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Xhalantu questions thread

posted by Spauso

Posts: 3
Xhalantu questions thread 1 of 1
May 29, 2024, 10:15 p.m.



I've a few questions about the Xhalantu, albeit with more of a slant toward the Ulamba side of things. I know they're not open right away, so this is more to help with future character plans. Also their lore seems mega cool!


What are common weapons and armor among the Xhalantu? Would I be safe in assuming a Zulu/Xhosa arrangement with assegai, cowhide shields and minimal armor? The page mentions swords, which seem really interesting.


Somewhat related, but do the warrior elite differ much from the common soldiery in terms of what weapons, armors, or training they get? Do they have horses?


What about clothing? What would a typical Xhalantu wear throughout the day? What about in court? How do the rich Richards in Dhola wear if in a swanky mood?


Do they tattoo themselves? How about war paint?


These warrior groups in Ulamba. Are they seen in the same way knights and samurai are seen in other cultures? That being, an elite fighting force in service to a lord, steeped in ritual and ceremony. Are they drawn up from nobility?


Do the male and female versions of these warrior orders differ at all?


How do the Xhalantu warriors train? Is it as brutal as the real life Zulu training regimen, where soldiers would be ordered to stamp on thorns to harden their feet, and other such toughening measures?


With Xhalantu conflict being ritualized, and Ulamba having a warrior elite, has a practice of honor duels arisen among them?


How do they fight? Do they train in any special martial arts?


Do they have heraldry? How do the different groups distinguish themselves?


Do they practice stuff like shield banging and war chants before heading into battle like the real Zulu?


Is there some kind of code of honor/bushido with these guys?


Do higher ranked warriors have retainers? People to look after their gear, or slaves/servants to attend them before and after battles?


What does a typical ulamba town look like?


Is there a common religion among the Xhalantu?


How do they view spirits?


Have any tribes, towns, or sections of the population at large converted to other faiths such as Azadi? Are they persecuted by the others?


Is hunting done for sport by the nobles? If so, how does that look?


Are there any big taboos present? Anything that someone can do to get themselves immediately seen as strange, or even, worthy of contempt?


Is slavery widespread? What do slaves do?


What's the hierarchy like? Is there much room for upward mobility? Are people seen as belonging to a certain place in life, or do they believe that someone can and should climb up the ranks?


How are Xhalantu received by the Caliphate?



Wow! Turns out I had more questions than I initially thought. Feel free to leave any of these questions behind. It's a lot, and I could always make stuff up if needed. I just thought the stoney Zulu kingdom with their ornate masonry and warrior orders was really cool, and apparently, the question mark factory in my brain thought so too.

May 29, 2024, 10:15 p.m.