I have a couple (tons) of art related questions. These are the current ones I remembered that aren't also part of a future postings in suggestions.
I was wondering a guesstimmate for current art practices in the game vs real world historical levels. For a lot of what I what I consider for my writing I end up going 1500's ish.
Is lapis lazuli based dye a thing in this setting? If so, who might produce it in the lands?
For eventually painting, would things be egg/milk/fat based, or getting into oil if my character could outright purchase paints?
Would it be acceptable for me to rp making pigments etc for painting? Although tracking that without mechanical recipes would be interesting/terrible unless we had a range of painter's palettes the future of different quality. (My internet browser is totally not filled with art tabs having fun looking at natural pigment recipes, nooope.)