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Yes, Another Meeting

posted by Yasin

Posts: 102
Yes, Another Meeting 1 of 1
July 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m.

The meetings will continue until morale improves. :toolbox:

Just as before, if anyone wants to get involved and would like help doing so, please reach out to me via oocmail and we can work out IC reasons!

Time: Sunday, July 14th, 7PM PDT, 10PM EDT, 9PM EST (Server Time), 3AM BST (Monday), 12PM AEST (Monday) Or use this handy-dandy link:

Location: Find out in game! [Soon] But contact me if your character is unaware, and we'll rectify that.

I apologize for the short notice on this one! Trying to fly with dynamic things in-game of course, and I figured better to announce this here rather than only catch a few folks ICly. And I also apologize again for the timing for folks where that is not convenient, but schedules are locking me in that way. I'm open to suggestions, including possibly a cutscene. Please feel free to shoot me an oocmail or just reply if you have a strong opinion here!

EDIT: I am bad at typing. Had written 'Saturday, July 14', meant 'Sunday, July 14'. Date was correct, chronus link was correct, my typing was bad! THANK YOU to pof Marwa for making me realize this.

July 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m.