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Clinic paint planning

posted by Ighlaf

Posts: 160
Clinic paint planning 1 of 2
Jan. 14, 2025, 5:09 p.m.

I've set out a span of days for this event. I am intending a mix of in game and cutscene depending on my work schedule, so a span of a couple real life days for the work, set one to two days in the clinic cutscene.  If you would like an invite to the cutscene feel free to wave here or reply to the whenisgood, or join the public cutscene when it is up.

All are invited to help, gawk, judge or etc as the clinic undergoes some fresh layers of paint and foreigner meddling. (No painting skills needed)

Jan. 14, 2025, 5:09 p.m.
Posts: 160
Re: Clinic paint planning 2 of 2
Feb. 5, 2025, 11:56 p.m.

Life and work absorbed my...remembering to choose a date. The last sets of responses none happened to align in the hours, so I have changed the when is good to a span of days instead. If there is a range of an evening time for the start of preprations, feel free to write in a response. That will be intended in game, otherwise check off a span of days if you would be interested in joining a public cutscene. Then anyone can hop in once it starts.

Feb. 5, 2025, 11:56 p.m.