, if necessary)! So here I will put some rules for how it will proceed (I will include this in the cutscene OOC box too, once it is set up).

  • The cutscene will begin with a post with Pomeroy giving an announcement, and the setting will be described in this post.
  • When someone enters the scene, please make a post about it -- you can have the post being your character already present and watching from the audience, or how your character comes into the hall, or however you like.
  • According to the order of people entering the scene, Pomeroy will call them up to make their public inquiry, if they have one. The only exception to this is that the first person who is called up will be the Guard-Captain, Larth (provided that he doesn't get murdered or something before next weekend).
  • Once someone has made an inquiry, nobody else should make an inquiry or announcement until the next person is called. (Though you are welcome to post about entering the town hall and getting in line to speak, too.) This is to ensure that everyone has their permit/question/announcement acknowledged by the scene!
  • When your inquiry has been addressed, you are welcome to make a post leaving the scene (or staying, if you want). Once a speaker has been addressed, the situation is considered to have happened within the time-frame of the game-world, and you are welcome to stroll about in-game roleplaying about it. Events at the town hall might be ongoing, of course.
  • Due to the constraints of the cutscene's interaction with the game world's time, we'd like participants to be reasonably responsive -- please respond within three hours, when it's your turn to post! The matter of things taking longer in the cutscene can be explained by the fact that maybe the bureacracy is slow, and people are having snacking and chat breaks during the town hall, and of course there are a lot of VNPC concerns also being heard, and meetings can be adjourned and resumed, and so on.
  • If you want to cause a commotion at the town hall and don't have the mechanics to do so (due to it being a cutscene), send Pilgrim an OOCMail and we'll work it out! (You can make some rolls, and we'll make consequences happen ICly.)
  • You can interact with the town hall structure in-game while the event is going on. We'll have a mood set on the room that explains there is a town hall happening there. You can be in-game and roleplay as a part of the audience observing what is going on in the cutscene, if you want to chat with a friend very quietly while being a part of the audience (tabletalk style!) -- but obviously, the cutscene will not be echoed there, and your roleplay in the room will not echo to the cutscene! It might be a situation where you have to suspend disbelief a little.


This is our first public cutscene type of RPT so it might take some working-out! Thanks for going on this alpha adventure with us.

May 18, 2024, 12:49 p.m.
Posts: 8
Re: RPT: St Loomis Town Hall 2 of 3
May 18, 2024, 8:21 p.m.

Sorry to do this, but this is rescheduled for the next week! So it'll begin the last Friday of May!

May 18, 2024, 8:21 p.m.
Posts: 9
Re: RPT: St Loomis Town Hall 3 of 3
May 31, 2024, 7:11 p.m.

Update on this event: the two thugs are in the stocks in the fish market, and throwing rotten produce at them will actually decrease your foreigner reputation mod! They will be there until Sunday afternoon EST.

May 31, 2024, 7:11 p.m.