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posted by Spauso

Posts: 3
Ahoy! 1 of 6
May 29, 2024, 1:43 p.m.



Long time lurker here. Life has been extremely busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to make a character, but watching the game growing from afar has been an absolute joy. I love the space the staff here have been developing, and the logs I've seen on this forum positively radiate with the kind of energy which can only come from a place of love and creative ambition. You guys. I'm burning, I say. Positively burning. All those creative sparks flying around have done lit my thawb on fire, and I'm twenty miles from the nearest well.


As a middle easterner myself, it was very surprising to see this kind of setting getting the love it has. I'm so happy that so many people from all over the world can come together in appreciation of an oft overlooked culture, taking the time to just live in it for a while. The staff have done an amazing job at bringing it to life, positives and flaws alike, and I can't wait to sink my teeth in and play with all of you. <3


I may come around when this plot has been resolved, or perhaps sooner. At the moment I feel like I may be barging in if I were to roll up a character with no ties to any of you, who have likely had time to come together and create meaningful stories with one another. I wouldn't like to detract from that in any way. Or I may be overthinking it. That happens too. Lol.


I'd also like to make a note of how great the reception has been to sugggestions made to improve the experience for VI players. My heart is all warm and toasty. Mayhaps I should drizzle some chocolate on it, and sandwich it between two biscuits.


Anyway! I'm being cringe. It's great to see you all. Hi!

May 29, 2024, 1:43 p.m.
Posts: 269
Re: Ahoy! 2 of 6
May 29, 2024, 2 p.m.


It's so good to see you're still around! I missed ya. 

(Sorry now I'm also being sappy.) 


Regarding rolling in on this plot, it's totally doable! There's a bunch of VNPCs still involved in ongoings, and you'd basically just be emerging from the background of this crowd. If you want to discuss possibilities (and this goes for anyone who might be wondering the same sort of questions), feel free to OOCMail me! You'd have to make a quick character first in order to use OOCMail, but that character would just be hanging around in the Faded Zone and we could edit it according to any plot hooks. We're always happy to give PCs interesting hooks to get them right into the thick of things, or back into the plot if they were involved and dropped off, or out of a corner if they're unhappy with their character, and so on and so forth. You could also try out playing a SNPC, which means you'd be basically animating a NPC to support other players' stories.

But also if you'd prefer to wait for beta, that's fine too! In beta, we'll be in Omrazir, so newly-entering characters won't be constrained to this storyline anymore.

May 29, 2024, 2 p.m.
Posts: 135
Re: Ahoy! 3 of 6
May 30, 2024, 5:43 p.m.

Hello, good to see your name here! I winged in myself, so don't feel like you are barging in. Life certainly steals a lot of free time.

May 30, 2024, 5:43 p.m.
Posts: 114
Re: Ahoy! 4 of 6
May 30, 2024, 8:18 p.m.



Honestly, rolling in cold at this stage would be pretty awkward at first, but if you have been prepped with the info everyone would have and have IC rationales for not being heavily involved, I think that awkwardness will dissipate quickly. The people who do remain at this transitional stage will all be pretty eager to get their teeth into new meat, I suspect. ;D That said, there's nothing wrong with waiting, too.

May 30, 2024, 8:18 p.m.
Posts: 269
Re: Ahoy! 5 of 6
May 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.

No worries, new characters entering the setting get kind of a primer on what's happened so far... and I just updated it again today (the last update was after the shipwreck).


Screenshot of text that new characters get, showing an update that reads: You spent the entire voyage wracked by illness:        seasickness, dysentery, scurvy. You weren't alone -- it was    a difficult journey for many. Past the dim haze of your     misery, you felt things happening: Horrible storms. Raised    voices and conspiratorial whispers, chaos and commotion.     The screams of terrifying monsters, and what seemed like       endless scraping against the hatches. Eventually, a       shipwreck spilled you into the ocean, and you were dragged     to an unfamiliar shore. You spent a great deal of time     recovering from your illness, as well as from the foreign    illnesses that immediately spread to your weakened system.     You've been recovering at a sailor's hostel, and only      recently have gained the strength to explore the barbarian                town in which you find yourself.





Text version below!

You realize the setting around you is a dream, and begin to wake.

      You spent the entire voyage wracked by illness:       
seasickness, dysentery, scurvy. You weren't alone -- it was 
  a difficult journey for many. Past the dim haze of your   
 misery, you felt things happening: Horrible storms. Raised 
  voices and conspiratorial whispers, chaos and commotion.  
  The screams of terrifying monsters, and what seemed like  
    endless scraping against the hatches. Eventually, a     
 shipwreck spilled you into the ocean, and you were dragged 
   to an unfamiliar shore. You spent a great deal of time   
 recovering from your illness, as well as from the foreign  
 illnesses that immediately spread to your weakened system. 
   You've been recovering at a sailor's hostel, and only    
 recently have gained the strength to explore the barbarian 
              town in which you find yourself.              

You fade away.
[St Loomis, Before a Sailor's Hostel]
Deep ruts cutting through this slightly wider section of muddy alleyway make cart traffic along it
at best uncomfortable and at worst dangerous.  An assortment of ramshackle buildings crowd the edges 
of the narrow path like broken and uneven teeth in a crookedly opening maw.  Towards the east, the 
shape of the stone lighthouse can be seen thrusting up past the uneven skyline formed by the far 
more rickety structures of this neighborhood.  Undistinguished by any mark or sign, individual 
buildings offer no identification to aid outsiders, though the passersby who pursue their business 
in the area with quiet wariness must know their way about.
Fluffy clouds spot the starry sky. 
Cardinal Exits: east, west, and south
Other: a shabby sailor's hostel: battered old door (open)

May 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.
Posts: 39
Re: Ahoy! 6 of 6
May 30, 2024, 11:33 p.m.

Come play! We'll all happily handwave and make excuses for any awkwardness whatsoever, it's no big deal. Adding a new character to the mix only helps freshen things up and won't detract from anything, so don't worry about that. But also don't feel pressured to hop in before you're ready/comfortable, I just wanted to help address the stated concern if that's all that's holding you back. In either case, welcome aboard (or ashore).

May 30, 2024, 11:33 p.m.