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The Expedition (Three Hour Tour Log) Warning : Minor spoilers/sensitive info

posted by Zahir

Posts: 19
The Expedition (Three Hour Tour Log) Warning : Minor spoilers/sensitive info 1 of 1
June 3, 2024, 4:53 p.m.

[St Loomis, Dockmaster's Pier]
Official business from the Docks Administration is carried out along this slender pier, its flurries of intense activity punctuated by periods of deceptive calm. Small courier boats slip in and out among larger craft making deliveries of supplies, their cargo quickly disposed of by coordinated teams of porters who seem to operate with the precise efficiency of a well-trained military unit. For the private use of the Dockmaster himself, a trim little galley is moored on one side, sails furled and oars held ready in their locks in preparation to serve the will of the administrator.
A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats here.
Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid loiters at the end of the pier, seemingly watching the water. A rangy mongrel is totally here in spirit, less so elsewise -- he squats on the pier beside where a sleek-carved mistwood longboat is moored (and definitely not *on* it). A lean, ink-eyed man is here. Inaya is here, holding a golden sambusak in her right hand and holding a well-made iron axe in her left hand. Fan stands before a sleek-carved mistwood longboat with his hands on his hips. Yasin is here.
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: north, east (water), northwest (water), and south (water)

Inaya is a bit on par with a rangy mongrel, here, looking a bit bleary. She ticks an eyebrow at Fan's question, seeming to take a moment to wrap her head around it, and then shrugs. "Well what? Who're we missin'? Uh." [in Sirdabi with a hoarsely broken, half-whispered contralto] She looks about, taking something of a headcount, it seems, subvocalising beneath her breath.

Fan cutting sly eyes at a rangy mongrel and then the others before they return to Inaya, he asks, "Do you think Paldeo will be jealous..?" [in Sirdabi with an eccentric, Irzali-flavored tenor]

With a slow exhale, Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid continues his scan of the pier, seeming to note a lean, ink-eyed man and Yasin. His tongue creeps out to probe at the scar on his lip. And then his gaze is back upon Fan at his question, and onto Inaya once more.

"...Impressive looking boat." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares, breaking his gaze away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. "Or at least, well-kept, yes?" [in Sirdabi with a calm and quiet bass-baritone] He looks to Inaya, seeming attentive. The smith certainly doesn't look the sailoring-type. In fact, he's still wearing his a heavy, soot-stained leather apron and carrying a black leather scribing case with him. But, he stands at seeming attention regardless.

"Firo?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya ventures then, only to be immediately distracted by Fan's question, to which she responds, no hesitation at all, "Yes." [in Sirdabi] She smirks, entirely too smugly.

A lean, ink-eyed man pulls from their thoughts to notice Fan, and grins at Inaya.

A lean, ink-eyed man greets you.

"And Wasi," [in Sirdabi] Inaya adds then, with a blink and a frown, glancing northward for a moment.

"The old woman is foolish enough to step back on a boat, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] Fan mutters with mock disapproval, and peers northward as if looking for the miscreant in question.

Zahir makes his way briskly down the dock, hurried and worried. He sighs quietly, appraising the small crowd near a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

"Firo was going to join, too?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks, not hiding the surprise in his voice.

You go to move near a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a rangy mongrel and Fan.

The sun shines warmly through a spotless blue sky.

Zahir announces to no one in particular. "I told Sassafrass to meet me at the Lighthouse, but she hasn't shown." [in Ruvic with a dignified baritone]

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid clears his throat and heads closer to a sleek-carved mistwood longboat with the others. A slight frown creases his brow as he looks over towards you and he reaches up to touch something at his throat. (Stand - near a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

"That is what I had thought," [in Sirdabi] Inaya replies to Yasin with a shrug, and then turns to you with a frown. "Shit. Think she's, uh. Okay?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man mutters back to Fan, "I thought you once swore you would find a camel to round the land over a boat again?" [in Ruvic with a flat countertenor]

A rangy mongrel dusts the sleep-crust from his eyes and clears his throat. "Call the boat Camel," [in Sirdabi] he wryly suggests to Fan in a crackly croak then, overhearing a lean, ink-eyed man. Though it belatedly occurs to him, squinting over his shoulder at the vessel, "... does it have a name?" [in Sirdabi with a guttural scrape of a baritone]

With a small shake of his head, you tell Inaya, "She's... I'm sure she is..." [in Ruvic]

Fan frowns at this news from you, mouth pulling over to one side as he worries his gold tooth. Finally, he gives an abrupt shrug, saying, "Well. We just have to keep her things safe until we find her, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] He is shortly distracted by a lean, ink-eyed man's comment, however. Narrowing his eyes, he replies archly, "Believe me, my friend, if a camel could take me to Lookout Rock, I should have asked that boon and left the rest of you to fend for yourselves." [in Sirdabi] A beat and then he adds, "And if I trusted anyone else to secure the cargo, I should be someplace with my feet up and a pipe in my mouth this early in the day, hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin's eyes narrow, showing confusion, to your mention of Sassafrass. The young man probably has a few questions brewing in his head by the look of those eyes, but he doesn't voice them.

Wasi walks over from the north.

A lean, ink-eyed man replies to Inaya and partially you, "It could be the courier did not find her. She isn't often within the town walls." [in Ruvic]

Fan snaps his long-nailed fingers and points one at a rangy mongrel, eyes glittering. "Yes, see? *You* are a valued member of this crew." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir looks over at Fan, and then a lean, ink-eyed man, and then nods.

Wasi wanders over with a curious frown, and tips off a two-fingered salute from his brow to Inaya. "Captain." [in Sirdabi with a stiff baritone]

Yasin snorts in amusement at Fan's comment, though.

Glancing over at Wasi, you say, "We go without her then." [in Ruvic]

Fan waves his arms up high, loudly dubbing a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, "Camel." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel tips his head and lifts a hand to take a bow for his valuable service. This extends into a hail of greeting to Wasi, whom he espies approaching.

You fall in with Inaya.

Yasin falls in with Inaya.

Fan falls in with Inaya.

"We got a boat," [in Sirdabi] Inaya announces to Wasi, returning his salute with one of her own variety, a golden sambusak in that hand, which she then steps over to shove at him. "Fadila made sambusak. C'mon, let's go." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel straightens to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid falls in with Inaya.

A rangy mongrel falls in with Inaya.

A lean, ink-eyed man falls in with Inaya.

Inaya offers a golden sambusak to Wasi.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid watches a rangy mongrel and Fan and lets out a faint snort. "Let us hope it is less foul-tempered than some of the camels I have known," [in Sirdabi with a lilting, honeyed tenor] he remarks, though not loudly.

Wasi nods to a rangy mongrel, and glances to you before blinking an Inaya. His features break out into a rare grin, gaze quickly casting around to land on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat in front of Fan. "Excellent!" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi accepts a golden sambusak from Inaya.

Wasi takes a bite of a golden sambusak, with a happy chomp.

Questions about his eyes or not, Yasin shrugs, then falls into position near Inaya. He turns his head to once again regard a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, looking at it suspiciously.

The sun is bright against the unmarred blue of the heavens, bathing the world in warm golden light.

Wasi exclaims, "Minty!" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi gobbles up all of a half consumed golden sambusak.
a half consumed golden sambusak is finished.

Wasi licks his fingers free of any greasy crumbs, apparently having greatly enjoyed that sambusak, and still riding high off the delight of Inaya's news.

"It is minty." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says in amused agreement to Wasi, without taking his eyes off of a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Fan turns from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat suddenly and announces, arms still up, "Oh, I nearly forgot! Silly me. Seats are two silver apiece." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya just ticks her head in gesture and hops on into the boat. Nevermind how light the movement might be, it very literally rocks the boat quite a lot, giving a splash and then swaying. She holds to the thing's mast for a moment while it quiets. "Yeah, she fuckin' loves mint. C'mon, let's try this fuckin' thing." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya goes to stand on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Zahir hums disapprovingly at Fan.

Wasi grins at Inaya, but then his grin fades and he looks at Fan. Both arms cross and he produces a sullen scowl.

"Right." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, looking to Fan. He coughs over said silver, a callused hand holding out the coin.

"To be paid by our good lighthouse keeper in the event of your indigence," [in Sirdabi] Fan mentions in a sympathetic sort of purr as he looks over those gathered before giving you a pointed look.

Yasin procures 200 wafers to pay Fan.

Fan receives 200 wafers from Yasin.

This does not seem to improve Zahir's mood. He watches Fan sourly.

Fan smiles approvingly as he accepts Yasin's coing, with a gracious bow of his head. "A model passenger. Very good," [in Sirdabi] he praises the man, before looking around to the others. Meanwhile the coin has disappeared into his belongings somewhere.

After handing over his coin like a good sucker, Yasin then hesitates, and says, "...This isn't some trick, is it? This is to pay back our 'gracious' Lord?" [in Sirdabi] He arches a brow at Fan, not having gotten onto the boat yet.

"You will find it a most agreeable camel, I suspect," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid, venturing to seek eye-cntact with him next, "Provided it is well cared for. Hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man doesn't look particular surprised at Fan's words, but pats their coinpouch, then holds it upside down. Rather empty.

Wasi casts a longing look over at a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. "Well, I was willing to contribute to the purchase," [in Sirdabi] he reminds himself, and gives the planking below a light kick as he moves to turn.

"A trick?" [in Sirdabi] Fan asks Yasin innocently. "It is a fee. For my services." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi starts towards the northward direction. (Stand - near the northward direction -)

Is just mustering the courage to commit himself to the boat and abandon safe land when Fan announces the price tag on this voyage. If Yasin is the model passenger, a rangy mongrel is the model indigent. "Do you take I-O-U's?" [in Sirdabi] he inquires wryly.

"Wasi--" [in Sirdabi] Inaya starts, with a frown. "I got this shit." [in Sirdabi]

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid boards after Inaya, another look flitted in Fan's direction as he raises one dark brow and pointedly folds his arms across his chest as he leans against the railing of the boat. His expression is decidedly sour, though lightens just a little as a rangy mongrel speaks.

Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

"I'm sure we can work out a trade in kind," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells a rangy mongrel with a snort and a flutter of his eyelashes. However, in light of a lean, ink-eyed man as well, he looks to you. "That's, what, six for you so far?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man opens their mouth to speak, then casts a look at a rangy mongrel and murmurs, "I was about to ask the same." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi starts to call back to Inaya, "Returning sho--" [in Sirdabi] And then he pauses, turning to trot back over to her side. "I'll pay you back then." [in Sirdabi]

With a small, canny frown as he notices Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid boarding, Fan asks you aside with a lofted brow, "Are you paying for him..?" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi goes to stand by a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Wasi sits down in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, hopping in from the end of the pier.

Zahir gives a low hum of deep displeasure at Fan's question.

Yasin holds his honey-brown gaze on Fan for a few beats, but breaks it away as a rangy mongrel and a lean, ink-eyed man mention I-O-Us. He shrugs.

A rangy mongrel touches a finger to his nose and then points it at friend to show he likes his thinking. Then he steps gingerly onto the boat to join Inaya and Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid, hugely overcautious. Least confident camel-mounting ever.

A rangy mongrel touches a finger to his nose and then points it at Fan to show he likes his thinking. Then he steps gingerly onto the boat to join Inaya and Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid, hugely overcautious. Least confident camel-mounting ever.

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

A rangy mongrel is on a boat, this is as real as it gets. (Room Pose Set)

You sit down in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Lifting a brow at Inaya and Wasi, Fan asks the former, "That's four for you, then? Fine." [in Sirdabi] Smiling to himself, he makes his way over to a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. "I know when you live," [in Sirdabi] he warns you breezily.

Yasin is definitely not excited to be getting on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, judging by his steps towards the end of the pier. But, whatever. He's made up his mind, right? He hops onto the longboat, unsteady, non-sailor-y legs getting him aboard. Maybe the boat rocks a little, due to his bulk. He takes a seat. (Sit - on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

Wasi takes out a long mistwood oar from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, picking it up and surveying his position.

Fan sits down in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Muttering as he clambers into the boat, you say, "When we return to shore, as promised." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi offers a long mistwood oar to Inaya.

"You fuckin' know I got it. We don't start, we lose daylight on the way back," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Fan, hoarse and low aside.

Inaya accepts a long mistwood oar from Wasi.

"Only two oars. We'll take shifts?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks, looking between Inaya and Wasi.

Fan leaps onto a sleek-carved mistwood longboat a bit awkwardly - luckily it's too big for even his bulk to upset it much, particularly while occupied by the others. He wavers and then plops down into a seat - almost as if that was his intent all along.

"Yes yes," [in Sirdabi] Fan mutters at Inaya. "Off we go." [in Sirdabi]

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid steps away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, leaving.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid goes to stand on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a large crowd.

Inaya shifts her grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in her fist.

A lean, ink-eyed man sits down upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

Zahir huddles uncertainly in the boat, seeming uneasy.

"Right," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grunts, and then, somewhat reluctantly, sets a well-made iron axe down in order to pull something from a sun-emblazoned pouch of soft havana leather at her side.

Inaya puts a well-made iron axe in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Inaya gets out a nautical map of the southwestern Ensorian coastline from a sun-emblazoned pouch of soft havana leather in her possession.

Fan sits awkwardly in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, gripping the edge of his seat. (Room Pose Set)

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): Fan confesses aside to a rangy mongrel, plump lips pursed bravely, "I can't believe I'm doing this." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man is looking around watchfully from their seat. (Room Pose Set)

Fan peers south.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): You speak, "Well you're certainly being paid enough for your trouble." [in Sirdabi]

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): "I can't, either." [in Sirdabi] Yasin confesses to Fan.

Yasin scans south.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid closes his eyes for a moment, then moves to take a seat. His attention is mostly on Inaya still as he sits there in silence, fidgeting restlessly with a shark's tooth on a braided leather necklace. (Sit - upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

Fan manages a pleased grin in reply to you, but Yasin's commisseration seems to remind him of his plight.

Out of Character: Fan rolled will at hard difficulty and the result was a pass.

Wasi peers at Inaya's map, with a dubious frown. "Let's go southwest along the coast, then head out in a straight shot to the island," [in Sirdabi] suggests the one-time first mate, pointing across a route that seems tangled with patches of shoal-marked danger.

With evident effort, Fan settles back and lets go of a long, quiet breath. His nails slowly slip from their scored imprints on the underside of his seat.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): A rangy mongrel remains standing, though not half so steadily as Wasi and Inaya. He holds to the mast and slowly scans the line of St Loomis' sea-facing buildings, growing more and more shadowed as the afternoon progresses. "At least we are making shit decisions in style," [in Sirdabi] is all he comments.

A lean, ink-eyed man pets the nearby wood of the longboat at a rangy mongrel's comment and nods.

A lean, ink-eyed man patted.

Inaya moves about the boat, pulling the hawser from the piling of the dock and chucking it into the boat, and then thunks herself down on one side, casting a look to Wasi with a nod, then Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid. And then she's shoving - literally, with one arm off the piling, the boat away, before dipping an oar into the water.

The sun shines warmly through a spotless blue sky.

"Eyes on the horizon," [in Irzali] Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid mutters to himself, his gaze dragged off past the confines of the boat and towards where sky and sea meet with a certain amount of determination.

For his part, the burly lump of Razmani that is Yasin just watches Inaya as she does her preparations, as if studying.

Fan resumes his grip on the nearby wood features as a sleek-carved mistwood longboat starts to lurch in response to the force applied by Inaya. His eyes briefly widen but he soon has hold of himself.

(At the southward direction): A rangy mongrel angles a shrewd look Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid's way, watching the young noble for a moment longer than a passing glance could account for. Then he likewise turns to watch Inaya push them off, a grim line pulling at his mouth.

Inaya rows towards the southward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the southward direction.

Yasin reaches out to touch a faded folly-pendant.

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

Wasi squints north.

(Hidden) Fan lifts a dark, slender brow, eyes flitting from a rangy mongrel to Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid and back again. There is a hint of curiosity in the pout of his lips.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the northwestward direction.

Out of Character: Yasin rolled will at hard difficulty and the result was a pass.

Inaya just seems pretty focused on her task, dipping that oar into the water on first one side of the boat, then the other, pulling rather hard to get some momentum going. It doesn't take long.

Wasi giggles with glee for a second, then clears his throat and adopts a more manful expression as he gazes at the receding pier.

Inaya rows towards the westward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the westward direction.

Zahir breathes slowly and purposefully, but as the boat glides along without incident in the clear warm afternoon he begins to visibly relax.

Inaya rows towards the westward direction.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): It isn't until they're drifting on the water, pulling away from the port, when the fact that this man is once again on a boat seems to settle in Yasin's eyes. There's a darkness visible there, but he shakes his head subtly, and seems to shake that off, concentrating on the horizon, and on Inaya's rowing.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the westward direction.

Inaya rows towards the westward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the westward direction.

Fan cranes his neck to see the last of the pier as it becomes lost in the dappled colors of the port as a whole, distantly visible.

The sun is bright against the unmarred blue of the heavens, bathing the world in warm golden light.

"Bunch'a sandrats," [in Sirdabi] Inaya comments mildly, smirking as she glances over the various rather worried faces. By contrast, her whole entire self looks like Wasi's giggle made flesh, though she's by no means trying to hide it.

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

As the piers dwindle in the distance, you say, "We are looking for a trunk. If you find it, don't open it. We'll bring it back to the lighthouse. A simple enough task." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi gives Inaya an admiring assessment. "I'll row if you get tired, Captain," [in Sirdabi] he offers, but meanwhile seems content to just keep an eye on the surroundings waters.

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the southwestward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods in response to your words, their gaze lingering between the coastline, and southwest.

"Pfah," [in Sirdabi] Fan scoffs sourly at Inaya - though there is some playfulness under the surface, however tenuous at times. "I pray God the roles are reversed someday and you are carried along on a bumpy caravan route over the dunes, and I will add insult to injury by reminding you of the waves as we go." [in Sirdabi]

"You're supposed to be teaching me to not be a sandrat," [in Sirdabi] Yasin quips over to Inaya, spoken more as a jest than anything else. He then looks to you, narrowing his eyes. "Sassafras's trunk? Why's it so important?" [in Sirdabi] Rather nosy of him, perhaps.

Once they're underway, a rangy mongrel shoulders the mast to free his hand and digs a sweat-stained rag out of a pocket. "Nothing but rope and wood," [in Sirdabi] he says, shaking the thing out and then sweeping it onto his head. Airy and dark at the same time, he adds, "Like the gallows." [in Sirdabi] Spindly fingers tuck the fabric here-and-there. "I will laugh at both the same." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel gets out what's left of a tattered shemagh from an ugly makeshift pocket in his possession.

A rangy mongrel puts on what's left of a tattered shemagh.

Zahir continues "In the event that the trunk has been damaged or destroyed, we are looking for books. Do not open them, do not read them. Do not... look at them more than is necessary." [in Sirdabi]

"Alas, she is unphased by dunes," [in Sirdabi] Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid remarks with just a hint of bitterness to Fan though without looking at him. Instead, his attention flits briefly to you only to pull back towards a rangy mongrel and then jolt away towards the horizon.

A dark, rather serious expression ghosts across Fan's features at your description, as if he concurs with the gravity with which it has been described, though he has nothing to add, evidently.

Inaya nods to Wasi, definitely exerting herself but not seeming to tire just yet. She gives a silent little snicker at Fan, shaking her head. "Good luck fuckin' catchin' me in a caravan," [in Sirdabi] she quips back, and then blinks at Yasin. "Shit. Yeah. Uh." [in Sirdabi]

"They are cursed," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel tacks on helpfully to your mission briefing, pushing one tail of his shemagh over his shoulder.

If your description didn't raise Yasin's brow, a rangy mongrel's helpful addition certainly does.

"God will find a way to punish her, I am certain," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid easily, though he frowns at the end, looking at the youth a second time as if his first glance was too careless. "Whether you believe it or not." [in Sirdabi]

"'kay, uh, the thing with rowin' is you gotta know where the fuck you're goin'," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Yasin, "And you gotta keep shit balanced." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir nods in agreement with a rangy mongrel's explanation. "So much as reading the title." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

You say, "Hopefully the trunk is intact." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

"Fuck do I need punishing for?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya blurts to Fan then, mock-offended.

Yasin looks away from The comments about cursed books to Inaya's instruction, nodding to her. "Keep shit balanced," [in Sirdabi] he repeats, a note of amusement in his voice. He's watching Inaya row, though, studying the form of the movement with his eyes.

The sun shines warmly down from a crystal-clear blue sky.

With an irritated click of his tongue, Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat as he shoots a look over at Fan. "You can surely pray that he does," [in Sirdabi] he remarks, attempting a careless, lofty tone.

"So you pick which way you're goin', yeah?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya says back to Yasin again, and, demonstrating, "And if you wanna go straight, gotta be-- both sides. One left, one right. Otherwise you're turnin'." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

"Impertinence," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells Inaya without even having to consider. At your warning about book titles, he nods, adding, with a glance around to everyone, "We do not know if the titles are warded, so read them at your peril, hmm? We will know who has in time, and we will mock you relentlessly." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man listens quietly and intently with little to say, beyond nodding alongside the explanation of cursed books.

"I'll impertinence your fuckin' face," [in Sirdabi] Inaya retorts to Fan, clearly having not a clue what this means, just slinging it back at him in the absence of understanding.

A rangy mongrel doesn't dare wander too far from the mast - everywhere else is too near the water for his liking - but does lean out to get a better look at Inaya's instruction, listening closely.

Fan narrows his eyes at Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid, just looking at him a moment, like he's marking him for some future fate - though what remains ambiguous.

A rangy mongrel attends to Inaya's instruction.

Wasi takes out a long mistwood oar from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

"Something tells me," [in Sirdabi] Yasin murmurs idly to Fan, "...that being mocked relentlessly will be the least of our concerns." [in Sirdabi] Said so idly, because he's still watching Inaya row. "Both sides. One left, one right. Makes sense." [in Sirdabi]

"Anyway, fuckin'-- if you got two people rowin', then you can be on one side, they're on the other," [in Sirdabi] Inaya continues to Yasin and a rangy mongrel both as she carries on rowing. "But you gotta time shit. If they're goin' slow, you gotta go slow too." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

Wasi shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): "Pay attention to the other rowers." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, nodding. "Match their movement. Okay." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel heeds all this with nothing but a nod or two. Makes sense so far.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid watches Inaya then, an odd expression on his face as if he is looking at something but familiar and yet entirely strange, all at the same time. He frowns, then shakes his head as if dismissing a thought, pushing dark curls out of his face.

"Hmm," [in Sirdabi] Fan grunts ambiguously in response to Yasin. Tossing a lock of stray, wavy hair back from his face while his hands are occupied with gripping his seat, he adds, "For some." [in Sirdabi] A beat and then, "I'm told whoever reads one of these books will never read another word." [in Sirdabi] There's a sort of anticlimactic moment after that dramatic reveal, when he feels the need to clarify, "Not on account of being dead. It isn't a deadly curse. Just... one that makes you unable to read. Apparently." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi sets himself up with a long mistwood oar, aiding Inaya as described, but taking no initiative beyond this support rowing position.

In total seriousness, you say, "Some fates are worse than death." [in Sirdabi]

"Quite so," [in Sirdabi] Fan seems to agree rather gravely with you, though there is a hint of distraction, as if this makes him think of something else.

Inaya nods to Yasin, still rowing away, though the boat's definitely rolling on through the waves of the open sea now. "Anyway bringin' shit in's the hardest part, long one like this," [in Sirdabi] she continues. "Takes fuckin' forever to turn, an' hard to figure where you'll be. It's like..." [in Sirdabi] she trails off for a moment, adjusting course a little as she squints toward the way ahead, catching Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid's look in doing so and glancing back to him, then you. "Like, uh. You gotta shift where you sit in the boat, otherwise one side just does a big fuckin' circle, the other side sits there." [in Sirdabi]

The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

A rangy mongrel slides a wry look your way, momentarily distracted from the lesson.

As if despite himself, Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid looks on over towards Fan. "Imagine having that as an excuse," [in Sirdabi] he remarks with a careless gesture of one hand. "Oh, forgive me, I cannot possibly study as I was supposed to, for I am cursed and can no longer read." [in Sirdabi] He sighs, manner definitely exaggerated for show.

Fan's comment does draw Yasin's attention away from Inaya for a moment. There's a disturbed look on his face, then he shakes his head, looking back to Inaya. "...And are we only learning that she had cursed books on the fucking Dolphin -now-?" [in Sirdabi] It is less annoyance in his voice, more a reaction, probably. But his attention once again settles on the rowing instruction, as if it were the only sane thing being discussed. Maybe it is.

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the southwestward direction.

A rangy mongrel is a bad student and doesn't raise his hand to ask questions in Inaya's class, but he speaks one out-of-turn with deep curiosity: "Have you ever killed a man with an oar, Warrior?" [in Sirdabi] Something about the way she looks while holding that thing must have inspired the thought.

A lean, ink-eyed man blinks several times at Fan's words. "I wasn't expecting that to be the curse itself." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin narrows his eyes at the description of turning. His head tilts to regard the length of the boat, then he looks back to Inaya.

A lean, ink-eyed man scans west.

"Surely you have kept YOUR secrets, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] Fan mutters carelessly aside to Yasin. "Should we have learned by acquiring the curse ourselves, going through her underthings while she was hanging her bottom over the rail above?" [in Sirdabi] He lofts a brow at Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid, though, his pale gold eyes glittering in a not entirely kind way. "You are welcome to test them." [in Sirdabi] Aside to a lean, ink-eyed man, he shrugs. "So I am told." [in Sirdabi]

"There's the beach," [in Sirdabi] claims Wasi, spotting it in the distance -- he rows with a little more gusto, now.

"Uh-huh," [in Sirdabi] Inaya replies to a rangy mongrel without any real hesitation, though she does give him a look, and does not offer more than that. She looks ahead again then, pointing. "There we go," [in Sirdabi] she says with a nod to Wasi.

Wasi rows towards the westward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man sits upwards, spotting the beach as Wasi speaks.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the westward direction.

Wasi rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the southwestward direction.

Wasi rows towards the westward direction.

A rangy mongrel just sort of nods to himself, satisfied. Then he follows the line of her finger, and wouldn't you know it? Land ho.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the westward direction.

Yasin pauses in his consideration of the sailing, looking to a rangy mongrel at that question. And then to Inaya, at the answer. But he's distracted by Fan's careless mutter. "Very few," [in Sirdabi] is what he replies.

A rangy mongrel peers north.

Fan seems entirely unsurprised, both by a rangy mongrel's question of Inaya, and by the woman's answer, so much so that he hardly seems to notice, though his eyes flit between them briefly.

Looking up at the cliffs as he hauls about the oar with a grunt, Wasi says, "It's -- where we washed up." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel peers southwest.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): Wasi turns his gaze towards the open sea southward. "Good weather today, at least," [in Sirdabi] he mutters.

Wasi rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the southwestward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man responds to Fan, "Whatever the curse, I will heed the warnings for my curiosity this case." [in Sirdabi] They don't really pay attention to a rangy mongrel and Inaya words, fixed looking towards the beach and outwards.

A rangy mongrel nod-nods agreement with Wasi, eying the rocks.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): Yasin frowns, looking around. "...Yes. This is where we washed up." [in Sirdabi] He recognizes it immediately, and there's renewed darkness in both his tone and his eyes at the statement.

Wasi struggles to row, but quakes with fatigue.

Yasin takes stock of Wasi.

Fan frowns at Yasin, giving a soft sigh. "Alas. You are so very nearly my type. It's too bad you found yourself under a harpy's wing before I could effect rescue." [in Sirdabi] Looking over toward the rocks, he greets the sight with a mixture of wariness and relief.

Wafting a briny scent across the waves, gentle breezes brush through the warm clear air.

With a grunt, Wasi says, "Ow, my arm's cramping. Anyone else want a turn..?" [in Sirdabi]

Fan stops making eye contact with anyone near Wasi at the man's question.

Inaya rows towards the southward direction.

Well, if Fan wanted a sharp look, that earns him a few daggers from Yasin. "Watch what you say, Sayyid, when you speak of the dead." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southward direction.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid draws in a breath and, rather abruptly, tips his head backwards, almost letting it loll. His eyes half close, gaze somewhat unfocused as he watches the sky in a strange, faraway manner.

Wasi drops a long mistwood oar near a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, relinquishing it.

"Go ahead, Smith," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel encourages Yasin to relieve Wasi with a jerk of his sandpapery chin.

Inaya just carries on, apparently still okay for it, though it's plainly a fair bit of effort to row something this big.

Wasi picks up a long mistwood oar from the water, grabbing it as it attempts to float away.

Yasin holds that gaze towards Fan for a few beats, he looks to Wasi an reaches his hand out. "I'll try. Someone tell me where we're going, though." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir sighs and shakes his head, studying the cliffs. "Both evil and dangerous. I sincerely hope the trunk can be secured... without incident." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi offers a long mistwood oar to Yasin.

Yasin accepts a long mistwood oar from Wasi.

Yasin shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Wasi moves from his position to let Yasin take a seat, shuffling over to sit elsewhere and rub at his arm... which is not as impressive as Inaya's arm, obviously.

Yasin shifts a long mistwood oar from his fist, now simply holding it.

Yasin shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Inaya peers south.

Yasin peers south.

Fan meets Yasin's gaze without surprise. He only mentions, "I always watch what I say, my friend. If you mean hold my tongue, I was not born a free man of the Perfected Song to let you tell me what I can and cannot say. But you are welcome to try to change my mind." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin moves over to sit where Wasi was, not looking at Fan further for the moment. He looks to Inaya, and says, "I see some obstruction that way, yes?" [in Sirdabi] He gestures with a free hand south. "Which way, Captain?" [in Sirdabi]

Fan nods at you, peering off the side toward the cliffs sort of searchingly, like he might see the thing from this far away somehow.

Inaya points southward and tells Yasin, "Not that way, see the way the water is? Fuckin' rocks there. Go that way," [in Sirdabi] she points southeast instead.

Wasi squints south.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers south.

"Enough," [in Sirdabi] Zahir snaps at Fan. "There is a task at hand. Save your squabbles for when we return." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin nods to Inaya, peering southeast.

"Can't see that way." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to Inaya. "But I'll row us." [in Sirdabi] He grits his teeth, and rows.

Yasin rows towards the southeastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the southeastward direction.

Fan arches a brow at you, seeming almost pleased by his outburst. He smiles, and shrugs, and remains silent for the moment.

Your snapping catches a rangy mongrel's attention, ever a hound for conflict. His dark eyes glitter, and he says nothing for his part.

Wasi squints off southward. "Looks clear as far as I can see," [in Sirdabi] he states.

Yasin The movement is awkward, like he's struggling to get a 'feel' for it. But then he seems to make sense of the motion, and nods to Inaya as they move on. Listening to Wasi, he rows on south.

Yasin rows towards the southward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the southward direction.

"Oh," [in Sirdabi] Fan murmurs, waving a rangy mongrel off amiably. "Let him toy with having a backbone. I should like to see more of it, not less, hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

"It suits him," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel concurs, all approval. That was mirth in his eyes before, not a threat.

Yasin rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

"Onward south?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Inaya, frowning in that direction. "Looks clear, best I can tell." [in Sirdabi]

"Aye," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Yasin, nodding, squinting as she watches the sea ahead."

Yasin rows towards the southward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the southward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man scans south.

Yasin scans south.

Yasin peers south.

"Reef," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, squinting south. He looks east, instead, but seems to have already tired himself out before he begins rowing. "Anyone else want to take this?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin squints east.

Yasin peers east.

Inaya peers south.

A rangy mongrel hasn't got sea-legs so he sort of sea-staggers his way over to Yasin's seat and holds his hand out to accept the oar.

Yasin offers a long mistwood oar to a rangy mongrel.

A rangy mongrel accepts a long mistwood oar from Yasin.

Inaya nods to Yasin. "That way," [in Sirdabi] she concurs, pointing eastward for a rangy mongrel.

"That way," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, pointing east, though he looks to Inaya for confirmation. Then he moves out of a rangy mongrel's way and takes his former seat.

Zahir blinks at Yasin's question, then looks around to see who will accept. A fleeting bleakness shadows his expression, but he says nothing.

Fan looks at everything except Yasin when it's time to trade the oar. Just try and get his attention.

The sun is bright against the unmarred blue of the heavens, bathing the world in warm golden light.

"That way," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel completes the sound-off, shuffling his way into Yasin's spot and dipping the paddle of the oar into the ocean with significant unfamiliarity.

Upon returning to his seat, Yasin does look at Fan, as if having saved his comments for time-between-oars, but maybe due to physical exhaustion, the Razmani just shakes his head towards the man and looks east.

A rangy mongrel shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid is apparently far too busy staring at the sky to even notice the need for anybody else to offer to row. He frowns after a minute, eyes narrowed against the glare of the sun as he lifts a hand to shield them and finally looks at the other occupants of the boat again.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid takes quick note of his surroundings.

Once the oar is in a rangy mongrel's possession, Fan has no trouble looking at Yasin, and gives him a breezy smile.

A rangy mongrel rows towards the eastward direction.

Wasi squints south.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the eastward direction.

What a rangy mongrel lacks in technique, he makes up for in enthusiasm, like a young buck on his first bedroom escapade. Look at him go.

Fan entirely fails to suppress a high pitched and rather unmanly titter when he thinks to actually watch a rangy mongrel's labor.

A lean, ink-eyed man observes the exhaustion from Yasin, then eyes a rangy mongrel's rowing. They turn to Inaya, "Mind giving one or two pointers again? I'll likely not manage far, but-" [in Sirdabi with a flat countertenor] they shrug.

Yasin flits his eyes between the open waters and a rangy mongrel's go at the oar. He gives an appreciative nod towards the enthusiasm, but that's all he gives, as he's too spent to do much else.

"Don't forget to breathe," [in Sirdabi with a stiff baritone] Wasi helpfully cautions a rangy mongrel, but it's likely too late to aid in matters of windedness.

For her part, now, Inaya just leans back, propping herself somewhat with her oar as she supervises a rangy mongrel's rowing. She looks to a lean, ink-eyed man, then nods. "See what he's doin'?" [in Sirdabi] she says with a smirk. "Don't do that." [in Sirdabi with a hoarsely broken, half-whispered contralto]

A rangy mongrel is doing a fantastic job of exhausting himself. "Worst camel I... ever rode..." [in Sirdabi with a guttural scrape of a baritone] he complains through grit teeth, though he really takes no offence at being laughed and gawked at, taking his knocks on the chin.

"It can't be worse than this," [in Sirdabi with an eccentric, Irzali-flavored tenor] Fan murmurs aside to a lean, ink-eyed man reassuringly, with tears of pleasure in his eyes as he watches a rangy mongrel wrestle with the sea.

The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

A lean, ink-eyed man takes in Inaya's words with an amused look, then shrugs to Fan, "Never know. Firouzeh can heft more than me. Perhaps she would outrow us." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel rows towards the southeastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the southeastward direction.

Zahir hums dubiously.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid blinks and looks between Fan, a rangy mongrel, Wasi and Inaya as if just catching up with the joke. Perhaps he doesn't get it though because he only frowns a bit and looks back to the sky as if searching it for something.

"You gotta use your back, not just your arms, or you fuckin' break 'em," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells a lean, ink-eyed man, absolutely not sparing a rangy mongrel with the 'teaching' critique of his form. "All of you gotta be doin' the same fuckin' thing." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin looks to Inaya, then watches a rangy mongrel grip the oar. He holds out his own hands miming his earlier. Then he listens more to Inaya.

A rangy mongrel rows towards the southward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southward direction.

Something scrapes horrendously beneath a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): Wasi squints at the surrounding waters. "The coral reef was that way," [in Sirdabi] he mutters with a frown, glancing westward. "But now it's this way, too..." [in Sirdabi] He stares at the shadowy masses under the water to the south.

"That old woman is stronger than all of us put together. Apart from the Captain," [in Sirdabi] Fan agrees with a lean, ink-eyed man. When he notices Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid's glance his gazes lingers there.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods attentively then winces at a scrape.

"Like mining," [in Sirdabi with a calm and quiet bass-baritone] Yasin adds, probably unhelpfully. But the point seems to connect-- and then he's looking over the side of the boat, wincing.

Wasi grabs at the edge of a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, eyes widening.

"Shit," [in Sirdabi] Inaya blurts, pushing to dip her own oar back into the water.

A rangy mongrel jolts in his spot and hoists the oar out of the water with a splash, eyes snapping immediately to Inaya.

"Uh-- fuck," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says. Also unhelpfully.

Yasin peers north.

"Let us hope it turns out better than *that* did, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] Fan murmurs aside to Yasin, eyes flitting up and down the length of him briefly.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid draws in a breath and lets it out very, very slowly. His eyes don't leave the sky though, even as the boat jolts and shakes.

Fan seems to want to peer over the side of a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, but perhaps doesn't quite have the nerve to get closer to the water.

Inaya continues teaching sailing.

A rangy mongrel drags down a thick swallow but doesn't put the oar back into the water. "... I think I am... done rowing now..." [in Sirdabi] he pants.

Eyes wide, Wasi exclaims, "Naught to do but continue through!" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi reaches for a rangy mongrel's oar.

Wasi starts to take a long mistwood oar from a rangy mongrel.

A rangy mongrel offers a long mistwood oar to Wasi.

Zahir casts a horrified look at Fan.

"Fuckin'-- you gotta watch for this shit," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grumbles, pushing her oar at some of the coral to dislodge the boat, starting to row away from the hazard. "When the water's uh, like this, see how you can see it? Means there's shit underneath. Don't row onto shit." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi accepts a long mistwood oar from a rangy mongrel.

A rangy mongrel allows Wasi to take a long mistwood oar.

Inaya rows towards the southwestward direction.

Yasin shoots Fan a hard look at his murmur. The hardness is probably made duller and less meaningful by the exhaustion still present in his eyes, and a little lingering horror at the recent -scrape-.

Inaya continues teaching sailing.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southwestward direction.

Inaya stops teaching sailing.

Fan suppresses a little belch with plump fingers, but quickly grabs for his seat again. He stares at Wasi somewhat dubiously, but your look distracts him. "What?" [in Sirdabi] he asks.

Wasi whacks at lumps of coral beneath a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, paddling to aid Inaya's efforts.

The sun shines warmly down from a crystal-clear blue sky.

Fan grips his seat tensely, pointedly not looking toward the water. (Room Pose Set)

A lean, ink-eyed man peers downwards at the coral as Inaya speaks.

You tell Fan, "That... sound. The... scraping?" [in Sirdabi with a dignified baritone]

Wasi shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Wasi rows towards the southwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the southwestward direction.

Inaya alternates with Wasi, keeping rhythm with his rowing.

Inaya rows towards the southward direction.

A rangy mongrel drags himself back to the mast again, though this time seats himself with his back to it, letting his head loll back while he tries to catch his breath. Still a more impressive physical performance than he ever could have managed a few months ago.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the southward direction.

Fan looks around jerkily, eyes flashing. "I didn't hear..." [in Sirdabi] He stares at you.

Wasi nods over towards Inaya while rowing, the near-disaster event with the coral reef seeming to have given him some adrenaline-boosted energy.

Wasi rows towards the southeastward direction.

"...We hit a reef." [in Sirdabi] Yasin explains to Fan, almost off-handedly, as he watches the sea. "Seems like we're okay, now." [in Sirdabi]

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid gets slowly to his feet in a somewhat trace-like manner, one hand moved to the mast to steady himself. Still it is the sky that seems to hold his attention and not the ocean despite whatever threats it might throw in the direction of the boat. (Swim - upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

Looking down at the bottom of the boat, you tell Fan, "We don't seem to be taking on water. Perhaps Lord Greyleigh won't notice that we scratched his boat." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the southeastward direction.

Yasin gets out a round leather canteen from a tough zharalhide mizuda in his possession.

Yasin takes a drink from a round leather canteen.

Yasin puts a round leather canteen in a tough zharalhide mizuda.

Hopefully, you say, "It is underneath, after all." [in Sirdabi]

"There's the fuckin' hunk of rock," [in Sirdabi] Inaya mutters as she squints ahead, decidedly sour. She keeps a'rowing.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): Wasi stops rowing for a moment, gaze turning upward. "That rock," [in Sirdabi] he mutters, and there's a hint of darkness in his own stare then, and a long exhale.

Inaya rows towards the southeastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the southeastward direction.

"...Least we're going the right way, then." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, nodding as they spy -that rock-.

Fan huffs, huffs, huffs, quietly but noticeably winding down from what might have wanted to become a panic attack at the idea of scraping noises on the boat. Yasin's comment seems to calm him, though. "Right. Of course. Reef. What else?" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi rows towards the southeastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the southeastward direction.

"Perhaps. But I have no doubt you can satisfy him if he does," [in Sirdabi] Fan mentions to you, even as he settles back in his seat with a harrowed sigh.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers south.

Inaya eyes the cliffs above, keeping the vessel well out from the edges of the rocks and skirting eastward over the water.

Yasin looks to Fan, weary eyes upon the man. "...Lookout Rock's ahead." [in Sirdabi] He murmurs to him, then looks back on ahead.

Inaya peers south.

A rangy mongrel peers south.

Wasi stares at where the deep, dark waters meet the steeply-rising rock face. He expels a weary grunt and gives a confused headshake.

Yasin peers south.

Inaya rows towards the eastward direction.

Yasin peers east.

Wasi says, "... I don't see where any ship might've landed..." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the eastward direction.

Yasin peers southeast.

A rangy mongrel scans southeast.

Wasi offers a long mistwood oar to a lean, ink-eyed man.

Fan looks up, following Yasin's gaze toward the rocky island - tentatively at first, as if he isn't sure what he might see. But soon he seems recovered, and curious.

Wasi shifts to relinquish his position to a lean, ink-eyed man, appearing wearied once more.

A lean, ink-eyed man starts to take a long mistwood oar from Wasi.

"... something in the water..." [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel murmurs, squinting ahead.

Wasi allows a lean, ink-eyed man to take a long mistwood oar.

Inaya peers southeast.

A lean, ink-eyed man shifts their grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in their fist.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers southeast.

Brow furrowing, you tell a rangy mongrel, "Another reef?" [in Sirdabi]

You scan southeast...
Looking to the way southeast, you can see...
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, On the Eastern Side of Dark Cliffs]
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: northwest (water), southeast (water), and south
Further, there is:
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, A Stretch of Shallow Water Before a Craggy Inlet]
A sturdy wooden crate stamped with a rising sun in a circle bobs a little, then drops to rest with each crash of the tide upon the sandbar.
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: northwest (water), west, and southwest (water)
You can't see any further.

"...Should we turn about, then?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks. "Approach from the other side?" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi squints southeast.

A lean, ink-eyed man looks to Inaya's direction at Yasin's words.

A rangy mongrel shakes his head. "Flotsam, I think," [in Sirdabi] he guesses. "From the Dolphin. A bit further ahead." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya scans southeast.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid peers southeast.

Yasin scans southeast.

The sun shines warmly through a spotless blue sky.

Zahir gives a thoughtful, quiet hum, and turns his attention to Inaya, studying her.

Wasi squints ahead, and nods over to a rangy mongrel in agreement. "Flotsam," [in Sirdabi] he concurs, seeming simultaneously grim-yet-hopeful once more.

"...I see cargo." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, nodding to a rangy mongrel.

Fan peers west.

Yasin peers southeast.

Fan peers southeast.

"Aye," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grunts, with a nod to a rangy mongrel. She carries on rowing, carefully angling the boat.

Fan scans southeast.

Inaya rows towards the southeastward direction.

Fan scans west.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the southeastward direction.

A rangy mongrel scans south.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid peers south.

Yasin peers south.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers southeast.

Inaya peers south.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers south.

You peer south...
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, Lookout Rock, A Craggy Inlet]
A wall of sheer rock towers westward over this stony patch of beach, but is softened by a slanting approach that allows for a climb towards the northwest and southwest. Toothy crags slash out into the sea and claw into the sky from either side, but the extending sandbar below reaches eastward and makes for a shallower tide upon the island than the dark underwater drops to the north and south.
A bilge-sodden oakwood crate is at some distance from the splintered hull, half-sunk in the stony sand. A heavy ship's mop has been abandoned, tossed up on the sand. A large barrel sits next to the section of hull, perhaps hoping to gather rainwater.
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: south (water), northwest, southwest, north (water), and east (water)
Other: a section of partially-splintered hull

"Inlet, there." [in Sirdabi] Yasin points south. "And I see part of the ship, if I'm not mistaken." [in Sirdabi]

Fan sits straight in his seat, peering off toward land. (Room Pose Set)

A lean, ink-eyed man lets out a breath as they peer southward.

"There," [in Sirdabi] Inaya rasps, and ticks her head to a lean, ink-eyed man. "Help me turn us, we'll beach it on that sandbar." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi squints around, and directs a long stare up at the jagged rocks of the island that looms now to the western flank of a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Wasi squints south.

Wasi squints southeast.

"Is beach a good thing?" [in Sirdabi] Fan ventures to Inaya, tonguing his gold tooth as he sits up.

Yasin peers southeast.

Fan scans south.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Inaya's words, then asks, "Just tell me the direction." [in Sirdabi] as they ready the oars.

Yasin peers south.

"There ain't a dock to tie up at, so that's what we do," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Fan, rather simply. "If there's sand, we beach it. If there ain't, we gotta swim from here to shore." [in Sirdabi]

"Sand is always preferable to sea," [in Sirdabi] opines a rangy mongrel, sitting forward to try and get a good look up at the rocks from over the other passengers' heads.

Inaya points south, aiding in turning with her own oar as she indicates to a lean, ink-eyed man.

"God knows," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells a rangy mongrel reverently, seeming to take in Inaya's reply but without comment.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods to Inaya.

Yasin looks between southeast and south, seeming unsure, certainly, of how to beach a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. But he watches Inaya and a lean, ink-eyed man, paying attention and remaining quiet.

A lean, ink-eyed man rows towards the southward direction.

A rangy mongrel grimaces a bit at the word 'swim' but voices no complaint, putting his faith in Inaya.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat bumps up against the shore.

Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid drags his attention from the sky just long enough to look towards the rocks and then sinks down to the deck of the boat rather woozily, all but slumped back against the mast, something muttered incoherently. (Sit - near the northward direction -)

Yasin lets out a held breath as they bump up against the shore, nodding with a grin towards a lean, ink-eyed man, then Inaya. "Alright. We're... here." [in Sirdabi] Then, his eyes settle on a section of partially-splintered hull, and his grin fades.

Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

Fan narrows his eyes suspiciously at Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid.

You straighten to stand near the northward direction.

You say, "Well..." [in Sirdabi]

When a sleek-carved mistwood longboat bumps against the beach, Wasi says to Inaya, "I'll stay with the boat, check it over..." [in Sirdabi] He's already moving to do so, vaulting out one edge onto the pebbly sandbar and crouching to peer at the exterior hull. (Crouch - near a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

Looking around, you say, "We know what we're looking for?" [in Sirdabi]

"A trunk, or books?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin offers to you. "That we should not read, or barely even look at." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man aims an out of breath grin towards Yasin, then lets go of their grip on the oars.

A lean, ink-eyed man puts a long mistwood oar on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Zahir nods approvingly to Wasi. "Good idea" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man straightens to stand near the northward direction.

"Wasi, Yasin, Ziya, help me pull it in some," [in Sirdabi] Inaya says. "So it don't float off." [in Sirdabi] She goes after Wasi, jumping over the side to land with a splash in the shallow water, and starts hauling a sleek-carved mistwood longboat further onto shore a little way.

Zahir nods then to Yasin. "Precisely." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin straightens to stand near the northward direction.

Inaya puts a long mistwood oar in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Inaya steps away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat None the northward direction, leaving.

Wordlessly, Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid just tips his head back against the mast and lets his eyes close. Apparently he isn't helping Inaya or really doing anything useful except...passing out at a really inopportune moment. 

Yasin nods to Inaya. "Right. Pull. Can do that." [in Sirdabi]

(At the northward direction): Wasi sadly strokes some scrape-marks on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat's keel. "Poor babe," [in Sirdabi] he mutters sympathetically.

You go to move within the general area, joining Inaya.

Yasin goes to stand near the general area, joining Inaya and you.

Wasi lingers around a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, babying her like a clucking mother hen, near the northward direction. (Room Pose Set)

You pick up a heavy ship's mop from the ground.

Fan gets up, creeping toward the violet-eyed youth to stare down at him with naked suspicion, seeming to await further developments regarding his consciousness. When he doesn't move again, the man relaxes and looks around. (Stand - near the northward direction -)

Yasin joins Inaya and reaches to pull a sleek-carved mistwood longboat in towards the beach, burly arms seeming to prefer this task compared to the rowing.

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand near a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Zahir collects a heavy ship's mop, holding it upside down, as a makeshift walking stick.

Shakily and with a grunt of effort, a rangy mongrel pushes himself up onto his feet, eager to get the hell off of this thing and back onto solid ground. As he abandons the Irzali noble at the mast, he offers with a dry twist, "Shall I hold your hair back while you vomit, Morsel?" [in Sirdabi] And only the notices that the young man is really out of it. He pauses for but one moment. But the sand is calling.

A rangy mongrel straightens to stand near the northward direction.

Once Inaya's satisfied with a sleek-carved mistwood longboat's position, she nods to Yasin and Wasi, and goes to splash the rest of the way onto the shore. She catches sight of you and that mop, and quirks an eyebrow with a small smirk.

A rangy mongrel goes to stand near a section of partially-splintered hull.

A lean, ink-eyed man stands with slightly shaking legs, casting a look back at Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid before looking towards a nearby crate.

Fan snorts, watching a rangy mongrel come off a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. "Wouldn't you like to?" [in Sirdabi] He lifts a brow, smirking amiably.

Fan goes to stand near a bilge-sodden oakwood crate, joining a lean, ink-eyed man.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers southwest.

Fan peers northwest.

After this task, Yasin peers over towards a bilge-sodden oakwood crate, looking inside it. The sight of that thing seems to earn a profanity uttered from Yasin. "Fucking really?" [in Sirdabi] He points at a bilge-sodden oakwood crate. "Cargo intact, if anyone wants armor, or a crossbow." [in Sirdabi] (Stand - near a bilge-sodden oakwood crate -)

Fan scans northwest.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers northwest.

Yasin There is only a briefly disturbed glance given to a rangy mongrel at his dry comment to the sleeping noble, before he looks back to a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

"Why else would I offer?" [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel returns easily, scuffing off across the sand on heavy, leaden steps. Slowly he recovers from the ordeal, and narrows his eyes to get a better look around at the wreckage.

Fan narrows his eyes in brief impatience at Yasin's outburst. "Yes, a crossbow, just what I need to escape the mists and return to my beloved Omrazir." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel peers northwest.

A rangy mongrel peers southwest.

A lean, ink-eyed man glances at the crate again, "Could toss it in the longboat, spose. Not like we filled it with crew." [in Sirdabi]

Fan sorts through a bilge-sodden oakwood crate anyway, despite his shit-talk.

Yasin rolls his eyes at Fan, then nods to a lean, ink-eyed man.

Inaya gives a low, amused snort at this from Yasin, shaking her head. "It is strange, what survives," [in Sirdabi] she rasps. "I worked for a time picking wrecks. Some things you do not expect remain unharmed. I found a tea set, once. Unbroken." [in Sirdabi]

The sun is bright against the unmarred blue of the heavens, bathing the world in warm golden light.

Zahir displays no interest in armor or crossbows, instead taking stock of his surroundings.

Inaya puts a nautical map of the southwestern Ensorian coastline in a sun-emblazoned pouch of soft havana leather.

You scan northwest...
Looking to the way northwest, you can see...
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, Lookout Rock, Clifftop]
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: west, southeast, and southwest
You can't see any further.

You scan southwest...
Looking to the way southwest, you can see...
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, Lookout Rock, Jagged Bluffs]
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: northeast, northwest, and west (water)
You can't see any further.

Inaya peers northwest.

"A tea set." [in Sirdabi] Yasin repeats of Inaya's words, amusement in his expression. "Did you keep it?" [in Sirdabi] Then, he gestures to a bilge-sodden oakwood crate. "Want me to bring that aboard, S- Captain?" [in Sirdabi] He corrects himself quickly at the end, though a correction is needed.

Fan shakes his head ultimately, scoffing. "If I were a smuggler, perhaps. But when I wear the turban of a merchant, it is to sell people things that make them *happy*, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] He sneers passingly and moves on along the beach, keeping his footing well enough in some rakish, elaborately-embroidered scrap leather ankle boots.

Wasi goes back to his usual business.

Zahir hums dubiously, then remarks, with some distraction "I'd love a tea set..." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man blinks at Inaya's words. "Huh." [in Sirdabi] then continues to peer around.

"Fuck no," [in Sirdabi] Inaya half-laughs, then coughs, shaking her head to Yasin. "Sold that shit. I needed to eat." [in Sirdabi] She pauses, then nods. "Aye. Suppose we should bring it back." [in Sirdabi]

Fan peers towards a section of partially-splintered hull.

Fan goes to stand near a section of partially-splintered hull, joining a rangy mongrel.

Yasin shoots another look to Fan, then back to Inaya, he nods.

Yasin picks up a bilge-sodden oakwood crate from the ground.

Yasin just... lifts up the thing, and begins double-arm carrying it carefully over to a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

"Which part of the ship is this?" [in Sirdabi] Fan mutters, coming up near a rangy mongrel and peering at a section of partially-splintered hull.

Yasin goes to stand in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid and Wasi.

Yasin places a bilge-sodden oakwood crate near the northward direction.

Yasin picks up a bilge-sodden oakwood crate from the ground.

Yasin puts a bilge-sodden oakwood crate in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

A lean, ink-eyed man scans the area carefully.

A rangy mongrel's eyes crawl over this chunk of his most recent prison, expression unreadable. "Some part of the belly," [in Sirdabi] he supposes quietly aside to Fan, though certainly no expert.

Yasin settles the crate in a spot near the center of the longboat, then rejoins the rest on the shore. (Stand - near the general area -)

Tonguing his gold tooth, Fan mentions, "Last I saw the trunk, it was in the 'secret' cargo hold, hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin peers northwest.

Yasin peers southwest.

Fan scans southwest.

Fan scans northwest.

Fan boards a section of partially-splintered hull.

You scan the area carefully.

"Well, we should start searching, then." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares. He looks from side to side, then, follows Shirazi over towards a section of partially-splintered hull.

Yasin starts towards a section of partially-splintered hull. (Stand - near a section of partially-splintered hull -)

"Hmm..." [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel echoes after Fan. Noted. He turns his fast inland and sniffs the air a bit, then drops his eyes to the sand and reads it as one might a book. Though not a cursed one.

A rangy mongrel carefully looks over the area.

Yasin boards a section of partially-splintered hull.

The sun shines warmly through a spotless blue sky.

A rangy mongrel leaves the wreckage-picking to others for now, and instead scuffs off to do a little rock-climbing.

A lean, ink-eyed man turns towards you, "Did she mention anything notable about the trunks appearance or make? I recall once with a bronze clasp." [in Sirdabi]

Moving towards the northwestward direction, a rangy mongrel leaves the vicinity of a section of partially-splintered hull. (Stand - at the general area -)

You tell Inaya, "Well, given that you're the... expert salvager, how do we proceed? Divvy up to cover more ground, stick together in case of... unforseen dangers?" [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel starts towards the northwestward direction. (Stand - near the northwestward direction -)

A lean, ink-eyed man nods.

A shout in an eccentric, Irzali-flavored tenor can be heard from a section of partially-splintered hull.
"THE TRUNK IS HERE." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man peers northwest.

Zahir shakes his head at a lean, ink-eyed man. "Unfortunately I don't recall. I saw it once, and it didn't leave much of an impression." [in Sirdabi]

"Good-good," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel murmurs after that shout, but he doesn't alter course.

A rangy mongrel walks northwest.

You say, "Ah, excellent." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir starts towards a section of partially-splintered hull. (Stand - near a section of partially-splintered hull -)

A lean, ink-eyed man hums, "Then I am curious to look about, if the trunk is found." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi straightens to stand near the northward direction.

You tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "Of course, though heed whatever the captain says about when we should return." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at you.

A lean, ink-eyed man starts towards the northwestward direction. (Stand - near the northwestward direction -)

You board a section of partially-splintered hull.

[Upon A Section of Partially-Splintered Hull]
You are on [a section of partially-splintered hull].
This section of splintered hull has rolled onto its side, forming something of a curved shelter upon the sand. The timbers of a ship make the floor and the ceiling, but it gives barely any real safety from the elements, though it does offer some half-shade and the protection of two walls, a floor, and a partial ceiling.
A heavy makeshift ashwood oar leans against the paltry ceiling of this shelter. A large oakwood crate has been set here, containing pathetic attempts at organizing flotsam. A large patchwork of sailcloth and scraps has been bundled up here.
Fan is here, holding a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery in his left hand. Yasin is here, holding a bronze-clasped trunk of heavy dark leather in his right hand.
You are upon a shipwreck. The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky outside the arch of shipwrecked hull. The area is lightly spattered with vomit.
Cardinal Exits:
Other: out onto stony sand

Fan shrugs carelessly at Yasin. "It does him no good. He doesn't wear it." [in Sirdabi]

"I'll bring this to the boat, then come back for the other," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says casually to Fan. "Unless you want to carry it." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya walks over from out onto stony sand.

Zahir smiles in rare and genuine pleasure to see Yasin with the trunk.

"...This fucking boat," [in Sirdabi] Yasin mutters, as he walks off, carrying a bronze-clasped trunk of heavy dark leather. To Inaya, he says, "Her trunk is in there." [in Sirdabi] He gestures to a large oakwood crate. "This is Al-Kazid's, apparently." [in Sirdabi]

Fan purses his full lips, eyes narrowing a fraction at Yasin as if trying to read something about him. "Someone will carry it. If you wish to, then do so." [in Sirdabi]

Clucking contentedly, oblivious to any tension that might be present, you say, "Excellent. Excellent." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya nods to Yasin as she steps up. "It is," [in Sirdabi] she confirms, eyeing that trunk, then looking to a large oakwood crate.

Fan pets a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery, which lays over his arm, and shoots Inaya a grin about it when he sees her.

You say, "I do wish she could have been here to confirm it's the right one, but all in all a rousing success." [in Sirdabi]

"Shit, that was the one got stuck up in the rigging," [in Sirdabi] Inaya rasps to Fan with a glance to the coat he holds, smirking and giving a wondering sort of shake of her head.

You tell Inaya, "Ighlaf wishes to explore a bit." [in Sirdabi]

"Believe me, I would recognize it," [in Sirdabi] Fan assures you with a hint of amusement in the curl of his lips.

Yasin turns to Fan, holding a steady gaze. There isn't much hidden about the Razmani's expression. A touch of weariness, a touch of annoyance, maybe. Some manner of trepidation as his eyes flit to regard the broken hull of the Dolphin. After holding that gaze, he breaks away, and carries a bronze-clasped trunk of heavy dark leather off. Likely to their longboat.

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, Yasin leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

Yasin starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

Yasin walks out onto stony sand.

Fan watches Yasin go a moment, seemingly impassive, before he turns back to you with a smile. "Ha. And to think... I was certain it would be broken open, impossible to say if local hermits had made off with some of the articles... Or buried in the sand." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin walks over from out onto stony sand.

"Guess this was where they were stayin'," [in Sirdabi] Inaya surmises after a bit more looking about, poking into a large oakwood crate some.

Fan rifles through a large oakwood crate with a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery over his arm. (Room Pose Set)

Fan nods aside at Inaya, seeming to have come to a similar conclusion himself.

Yasin returns, now empty-handed, letting out a little sigh as he once again regards a large oakwood crate. (Stand - near a large oakwood crate -)

"Pine tar." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, a smirk towards Inaya.

"Do you suppose the Child will want his coat back?" [in Sirdabi] Fan asks Inaya, rustling a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery on his arm. "Mended, of course." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin looks between Fan and Inaya. He then blinks, spying something in a large oakwood crate. "Huh." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin takes out a coal-stained sack from a large oakwood crate.

"Told you," [in Sirdabi] Inaya says to Yasin with a smirk, nodding. Then she looks back to Fan with a curious frown. "You can fix it? Shit. If it's fixed, yeah, figure... probably." [in Sirdabi]

Fan suddenly frowns, thoughtful. He looks around. "What do you suppose Paldeo will be looking for, hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

Zahir shrugs at Fan. "His intent is to repair the ship, yes?" [in Sirdabi]

(At a large oakwood crate): "...W-ll, fo-nd m- q--rr-ing chis-ls." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares quietly, looking in a coal-stained sack. "I don't s-- m- pick-x-, tho-gh." [in Sirdabi]

Lofting a brow, Fan tells Inaya. "Perhaps," [in Sirdabi] is all he says, with a sphinx-like smile.

"He wants to fix this shit," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Fan, shrugging. "Don't figure he's lookin' for anything." [in Sirdabi]

Looking over the broken ruins of the ship, you say, "A mad task." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin wears a coal-stained sack about his left shoulder.

You say, "Impossible." [in Sirdabi]

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

"Hmm," [in Sirdabi] Fan grunts, glancing between you and Inaya a bit dubiously. "What does he want with this wreck, hmm? Isn't it a shorter journey overland to Calentium now?" [in Sirdabi]

You say, "He can't really think this can be repaired?" [in Sirdabi]

Apparently, today is the day for sharp looks from a young Razmani. Yasin turns those sharp eyes towards you, and says firmly, almost severely, "Not impossible. Something we -have- to do. Something we will do." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir scoffs. "There will be other boats." [in Sirdabi] He gestures to Fan "Or we travel overland." [in Sirdabi]

Fan's flat nostrils flare subtly as he takes Yasin's assertion to you. What he might be thinking hides behind his thoughtfully twisted lips.

You say, "We are hemmed in by Mist, but..." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya just flops herself down onto the sand abruptly. "Fuckin' difficult," [in Sirdabi] is her contribution to the conversation, laying her head on her hands and looking upward at the hull's 'ceiling' above. To Fan, she shakes her head. "It's personal, for 'im." [in Sirdabi] (Lie - within onto the shipwrecked hull floor -)

You say, "...well, one thing at a time." [in Sirdabi]

Fan lingers with a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery over his arm. (Room Pose Set)

"If we could travel overland," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to you and Fan, his severity calming some. "Then we of course should do that. But we're trapped, by the mists, as Sayyid ibn Musa says." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin takes out a grimy little kitchen cabinet from a large oakwood crate.

Yasin blinks at a grimy little kitchen cabinet, as if surprised to see it. He places it back in a large oakwood crate.

Yasin puts a grimy little kitchen cabinet in a large oakwood crate.

"Is the mist not on the sea as well?" [in Sirdabi] Fan asks, rolling his eyes between you and Yasin. But shaking his head, he shifts to, "I did not say WE should go overland - our home is quite a bit farther than Calentium, no? I only said what does it matter to Paldeo? He is not Omraziri." [in Sirdabi] He frowns at Inaya, petting his mustache. "How cracked and rotted must these timbers be before the ghost of his surrogate father no longer haunts them?" [in Sirdabi]

You scan towards out onto stony sand...
Looking to the way out, you can see...
[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, Lookout Rock, A Craggy Inlet]
A large barrel sits next to the section of hull, perhaps hoping to gather rainwater. A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats beneath a striking, violet-eyed youth with chaotic black curls.
Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid is sleeping here.
Wasi is standing near the northward direction.
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: south (water), northwest, southwest, north (water), and east (water)
Other: a section of partially-splintered hull
You can't see any further.

"He don't got family," [in Sirdabi] Inaya says, not looking to you or Fan or Yasin, eyes still tracing over the planks above. "Aleksus told 'im to look after the Dolphin. Made 'im swear to it, I guess, or he just promised. Ain't around now to tell 'im he don't have to keep goin'." [in Sirdabi]

"I'd be in favor of going anywhere overland that we could get a ship." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to Fan, perhaps by way of explanation. "As for the mists on the sea... I do not know. I only know it blocks the road north, out of St. Loomis." [in Sirdabi]

"Out of ... Pea-See, or whatever it is called." [in Sirdabi] Yasin adds on, correcting himself.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: The sun is bright against the unmarred blue of the heavens, bathing the world in warm golden light.

Looking over at Inaya as though for confirmation, you say, "We're entirely surrounded." [in Sirdabi]

Fan sighs, shaking his head at Yasin. "Stop being so simple, I feel you're leading me on," [in Sirdabi] he mutters wryly. "You don't know if the mist is on the sea?" [in Sirdabi] he asks, echoing the man's words, but pointedly.

"And how the fuck're we gonna get a ship?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya asks Yasin. "Zahir's right, mist is fuckin' everywhere. I'm doin' this 'cause I figure the mist can't stay forever. Or if it does, I got an idea for it. But we don't got a lot of options." [in Sirdabi]

With an air of resolve, brushing at his clothing, you say, "Perhaps this matter with the relics will resolve the Mist, at least enough that we can travel. The monks seem... hopeful, at least." [in Sirdabi]

You say, "Myself, perhaps less so. But that's a matter for another day." [in Sirdabi]

You say, "Today, we found the trunk. Rather efficiently too." [in Sirdabi]

"Relics?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya asks, squinting up toward you.

Yasin seems surprised at Inaya's admission of the mist being 'everywhere'. "You're the one who said that you were insisting on sailing away the moment we repaired the ship." [in Sirdabi] Then, with a sigh, he looks to Fan. "I meant that I do not know if it is surrounding all... directions." [in Sirdabi] He gestures, wildly, unhelpfully.

"Quite so," [in Sirdabi] Fan agrees with you, looking a bit smug about it, but at Inaya's question he frowns and looks around. "Ah, yes. Relics..." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel walks over from out onto stony sand.

"Zahir is right, though." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says. "The monks do seem excited, even if we don't have much to offer them." [in Sirdabi]

With a sigh and a shake of his head, you tell Inaya, "A troubling matter. The monks seem to be under the misapprehension that I'm in possession of some... relics." [in Sirdabi]

"Yes. All directions. One of the fishermen went out, sailed around the edge of the mist. Said it was tingly," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grumbles, flopping a meaty arm over her face now as she lies there in the sand.

A rangy mongrel returns looking considerably more windblown than he had when he left, picking his way carefully onto the splintered hull. "Found the old lighthouse," [in Sirdabi] he reports to whomever might give a shit. And then, more meaningfully, "Can see the mist from up there." [in Sirdabi]

"...I hadn't heard of that." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says quietly, to Inaya. His expression takes on a more neutral air. Looking to a rangy mongrel, he nods with a frown. "...I'll go take a look." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel sits down onto the shipwrecked hull floor.

"I'll be back." [in Sirdabi] Yasin then declares, walking off.

Fan rolls his eyes vaguely at Yasin's gesturing, though makes no reply, so perhaps he accepts this, grudgingly. His dark lashes flutter around a series of blinks over a rangy mongrel's revelation. "Old... Really?" [in Sirdabi]

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, Yasin leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

Zahir nods to Yasin.

"Watch your step. Tricky climb," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel advises Yasin without looking at him.

Inaya shifts her arm to squint at a rangy mongrel from beneath her elbow a little. "Shit," [in Sirdabi] she grunts. "Fuckin' mist. Makin' me near ready to go live in the fuckin' Hazari." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man walks over from out onto stony sand.

"...Will watch." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to a rangy mongrel. It is said almost as a 'thank you', but maybe he's learned to be cautious about thanking a rangy mongrel for anything.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

"I would take the Hazari over this place in a heartbeat," [in Sirdabi] Fan proclaims without hesitation.

Yasin nods to a lean, ink-eyed man as he walks on. "Going to the old lighthouse," [in Sirdabi] by way of explanation.

A rangy mongrel peers around the remains of the Dolphin, then sinks into a squat, and from there parks his butt for a bit to catch his breath. "It crowds the horizons to the northeast and southwest," [in Sirdabi] he reports more directly to Inaya now. But to all of them, he circles a look and finishes, "But the southeastern horizon was entirely clear." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir hums curiously, looking over at a rangy mongrel with sudden interest.

Well that gets Inaya's attention. She removes her arm from her face entirely, sitting partway up with her elbows behind her to squint up at a rangy mongrel for a few moments.

"...Southeastern. Interesting. Maybe not surrounded, then." [in Sirdabi] Yasin quietly mutters, before stepping off of the wreck.

Yasin starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

A lean, ink-eyed man inclines their head to Yasin then gives a slightly breathless sound of agreement alongside a rangy mongrel's words. "Looked to be clear that way." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man sits down onto the shipwrecked hull floor.

Yasin walks out onto stony sand.

Expression sobering into caution, you say, "But where might that direction take us?" [in Sirdabi]

Glancing between a rangy mongrel and a lean, ink-eyed man, Fan asks, with a vague gesture of the arm burdened with a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery, "Did you see the rest of the wreckage?" [in Sirdabi]

"Don't fuckin' care. Out of the mist, we can go where we want," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grunts to you almost dismissively.

You say, "A direct path to Omrazir would lead us straight into the Eye, would it not?" [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel nod-nods faintly to the general conversation. "Well, I do not know how fast the fucking fog moves but, yes... For now, there may be a way through." [in Sirdabi] To Fan he shakes his head and reports, "No, nothing." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man shakes their head to Fan, "Didn't catch sight, but I admit my eyes were for the lighthouse. Could only see the mists upwards from it and the section without." [in Sirdabi]

"You think I'm stupid enough to sail into the Eye?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya retorts to you, now looking mildly affronted. "It's far enough off we can sail southeast a ways, then shift course south, southwest. Go around, hit Al-Sabiyyah on the way back." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir shakes his head. "I... mistrust something that tempts me so openly." [in Sirdabi]

Fan nods at a rangy mongrel and a lean, ink-eyed man each. At your last comment though, he snorts, his full lips breaking into an amused grin. "This is why you are still a virgin, my friend." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir's expression goes flat.

"Well we don't got a ship now. So guess we're just gonna hope by the time we do, the mist ain't moved," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grumbles at a rangy mongrel's comment then, wrinkling her nose.

"Well temptation or not, we have nothing to sail just yet," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel points out, settling his palms onto his knees. With a sharp look sliced your way, he crackle-croons to the trepidatious fellow, "That gives you all the time in the world to tell us how reckless and stupid we are, ah?" [in Sirdabi]

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

(Quietly): When he's finished giving you a hard time directly, a rangy mongrel goes ahead and does the same thing indirectly, asking Fan in a perfectly audible aside, "Is he really?" [in Sirdabi] with great apparent interest.

Inaya ticks an eyebrow upward at this from Fan, glancing between him and you.

Still smiling, Fan makes his way toward the beach outside, mentioning, "We will only have the Camel for a fortnight, so perhaps we will need to help Paldeo with his repairs, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] He pauses at a rangy mongrel's question, lofting a slender brow, and he eyes you critically, considering. Then he shrugs. "Shall we wager?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man arches a brow matching Inaya as they focus on the words.

Fan looks from face to face, still smiling, with that question in his eye.

Irritation mingled with incredulity, you say, "Wager?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin walks over from out onto stony sand, slightly winded.

"Yes," [in Sirdabi] Fan confirms to you, holding up a long-nailed finger. "Don't answer yet." [in Sirdabi]

"How long 'till--" [in Sirdabi] Inaya starts, but cuts off at Fan's words, smirking.

Zahir narrows his eyes at Fan.

"Two silvers says ibn Musa has never tasted the fruit of primal congress, hmm?" [in Sirdabi] Fan offers. "Any takers?" [in Sirdabi]

Oh, a wager? A rangy mongrel rubs at his bristly cheek and considers you, eyes narrowing. "Weeell we have only his word to go by in settling it..." [in Sirdabi] he mumbles, dissatisfied. But that's not a 'no.' Instead, he asks you, "How old are you?" [in Sirdabi]

"The view's clear to the southeast," [in Sirdabi] Yasin repeats, probably unnecessarily. He seems to be catching his breath. He flits his eyes between Fan and you, curiously, and then groans at Fan's question. "Really?" [in Sirdabi]

Zahir huffs, then answers a rangy mongrel, curtly "Twenty nine." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya eyes you up and down for a few moments. "Awful fuckin' pretty," [in Sirdabi] she comments to Fan, as though evaluating a camel for sale.

A lean, ink-eyed man turns from Fan's question in disinterest and a small frown.

"Do you suspect otherwise?" [in Sirdabi] Fan asks Yasin, lifting a dark brow curiously. "Are you confident of your appraisal, hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

"That is his business." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares to Fan, rather firmly. He steps over to a large oakwood crate, looking inside.

Yasin goes to stand near a large oakwood crate, joining Fan.

"I named him so," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel agrees with Inaya, nodding. But he weighs up the other side as well, considering aloud, "Well, he is unmarried, and he seems the type to honour that..." [in Sirdabi]

"Oh shit, we got another one," [in Sirdabi] Inaya crows hoarsely at Yasin's comment, smirking with unnecessarily smug triumph.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

"Oh my, perhaps he is not the only one," [in Sirdabi] Fan murmurs, glancing at Yasin, more or less the same time as Inaya makes her comment.

A lean, ink-eyed man echoes Yasin's words, "It is his business." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel crackles a low 'hmm' in the back of his throat, a single syllable of mirth at Yasin's expense. Then he clambers up onto his feet and dusts his hands off on his sirwaal.

A rangy mongrel straightens to stand within the general area.

Inaya cuts a feral sort of grin to Fan.

Is that annoyance further creeping into Yasin's expression, now at Inaya's comment? Or something, anyway, behind those eyes. He shakes his head, but then offers a nod to a lean, ink-eyed man. He reaches into a large oakwood crate.

Fan gives Inaya a knowing look.

"Three!" [in Sirdabi] Inaya declares, turning her grin upon a lean, ink-eyed man.

Angling a wry look a lean, ink-eyed man's way, a rangy mongrel then adds, "Well, that is one for each of us then." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin picks an ordinary canvas-covered trunk up and carries it in both his arms.

Zahir peers over at a lean, ink-eyed man with a look of what might be vindication, though the expression is short-lived, faltering at a rangy mongrel's assessment.

"What was it you accused me of?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Fan, as he hefts up an ordinary canvas-covered trunk. "Being simple?" [in Sirdabi]

Fan frowns now, following Inaya's gaze to a lean, ink-eyed man. He tilts his head, considering them. "But there is the matter of the ring finger, no?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man huffs a sound as their gazes turn towards themselves, a squint at a rangy mongrel following.

A lean, ink-eyed man looks at their own right hand.

Fan cuts his eyes curiously in Yasin's direction. "Among other things, I'm sure," [in Sirdabi] he concedes conversationally.

A rangy mongrel simmers down now that half those present have been offended and/or annoyed, job done. He eyes the trunk Yasin totes, then looks round at the wreck, fitting bony fists to narrow hips. "No books?" [in Sirdabi] he wonders, having not yet really had a proper search himself.

"Don't mean shit," [in Sirdabi] Inaya fires back to Fan, shaking her head, still looking vastly amused. "Knew people who'd wear 'em just to keep to 'emselves." [in Sirdabi]

"We see what we recognize in ourselves, I suppose." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says with a smirk towards Fan.

To a rangy mongrel, Yasin says, "Here." [in Sirdabi] He taps the an ordinary canvas-covered trunk he's holding with a thumb. "We think this is the one, anyway." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man replies to Fan's words, "A casualty of artwork." [in Sirdabi]

Ah, inside the trunk. A rangy mongrel nods back to Yasin and then slopes on over to a large oakwood crate to have a rummage himself.

A rangy mongrel approaches a large oakwood crate.

A rangy mongrel takes out a ship's firstaid kit from a large oakwood crate.

"Yes, quite true, I am known throughout Omrazir as a notorious eunuch," [in Sirdabi] Fan agrees breezily with Yasin.

Yasin ticks a curious glance in a lean, ink-eyed man's direction. But then Fan's comment actually makes him laugh, despite himself.

A rangy mongrel gets out a steel flask from a ship's firstaid kit in his possession.

"That why you got such a pretty singin' voice?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya wonders of Fan rather idly.

A rangy mongrel puts a steel flask in a ship's firstaid kit.

A rangy mongrel gives the flask a little shake next to his ear, but wrinkles his nose and drops it back into the kit.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

A rangy mongrel gets out a dark-stained glass phial from a ship's firstaid kit in his possession.

Fan lofts a curious but subtle brow at a lean, ink-eyed man, though he doesn't pursue the matter immediately. He seems about to say something about the trunk Yasin carries, his eyes flitting toward it, but Inaya's comment just makes him titter uncontrollable, in a not very pleasant voice at all.

Zahir smirks faintly.

Inaya seems quite pleased with herself at Fan's reaction. She's still doing absolutely nothing helpful, just lying there in the sand, hands folded into a pillow behind her head.

A lean, ink-eyed man watches a rangy mongrel rifle through the first air kit, their lips quirking as they listen.

The phial, a rangy mongrel puts to his nose briefly, then pockets. The kit is then closed up and kept tucked beneath his arm as he returns to pawing through the remaining contents of the crate.

A rangy mongrel puts a dark-stained glass phial in an ugly makeshift pocket.

A rangy mongrel closes the flap with bronze toggles of a ship's firstaid kit.

"Yes," [in Sirdabi] Fan manages, a little red-faced - from embarrassment or laughter is perhaps fuzzy. "Yes, I had to do something with my time, you see," [in Sirdabi] he tells Inaya.

Inaya's comment causes Yasin to laugh further, before he breaks it off, shaking his head. He walks off, then, an ordinary canvas-covered trunk in hand.

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, Yasin leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

You tell Inaya, "Well, what now Captain?" [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel takes out a small, neat case of amethyst-hued inikiskin with gold metalwork from a large oakwood crate.

"Is it still locked?" [in Sirdabi] Fan wonders after Yasin, mostly serious now, though the redness has not entirely faded.

"Didn't try to open it." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, moving on.

Yasin starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

"Make good coin, doin' that shit," [in Sirdabi] Inaya retorts to Fan, as though he'd said something to the contrary. It's in terribly good humour, though, smirking still. At your question, she shifts her attention his way, and shrugs some. "We got what we came for. Figure we get what else we want and go, yeah?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man tilts their head in contemplation, "My singing voice is shit. Used to pitching my voice to be- well, flat." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir nods to Inaya. "Did you want to see the gap in the Mist for yourself?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Inaya.

A rangy mongrel is on board with operation take-shit-and-go. "Should pilfer the oar," [in Sirdabi] he proposes to Inaya with a nod toward a heavy makeshift ashwood oar. "Bring it back with us. That way you only need to buy one." [in Sirdabi]

"Well you might now," [in Sirdabi] Fan tells Yasin with a hint of impatience. "Does it *feel* like it's full of books?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man straightens to stand within the general area.

Belatedly, a rangy mongrel takes a better look at said oar and supposes, "Or it is too big, maybe?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin quirks another brow at a lean, ink-eyed man, then looks to Fan. "Here, Sayyid." [in Sirdabi] He just -hands- the heavy trunk to Fan. "Take a look for yourself." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin approaches a large oakwood crate.

Yasin offers an ordinary canvas-covered trunk to Fan.

Fan accepts an ordinary canvas-covered trunk from Yasin.

Fan is unable to grip an ordinary canvas-covered trunk, so he leaves it to the side.

"Nah," [in Sirdabi] Inaya grunts with a shake of her head to you. "If I slip and break my arm tryin'a climb rocks we're fucked." [in Sirdabi] She shrugs to a rangy mongrel, nodding. "Good idea, aye. Longer'n I'd use, but-- I've got a saw. We can chop it down." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel tips a nod back to Inaya and continues his casual perusal of everybody else's stuff.

"...That's one of the ones we made, right?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Inaya, then looking to a rangy mongrel.

Fan throws his arms around an ordinary canvas-covered trunk reflexively, like it's a big baby, and the weight drops his like a sack of beets. (Kneel - near a large oakwood crate -)

A rangy mongrel gets out a pitch-topped torch from a small, neat case of amethyst-hued inikiskin with gold metalwork in his possession.

"Aye," [in Sirdabi] Inaya confirms with a nod to Yasin.

A rangy mongrel puts a pitch-topped torch in a small, neat case of amethyst-hued inikiskin with gold metalwork.

Yasin probably expected that to happen, as he smiles a little unfairly towards Fan's inability to handle the trunk's weight.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

A rangy mongrel closes the bronze clasps of a small, neat case of amethyst-hued inikiskin with gold metalwork.

A rangy mongrel puts on a ship's firstaid kit.

Fan is entirely unable to keep control of an ordinary canvas-covered trunk on his way down, although he just manages to avoid cracking his knees - cats have that uncanny way about keeping their feet - he ends up half buried in the sand from foot to knee.

Inaya hauls herself up off the sand now, shaking a bit doglike. She frowns as she sees Fan, stepping over to throw an arm out to steady the thing and offer some support. (Stand - within the general area -)

At Fan's half-burial, Yasin gets a suddenly guilty look about his expression. He groans, then reaches an arm down to Fan, an offer to pull him up.

A lean, ink-eyed man moves out of the radius of the trunk, looking at it, having to chance to help in catching either. "Hm, so it was this trunk." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel slings the kit over his shoulder, tucks the case under his arm, and then helps himself to one last item. He's oblivious to poor Fan's struggle with the luggage over there. Or knows he wouldn't fare much better with it.

A rangy mongrel takes out a polished yew longbow from a large oakwood crate.

A rangy mongrel examines a polished yew longbow, carefully hefting it with a keen eye.

Looking over at a lean, ink-eyed man curiously, you say, "What do you mean?" [in Sirdabi]

"Pfah!" [in Sirdabi] Fan declares, stumbling upward and swatting at some rakish, elaborately-embroidered scrap leather ankle boots and a robust pair of sea green floral damask sirwaal with more concern for them than anything else at issue for the moment. "These are damask, fool!" [in Sirdabi] he grouses. "Don't suffocate me!" [in Sirdabi] he complains, proudly resisting any and all offers of assistance. He is perfectly capable of standing on his own - just not for that one second where he was unaccountably holding a trunk that weighed as much as he does. (Stand - near a large oakwood crate -)

A lean, ink-eyed man glances at your question, "I remember looking at it somewhere abouts the narrow hallway." [in Sirdabi] After a moment, "It was locked then." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin holds his hands out, palms up in a surrendering gesture. "Fine, fine, fine." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin takes out a dark wrought iron camp lantern from a large oakwood crate.

"If it is locked, I have a key," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel offers without looking over, giving the bow an experimental heft.

You say, "If it is locked it should remain so." [in Sirdabi]

You say, "The weight seems right. How Sassafrass managed to move it is the mystery." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya's attention shifts to a rangy mongrel at this, curiosity flickering in her expression.

"You have a key to the trunk of 'cursed books'?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks a rangy mongrel, both curiosity and surprise creeping into his voice with the asking.

Ultimately a rangy mongrel decides he likes the feel of the bow and slings it onto his shoulder too. Now he finally paces over to return to the party at large, giving you a curious look. "More curses, nn?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin gets out a linen sack from a tough zharalhide mizuda in his possession.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers into the nearby crate, "If the contents of the cabinet survived, Fidela might be pleased the tea or herbs." [in Sirdabi] they don't really pay much attention to a rangy mongrel's words.

Yasin wears a linen sack about his left shoulder.

Fan keeps batting at a robust pair of sea green floral damask sirwaal, the sand seeming to disperse and disperse and disperse without ever being truly gone. He scowls vaguely in Yasin's direction, though his displeasure seems to be more about the man's attention on him than the actual misadventure. Slowly he comes to notice the discussion surrounding a rangy mongrel and looks up, frowning curiously.

"Of course," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel tells Yasin without much weight to it, as though it's only natural.

"Cardamom." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to a lean, ink-eyed man.

Yasin puts a dark wrought iron camp lantern in a linen sack.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Yasin.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

Zahir nods and waves dismissively "By all means, collect whatever seems useful. We have ample space on the boat." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel puts on a small, neat case of amethyst-hued inikiskin with gold metalwork.

A lean, ink-eyed man echoes the words to a rangy mongrel, "Of course." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin looks to a rangy mongrel, then shrugs, as if why -wouldn't- a rangy mongrel be carrying around such a key, given everything else. He goes back to surveying a large oakwood crate.

Fan bends down - on purpose, now, and quite gracefully for it - to wiggle the handle of an ordinary canvas-covered trunk, testing the lock. It remains closed fast. "Locked," [in Sirdabi] he mentions, eyes flitting toward a rangy mongrel now. But he adds, with a nod toward you, "It should stay so, I agree. At least until we can locate the Razmani woman. Hmm?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin takes out a grimy little kitchen cabinet from a large oakwood crate.

Yasin gets out a handful of 3 pinches of cardamom from a grimy little kitchen cabinet in his possession.

Yasin gets out a handful of 4 dried pinches of cardamom from a grimy little kitchen cabinet in his possession.

Fan does look rather impressed at a rangy mongrel's possession, though.

Yasin puts a grimy little kitchen cabinet in a large oakwood crate.

"Want to hold this for Fadila?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks a lean, ink-eyed man, gesturing to a handful of 3 pinches of cardamom.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Yasin.

Yasin approaches the general area.

Yasin offers a handful of 3 pinches of cardamom to a lean, ink-eyed man.

A lean, ink-eyed man accepts a handful of 3 pinches of cardamom from Yasin.

A lean, ink-eyed man puts a handful of 3 pinches of cardamom in a rugged zharalhide mizuda.

Yasin offers a handful of 4 dried pinches of cardamom to a lean, ink-eyed man.

Fan grips an ordinary canvas-covered trunk firmly in one hand, ready to start dragging.

A lean, ink-eyed man accepts a handful of 4 dried pinches of cardamom from Yasin.

With a red-faced, "Hmph," [in Sirdabi] Fan starts trying to drag an ordinary canvas-covered trunk along the sand.

A rangy mongrel accepts the decision to leave the trunk be readily. He's not a big fan of curses, famously so. "Let us load up and fuck off while the fucking is good," [in Sirdabi] is his support for Inaya's plan. And then in his rattle-snake rasp, he sweeps a look over a lean, ink-eyed man, Yasin, and poor you, and offers most generously, "Unless one of you virgins wants to take this opportunity for a quick revelation in the lighthouse? What happens on Lookout Rock stays on Lookout Rock, if you like." [in Sirdabi]

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, Fan leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

Yasin goes to stand near a large oakwood crate, joining a rangy mongrel.

Zahir gives a dubious, disapproving hum.

Inaya smirks abruptly at a rangy mongrel.

Yasin gives a rangy mongrel an almost tired look, and groans. He resumes to looking through a large oakwood crate. "Let's get what we want to get, and get out of here." [in Sirdabi]

Fan grins with impish pleasure at a rangy mongrel's joshing of certain persons.

Fan grips an ordinary canvas-covered trunk firmly in one hand, ready to start dragging.

A lean, ink-eyed man dryly responds to a rangy mongrel, "The crumbling ruins are a delightful spot." [in Sirdabi]

Fan starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

Inaya wanders over to a large oakwood crate, poking about a little bit again, and comes up with a couple of things.

Fan struggles to haul an ordinary canvas-covered trunk over his shoulder, and settles for slinging it over his back and holding on with both hands.

Inaya approaches a large oakwood crate.

Inaya takes out a coil of heavy-duty hemp rope from a large oakwood crate.

A rangy mongrel sniffs and takes the mass rejection in stride. Life is a mass rejection when you live like this guy does. "Pity," [in Sirdabi] is all he says. "Suit yourselves." [in Sirdabi] Then off he slopes.

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, a rangy mongrel leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

Fan drops an ordinary canvas-covered trunk near the way out onto stony sand.

That comment from a lean, ink-eyed man earns a quick, barked laugh from Yasin as he searches through a large oakwood crate. He offers quietly, voice partially muffled by a large oakwood crate, "...Well, at least the view isn't bad." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya puts a coil of heavy-duty hemp rope in a large oakwood crate.

Inaya takes out a thirty-cubit measuring rope from a large oakwood crate.

Inaya takes out a round-headed mallet of polished oak from a large oakwood crate.

Yasin takes out an iron-banded wooden pail from a large oakwood crate.

A rangy mongrel starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

Yasin puts an iron-banded wooden pail in a linen sack.

Moving towards the way out onto stony sand, Inaya leaves the vicinity of a large oakwood crate. (Stand - at the general area -)

Fan wrassles with a large oakwood crate a while and finally falls on top of it and lies there a moment, seeming to consider just going to sleep there.

A rangy mongrel walks out onto stony sand.

Yasin takes out a bucket of pine tar from a large oakwood crate.

Fan wrassled with an ordinary canvas-covered trunk of course.

Yasin takes out a bucket of pine tar from a large oakwood crate.

Yasin takes out a bucket of pine tar from a large oakwood crate.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods agreement to Yasin, "The view wasn't bad." [in Sirdabi]

You fall in with Inaya.

Fan finally drags himself up.

Outside of the arch of shipwrecked hull: Warm breezes blow through the air, pleasantly relieving the heat from the sun.

A lean, ink-eyed man falls in with Inaya.

"Ugh," [in Sirdabi] Fan grunts. "Captain?" [in Sirdabi] he asks, almost sweetly, but also kind of nastily because he's a bit annoyed with the whole process. He taps his foot meaningfully against an ordinary canvas-covered trunk.

A lean, ink-eyed man puts a handful of 4 dried pinches of cardamom in a rugged zharalhide mizuda.

Fan grips an ordinary canvas-covered trunk firmly in one hand, ready to start dragging.

Fan walks out onto stony sand, dragging an ordinary canvas-covered trunk.

Inaya starts towards the way out onto stony sand. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

Zahir follows Inaya. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

A lean, ink-eyed man follows Inaya. (Stand - near the way out onto stony sand -)

Inaya walks out onto stony sand.

You walk out onto stony sand.

A lean, ink-eyed man disembarks from a section of partially-splintered hull.

[Northwestern Adelantean Sea, Lookout Rock, A Craggy Inlet]
A wall of sheer rock towers westward over this stony patch of beach, but is softened by a slanting approach that allows for a climb towards the northwest and southwest. Toothy crags slash out into the sea and claw into the sky from either side, but the extending sandbar below reaches eastward and makes for a shallower tide upon the island than the dark underwater drops to the north and south.
A large barrel sits next to the section of hull, perhaps hoping to gather rainwater. A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats beneath a striking, violet-eyed youth with chaotic black curls and a plump, nimble fellow with a dainty mustache. An ordinary canvas-covered trunk is here.
Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid sleeps here.
Wasi is standing near the northward direction. A rangy mongrel is here, holding a polished yew longbow in his right hand. Fan is sitting in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat at the northward direction, dragging an ordinary canvas-covered trunk and holding a broken peacock green velvet Irzali riding coat with complex embroidery in his left hand. Inaya is here, holding a thirty-cubit measuring rope and a round-headed mallet of polished oak in her right hand. A lean, ink-eyed man is here.
The sun shines warmly in the clear blue sky.
Cardinal Exits: south (water), northwest, southwest, north (water), and east (water)
Other: a section of partially-splintered hull

Fan drops an ordinary canvas-covered trunk near the northward direction.

Yasin disembarks from a section of partially-splintered hull.

A rangy mongrel goes to sit on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid and Fan.

Exhausted from his labors - something he has perhaps never done before and will never do again in his lifetime - Fan resumes his seat on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat and slumps back for a snooze.

Yasin goes to stand on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

You go to sit upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Yasin steps onto a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, settling a few of the things he'd gathered into the crate there.

A lean, ink-eyed man look westwards at the sheer rock, before meandering towards the boat.

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Yasin puts a bucket of pine tar in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Yasin puts a bucket of pine tar in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Yasin puts a bucket of pine tar in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

"We wanted this, right?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks, holding a heavy makeshift ashwood oar.

Inaya heads over to a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, splashing into the water and standing by the prow. She gestures to the others to board, waiting until everyone's on to make a move, though she does throw her mallet and rope onto the vessel.

Inaya approaches the northward direction.

Inaya puts a round-headed mallet of polished oak in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers east.

Inaya puts a thirty-cubit measuring rope in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Zahir nods to Yasin. "I believe so." [in Sirdabi]

You say, "We have everything?" [in Sirdabi]

Looking around, you say, "And everyone?" [in Sirdabi]

Bringing a pleasant heat to settle upon the open sea, the air is warm beneath spotlessly unclouded skies.

Yasin puts a heavy makeshift ashwood oar in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers eastwards again, "That water shallow enough to wade to? I see one crate there." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin squints, looking around. His eyes track each member. "How many were we? I think this is all of us." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin peers east.

Inaya peers about.

Yasin "...I'm willing to take a look, if you don't row away without me." [in Sirdabi]

"...I'm willing to take a look, if you don't row away without me." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, peering east.

Inaya peers east.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Yasin.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers south.

A lean, ink-eyed man ponders the situation.

"Might be," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells a lean, ink-eyed man, with a shrug.

Moving towards the eastward direction, Yasin leaves the vicinity of the northward direction. (Stand - at the general area -)

Fan drifts off to sleep. What a day. (Room Pose Set)

A lean, ink-eyed man says, "I'm going to do one quick look into nearby waters around the walk." [in Sirdabi]

Moving towards the northwestward direction, a lean, ink-eyed man leaves the vicinity of the northward direction. (Stand - at the general area -)

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Inaya.

Yasin starts towards the eastward direction. (Stand - near the eastward direction -)

Zahir nods, casting a glance at Inaya. "We should have time, yes?" [in Sirdabi]

Yasin goes into the water.
Yasin wades east.

Wasi blinks.

"Aye," [in Sirdabi] Inaya says with a nod to you.

A lean, ink-eyed man pauses, and continues on at the agreement.

Yasin wades over from the east.
Yasin emerges from the water.

A lean, ink-eyed man starts towards the northwestward direction. (Stand - near the northwestward direction -)

Wasi continues to pat a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, evaluating the scrape on the keel, not seeming aware of much else that might be going on.

A lean, ink-eyed man walks northwest.

Yasin wades back over from east, carrying a sturdy wooden crate stamped with a rising sun in a circle. In stark contrast to the other crate, this one doesn't look particularly heavy -- or at least, the way he's carrying it doesn't give that impression.

Yasin goes to stand in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Yasin puts a sturdy wooden crate stamped with a rising sun in a circle in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

A rangy mongrel looks towards the sun in the sky, squinting at its brightness.

Yasin takes out a roll of 5 natural-hued cotton bandages from a sturdy wooden crate stamped with a rising sun in a circle.

A lean, ink-eyed man walks over from the northwest.

Yasin puts a roll of 5 natural-hued cotton bandages in a tough zharalhide mizuda.

Inaya nods as Yasin returns, and starts to shove a sleek-carved mistwood longboat off the sand into deeper water, sloshing as she steps forward and grunting a little with the strain of the somewhat large boat.

Yasin takes out a burlap satchel from a sturdy wooden crate stamped with a rising sun in a circle.

Yasin puts on a burlap satchel.

"There's a handsaw in there." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, gesturing to the crate. "And... bilgerat pelts. That's it." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man returns, looking thoughtful. "I think the only way to get a good look for any other ship pieces would be to circle around the rock the other direction. Cliff faces block the southmost view." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

"Weigh anchor," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Wasi, with a small smirk as she gives a sleek-carved mistwood longboat one last shove and leaps in, rocking the vessel with her weight.

Inaya goes to stand on a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

The air is warm beneath a cloudless blue sweep of sky.

A lean, ink-eyed man sits down near the northward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers north.

Wasi goes to stand in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd, with a smirk back at Inaya.

Wasi says, "Aye aye, Captain." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel catches himself on the mast and nearly topples onto Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid with that rocking from Inaya's boarding. He has the good sense to stop fussing about and sit down after that.

"Where's the rest of the Dolphin, anyway? You see that from up top?" [in Sirdabi] Inaya asks now, musingly, as she gazes at a section of partially-splintered hull.

Inaya takes out a long mistwood oar from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Inaya shifts her grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in her fist.

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

"No, could not see it," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel reports to Inaya with a shake of his head, shemagh tossed by the wind. "But there was not a very good view down around the island. Only one spot to sit, narrow footing." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin looks around, then takes a seat on one side of the a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, letting out a little sigh. "I didn't," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to Inaya. (Sit - in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat -)

(At the northward direction): Providing a report on the damage, Wasi speaks, "She won't sink, but with some more damage there she'll start taking on water." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man sits down near the northward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man straightens to stand near the northward direction.

(At the northward direction): Yasin nods with a grimace at Wasi. "We can take it slow and steady on the return trip." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to stand upon a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

A rangy mongrel grimaces at that update from Wasi, and budges closer to the mast. "... I will row again only with supervision," [in Sirdabi] he tells Inaya. Because if they're to go down, at least that way it won't be entirely his fault.

"Then we won't fuckin' take more damage," [in Sirdabi] Inaya rasps somewhat quietly back to Wasi, nodding, and moves to start rowing on out. She looks back to a rangy mongrel, frowning. "Shit. Guess he didn't secure her, then. Maybe fuckin' washed away, one of those storms." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man goes to sit in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining a small crowd.

Wasi nods agreement.

Inaya rows towards the northward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northward direction.

"I can take another run at the oars," [in Sirdabi] Yasin offers to Inaya and Wasi. "Just let me know." [in Sirdabi] For now, though, he actually leans back against the side of the boat. He's wearing a look that is -almost- relaxed, strangely enough.

And they're off again, onto the water. Inaya steers the craft out toward more open waters and away from the rocks near the shore, from her spot at the back of the boat again. She nods to Yasin. "Aye, maybe you take some of the clear stretch. Then me an' Wasi do the tricky bits." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin nods to Inaya, settling further into his relaxed posture for now.

Shadows deepen as a cloud moves across the face of the sun.

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northwestward direction.

More clouds crowd out the blue of the sky, enfolding the world below in warm gray blanket.

A lean, ink-eyed man is looking the distances around as they travel. (Room Pose Set)

"Real pretty," [in Sirdabi] Inaya comments hoarsely, squinting up at the cliffs for a moment as she keeps up rowing.

Inaya rows towards the westward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the westward direction.

Inaya glances over to Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid now, attention lingering on his sleeping form for a few moments.

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

Zahir settles in, contentedly watching the trunk as he gives an agreeable hum.

Swaying with the crest and fall of the waves, a rangy mongrel watches the Rock shrink behind, then turns his eyes down onto Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid with a thoughtful air. "Came along for the trip and missed the whole expedition..." [in Sirdabi] he comments in a mutter, shaking his head.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northwestward direction.

Looking back at the island, you say, "We recovered his belongings, yes? It should hopefully limit his discontent." [in Sirdabi]

"He sleeps like a sailor," [in Sirdabi] Inaya says with a faint smirk to a rangy mongrel, perhaps a touch of pride to it as she looks from him to you.

A lean, ink-eyed man gives their own glance to the sleeping Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid then gives a nod to you.

A lean, ink-eyed man scans south.

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the northwestward direction.

Wasi looks up at the sky.

Yasin looks away from the horizon to a rangy mongrel, briefly, then to Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid. "...We did." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, agreeing to you. "...Wonder if he'd be willing to part with that chainmail." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the northwestward direction.

Soft striations of blue-grey and white mottle the bellies of the clouds as they drift low through the warm skies.

Inaya rows towards the northward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the northward direction.

A rangy mongrel makes some vague sound of general agreement. To Inaya, he proposes as any schoolboy might with a fellow mischievous crony, "When he wakes, we should tell him some fantastical bullshit happened. See if he believes it." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya slows her rowing as she looks ahead, pointing northward. "See it?" [in Sirdabi] she asks of Yasin and a rangy mongrel and a lean, ink-eyed man, even as she's adjusting course toward the northeast.

Wasi snorts in amusement at a rangy mongrel's suggestion.

"I see it." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, nodding to Inaya, squinting in that direction.

Oh, there's more important stuff going on than messing with Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid. A rangy mongrel cranes round and lifts his butt out of his seat enough to get a good look at the ocean ahead.

You peer about.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Inaya's words, then snorts at a rangy mongrel's words.

You narrow your eyes.

A rangy mongrel emits a soft 'ah' of understanding, then bobs a nod to show that he does see it too, yes.

"Fuckin' right we should," [in Sirdabi] Inaya replies to a rangy mongrel after, though, with a smirk as she rows onward.

Looking around, curious and mildly bewildered, you say, "See what?" [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the northeastward direction.

Yasin doesn't visibly or audibly react to a rangy mongrel's plan of mischief to the sleeping form of Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the northeastward direction.

"Reef," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to you.

"Suggestions?" [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel queries to Wasi with a bat of eyelids, opening up the floor for ideas as he settles back into his spot at the mast.

Wasi squints at the dimming waters.

Zahir hums dubiously, peering tentatively toward the side of the boat, if not exactly over, given his reluctance to get too close to the edge.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers over the edge at the shapes below a moment, then lifts their eyes, "We scraped the boat coming from the northeast last go around, I think?" [in Sirdabi]

Inaya nods confirmation of Yasin's answer to you, scanning the waters ahead.

Wasi nods to a lean, ink-eyed man, remembering that much, apparently.

Yasin looks north, then northeast. He looks to a lean, ink-eyed man, then nods. "That's right. I was thinking this looked... familiar, even if it all looks kind of the same. But I remembered this reef, at least." [in Sirdabi]

The occasional seam of blue rips through the fabric of the clouds, revealing hints of elusive sun before swiftly stitching together again.

Inaya rows towards the northward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northward direction.

A rangy mongrel peers northwest.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers northwest.

Yasin peers northwest.

"... I think not that way," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel proposes, sitting up enough to get a good look to the northwest, though he still sounds unsure, being an utter novice in this art.

"That way, I'd guess?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin points northeast, and looks to Inaya for confirmation. "The othr way, I can see the reef, visibly." [in Sirdabi] He nods in agreement to a rangy mongrel.

Inaya peers northwest.

"If you go around, I think," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel illustrates by circling the blade of a flattened palm northeast, then around to the west. He tips his head toward Yasin, who voices the same, and concurs, "Yes, like-so." [in Sirdabi]

Contentment turns to wariness as Zahir's attention shifts from the trunk to the other occupants of the boat. He watches their deliberations mutely.

Inaya nods to a rangy mongrel and Yasin both. "Good. Make fuckin' sailors of you yet," [in Sirdabi] she grunts with a small smirk, dipping the oar again on the left side of the boat to shift course somewhat as it rocks and sways on the waves.

Wasi nods agreement. "I think we were over that way," [in Sirdabi] he concurs, pointing northeast. "Right before we bumped into uhh..." [in Sirdabi] His gaze swings eastward.

Inaya rows towards the northeastward direction.

(At a sleek-carved mistwood longboat): "...Add that to the list of things I didn't think I'd be learning." [in Sirdabi] Yasin murmurs quietly to himself, as he watches Inaya row.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the northeastward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man follows Wasi's gaze and nods agreement.

A rangy mongrel settles back down into his seat and offers Inaya a wry, skeptical look at that. Looking round to the reef again, he mutters, "I am looking forward to the role reversal when we get to Omrazir." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi looks towards Inaya and offers, "I could take a turn rowing, Captain. Whenever you feel tired." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi takes out a long mistwood oar from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

A lean, ink-eyed man grins.

Yasin nods to Wasi in a similar offer. "And after you, me." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man grins at Yasin, "Looking forward to some painting lessons?" [in Sirdabi]

"You and fuckin' everybody else," [in Sirdabi] Inaya snorts amusedly to a rangy mongrel.

Wasi bows his head to Yasin, shifting to the edge and squinting along the surface of the water with a wary air.

Wasi shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Wasi rows towards the northwestward direction.

Yasin smiles to a lean, ink-eyed man, at that. "...Only if they help in my etching." [in Sirdabi]

"I'm right yet," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Wasi. "Soon, maybe." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the northwestward direction.

Mild clouds drape the sky in cottony billows, holding the span of the sea in a warm embrace.

Wasi pauses in his heavier rowing, sheepishly taking up a more supportive role.

Inaya's got that right, so a rangy mongrel can only incline his head again to concede the point. "I can fill in wherever," [in Sirdabi] he offers of the rowing, even after that spectacularly awful performance on the way in. He's got persistence, at least.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods to Yasin and casually says, "The clinic for some lessons perhaps." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi squints west.

Inaya seems entirely unbothered and not in the slightest about to chastise Wasi, just going ahead and taking turns into their previous rhythm, back and forth.

Inaya rows towards the northwestward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the northwestward direction.

"That's right. You received approval, after all." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says, for the moment not paying attention to the rowing.

Wasi rows towards the northeastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northeastward direction.

Wasi squints northwest.

Inaya peers northwest.

A lean, ink-eyed man peers northwest.

A rangy mongrel peers northwest.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods partially distracted at Yasin's words, "Right, those stones look stabby." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin peers northwest.

Half-wistfully, Wasi says, "I have never seen such a monster as that tower. Perhaps I'll swim out here tomorrow." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel looks up at the sky.

Yasin wasn't paying attention, this time. He goes, "Hmm?" [in Sirdabi] And then follows a lean, ink-eyed man's gaze. "...Yes. That does look dangerous." [in Sirdabi]

"You a good swimmer, Wasi?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Wasi, curious.

A rangy mongrel mouths the word 'stabby' after a lean, ink-eyed man, lifting a hand to his brow to shade his eyes while he checks the position of the sun.

Wryly answering Yasin with a headshake, Wasi says, "Little better than a dog." [in Sirdabi]

"Too fuckin' cold to swim these waters," [in Sirdabi] Inaya snorts at this from Wasi, though she seems impressed perhaps. She smirks back at a lean, ink-eyed man, carrying on rowing - not toward the stabby rock.

Inaya rows towards the northward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the northward direction.

"Mm," [in Sirdabi] Yasin sounds out, nodding to Wasi. "...Me neither." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi looks up at the western looming sea-stack, though -- still -- while rowing along with Inaya.

Wasi rows towards the northwestward direction.

"Some dogs do not swim very well at all," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel asserts, dropping his hand back onto his knee.

A lean, ink-eyed man aims a grin at Inaya, "I'll take attempting to swim the pond, I'm certainly no better swimming than a dog." [in Sirdabi]

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides across the water's surface to the northwestward direction.

"For a pond, that pond is deep," [in Sirdabi] Yasin says casually to a lean, ink-eyed man, focusing his gaze north.

Pausing for a moment, Wasi asks, "Captain, should we take her back to the docks or to the beach here?" [in Sirdabi]

Twisting in place enough to glance at Yasin and a lean, ink-eyed man, a rangy mongrel asks, "Is that the one in the village up north?" [in Sirdabi]

Warm breezes blow alluringly across the land, the heat of the day kept at bay by a sheltering layer of clouds.

"Most do," [in Sirdabi] Inaya retorts to a rangy mongrel, smirking to a lean, ink-eyed man then. She pauses rowing for a moment to look to Wasi with a curious frown. "Why the beach?" [in Sirdabi] she asks. "Tide might pull it out. Safer at the docks, no?" [in Sirdabi]

"That wasn't the one I was speaking of." [in Sirdabi] Yasin says to a rangy mongrel. "There's... another, along the way." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man hums agreement to Yasin, "But it can't wash me away." [in Sirdabi] then responds to a rangy mongrel, "It is one on a bit of a hidden hunting path." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the northward direction.

"Don't we need to bring this to the docks, to return it to Shirazi's benefactor?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Inaya.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat floats to the northward direction.

"Ah," [in Sirdabi] intones a rangy mongrel, nodding his understanding. But he hushes up the chit-chat while Inaya and Wasi deliberate their destination, tuning into that conversation.

Curiosity mingled with surprise, you tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "Quite the intrepid explorer, aren't you?" [in Sirdabi]

Wasi seems to know very little about whatever arrangements provided the boat, glancing to the sleeping plump mustachio'd fellow, and then to Inaya.

Idly, watching the cliffs as they sail, you say, "I should have you show me around." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir adds quickly. "So long as the route isn't overly treacherous." [in Sirdabi]

You say, "I don't... climb." [in Sirdabi]

In an aside to you, a rangy mongrel corroborates of a lean, ink-eyed man's exploration prowess, "He was the first to climb all the way to the top of the lighthouse." [in Sirdabi] But that was definitely a treacherous route. With climbing.

"This boat's Greyleigh's," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Wasi, with a shrug. "Long's we don't fuckin' lose it or... bust it up too badly, we're okay. Gotta give it back in a fortnight." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin looks -- briefly -- impressed at your request for exploration. Then he smiles a little in amusement at the latter comment, and looks on towards the horizon. "He also found the mine, before I knew where it was." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya rows towards the northeastward direction.

Yasin was speaking of a lean, ink-eyed man, with that latter statement.

Inaya gives some more pulls on the oars, then.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat is propelled across the water to the northeastward direction.

A lean, ink-eyed man scratches at their cheek at the responses, pushing down a smile. "I will rule out one of the rocks to climb, then." [in Sirdabi] to you then adds, "The other pass is an easy one near the mine." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi nods in understanding to Inaya, putting his back into the rowing.

Wasi rows towards the eastward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat glides on to the eastward direction.

Inaya seems to consider for a moment longer, then nods to Wasi. "Closer, here, though," [in Sirdabi] she says. "But we got all this shit to cart back too." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi rolls one shoulder, then glances towards Yasin. "Your turn," [in Sirdabi] he says, somewhat breathlessly, relinquishing the oar and his position.

Wasi offers a long mistwood oar to Yasin.

The cloud-cloaked gray sky blankets the world in calm.

Yasin accepts a long mistwood oar from Wasi.

Wasi sits down in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

A rangy mongrel shifts aside a bit to make way for Yasin to get to the oar.

Yasin nods to Wasi, getting up and awkwardly crouch-walking over towards Wasi's former seat.

"Nah we can pull it up on the beach," [in Sirdabi] Inaya decides, shifting to turn the boat.

Inaya adds after a moment, "Just gotta pull it up high. And land it gentle. Ain't sand here." [in Sirdabi]

"...The beach?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks Inaya, about to dip a long mistwood oar into the water. "Okay. Guide me through this." [in Sirdabi]

Inaya peers north.

A rangy mongrel peers north.

Yasin peers north.

Yasin peers northwest.

Inaya points north for Yasin. "Straight up that way, onto the smoothest bit you can see. Rocks ain't too big there," [in Sirdabi] she directs.

Wasi squints north.

"...Why not the docks?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks, frowning as he squints north. "But, alright. Straight up that way." [in Sirdabi] He dips one end of the a long mistwood oar into the water, preparing to swing the boat in that direction as best as he can.

Yasin shifts his grip and brandishes a long mistwood oar in his fist.

Yasin rows towards the northward direction.

A sleek-carved mistwood longboat bumps up against the shore.

Wasi jumps up away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat None the southward direction.

For his part, a rangy mongrel doesn't second-guess Inaya for so much as an instant -- as far as he's concerned, she's the king of this boat, and what she says goes. He pushes himself up onto his feet a bit so that he can get a better look at how Yasin maneuvers the oar, still trying to pick up what he can of this whole sailing lark.

Apparently, Yasin is successful at guiding a sleek-carved mistwood longboat into position on the shore, as a gentle 'bump' is mostly what greets them as the boat setles into position there.

Wasi helps to pull a sleek-carved mistwood longboat up with the crashing of the tide.

There's a long series of beats, though, where Yasin just stares at this particular section of the beach, after having navigated them in. Just stares, and stares. And stares.

The sun sets under the western horizon.
It is sunset, the hour of the pyre.

A rangy mongrel hops out alongside Wasi and does what he can to haul the boat up too, though he experiences a brief battle with being bowled over by the surf.

A rangy mongrel straightens and shifts away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat None the southward direction.

Inaya jumps out as well, hauling away alongside Wasi to get a sleek-carved mistwood longboat up above the tideline onto the beach.

Inaya steps away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat None the southward direction, leaving.

Yasin shifts a long mistwood oar from his fist, now simply holding it.

Wasi glances at Yasin, and attempts to follow his gaze with a squint. "Is that an old shoe?" [in Sirdabi] he wonders, then gives a despairing headshake. "Not one of mine." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man waits for the ship to be closer onto the shore before managing to step onto land.

You straighten to stand near the southward direction, carefully.

Shaking his head, Yasin places a long mistwood oar down back into its position in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat. "I don't know whose shoe it is," [in Sirdabi] he says, quietly.

Yasin puts a long mistwood oar in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Yasin straightens to stand near the southward direction.

Whoa, free shoe! After taking a moment to catch his breath, a rangy mongrel heads over to scoop it up.

A rangy mongrel picks up an old shoe from the ground.

A rangy mongrel sniffs an old shoe.

"'least you still got sandals," [in Sirdabi] Inaya tells Wasi with a smirk.

A lean, ink-eyed man distractedly answers, "A few float onto the shore over time." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man straightens to stand near the southward direction.

Wasi shrugs one shoulder at a rangy mongrel, but keeps an eye in that direction, perhaps curious to learn what the smell might be like.

The occasional seam of blue rips through the fabric of the clouds, revealing hints of elusive sun before swiftly stitching together again.

Wasi smirks back to Inaya with a nod. "This was nice," [in Sirdabi] he says. "Pleasant being out on the Adelantean again." [in Sirdabi]

Doesn't smell great, doesn't smell awful; no real reaction. A rangy mongrel turns it over and lets some water drip out while he peers down at a seaweed tangle next, giving it a nudge with the toe of his khuff.

Yasin hops out of a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, helping -- if help is still needing -- pull the boat onto the shore. "Mmhmm," [in Sirdabi] is all he says about the shoe, doing his best to not look too much at the beach itself.

After a sleek-carved mistwood longboat is in position, Yasin hops back in, looking through the crates there. He pulls out a few choice objects.

A lean, ink-eyed man considers the trunk inside the longboat, "Where do you suppose the safest place for the trunk is?" [in Sirdabi]

Beginning to frown, Wasi says, "Too bad that idiot of a flamelicker -Paldeo- didn't properly secure the Dolphin, so we could go home sooner..." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin goes to stand in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid.

"Sala'ah's better," [in Sirdabi] Inaya asserts immediately back to Wasi, but doesn't disagree, smiling crookedly. "Fuckin' right. Been way too long standin' around on the mud." [in Sirdabi] Once she's satisfied with a sleek-carved mistwood longboat's position, she nods to a rangy mongrel and Yasin, tossing the oar back in.

A rangy mongrel angles a knowing look Yasin's way, then lets the shoe drop -- in the literal sense, not the metaphorical one.

A rangy mongrel drops an old shoe on the ground.

Inaya approaches the southward direction.

Inaya puts a long mistwood oar in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Wasi scowls now. "Fuck Paldeo," [in Sirdabi] he grumbles to himself, wandering off to collect pebbles and skip them across the water.

Yasin approaches a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Yasin takes out a pair of steel interlocking-plate gauntlets from a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

You tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "I'd been thinking of keeping it at the lighthouse, though of course I'd welcome a better idea." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin puts a pair of steel interlocking-plate gauntlets in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Wasi goes to stand by the northeastward direction, finding a likely stone over there.

Yasin takes out a pile of 6 twisted pieces of scrap metal from a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Wasi begins to look around...

"Hear-hear," [in Sirdabi] a rangy mongrel half-growls in embittered agreement with Wasi's sentiment.

A rangy mongrel carefully looks over the area.

Inaya's expression darkens a touch at this form Wasi, and she lets go a slow sigh. "Fuck. Yeah. Now we got fuckin' nothin', if she's gone." [in Sirdabi]

Wasi is looking for stones and skipping them, seeming half-lost in his own mind and letting off some steam, by the northeastward direction. (Room Pose Set)

Wasi goes back to his usual business.

"I'm taking this." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares as he helps himself to... some scrap metal. Smith's favorite, maybe?

Yasin opens the riveted strap of a heavy, soot-stained leather apron.

You tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "Well, the lighthouse cottage. It isn't particularly... secure, but at least most of the occupants know better than to open the trunk." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man contemplates your words, then sets their eyes on Yasin. "He can carry it, and has an inn room." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin puts a pile of 6 twisted pieces of scrap metal in a heavy, soot-stained leather apron.

"...Hmm?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin looks to a lean, ink-eyed man, and you. "The trunk? We should probably put it somewhere behind a key, yes?" [in Sirdabi]

Inaya takes out a well-made iron axe from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Nodding thoughtfully, you tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "Good point." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel turns back toward the boat to address you and a lean, ink-eyed man, weighing in on the discussion, "Morsel has been leaving his shit lying around in the cottage for weeks and nobody has taken it yet." [in Sirdabi] He jostles his sharp shoulders through a haphazard shrug. Do with that what you will. "A room is probably better though." [in Sirdabi]

Yasin takes out an embossed steel cuirass from a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

You tell Yasin, "Very well. You'll secure the trunk for now, until we find the Sayyida?" [in Sirdabi]

Inaya takes up her true love, a well-made iron axe, from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat once more, and starts off up the trail. "I'll be back," [in Sirdabi] she tells the others.

A lean, ink-eyed man takes in a rangy mongrel's words with a acknowledging nod.

Yasin looks up from his appriasal of an embossed steel cuirass, whistling slightly. Then he looks to you. "Yes. I can do that." [in Sirdabi]

Zahir nods approvingly.

Inaya departs.

Yasin puts on an embossed steel cuirass, covering a neat mahogany brushed suede thawb.

Yasin takes out an embossed steel cuirass from a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Soft-edged masses of clouds brood quietly overhead, stretching boundlessly out over the open sea.

Apparently, the smith is drawn to metal armor like a moth to a flame. Yasin just helps himself to another one of those, though he frowns, clearly lacking a place to put it on his person. "...I'll come back for more of this," [in Sirdabi] he declares, setting it back in place.

Yasin puts an embossed steel cuirass in a bilge-sodden oakwood crate.

Yasin approaches a sleek-carved mistwood longboat.

Yasin picks an ordinary canvas-covered trunk up and carries it in both his arms.

Zahir nods absently and looks around, gaze finally settling on a lean, ink-eyed man.

After watching the others organize themselves and finally getting back to land a rangy mongrel... climbs back into the boat. He looks over Fan and Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid within it, then scans out toward the sea. He doesn't appear to intend to go anywhere just yet.

You tell a lean, ink-eyed man, "You'll show me back to town?" [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel goes to stand in a sleek-carved mistwood longboat, joining Ariziya Kitten Al-Kazid and Yasin.

A lean, ink-eyed man looks over the boat, "What ought we do with all this?" [in Sirdabi] They notice your gaze and nod.

You fall in with a lean, ink-eyed man.

"Anyone need anything else?" [in Sirdabi] Yasin asks, gesturing more with his eyes than his hands, to the boat. "I think we leave it, for now. Then we can come back for it later." [in Sirdabi]

Nodding, still holding a heavy ship's mop, you say, "I got what I came for." [in Sirdabi]

"I'm going to take this to my room," [in Sirdabi] Yasin reiterates to you, somewhat uneasily. "You'll know how to reach me, when you find... the one you're looking for." [in Sirdabi]

You tell Yasin, "Or... you do." [in Sirdabi]

A rangy mongrel leans against the mast in the boat like a mast himself, keeping company with those sleeping within. (Room Pose Set)

Zahir nods.

Yasin steps away from a sleek-carved mistwood longboat None the southward direction, leaving.

A lean, ink-eyed man responds after a moment, "I entirely need a crossbow, yes." [in Sirdabi] they turn away from the longboat.

"There's plenty of them in there." [in Sirdabi] Yasin muses. Then he looks northeast. "...Right. Heading back?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man looks back over their shoulder with a tired vague wave, then asks you, "Ready?" [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Yasin.

Zahir nods. "Quite." [in Sirdabi]

A lean, ink-eyed man eventually snorts in amusement, "I couldn.

A lean, ink-eyed man eventually snorts in amusement, "I couldn't manage to fire one. Maybe a sling." [in Sirdabi]

"I'll let you two go on ahead." [in Sirdabi] Yasin declares to a lean, ink-eyed man and you. "The trunk will slow me down." [in Sirdabi]

Wordlessly, a rangy mongrel watches the trio make ready to depart, a thoughtful cast to his harsh features.

A lean, ink-eyed man nods at Yasin.

Moving towards the northeastward direction, a lean, ink-eyed man leaves the vicinity of the southward direction. (Stand - at the general area -)

A lean, ink-eyed man starts towards the northeastward direction. (Stand - near the northeastward direction -)

Zahir follows a lean, ink-eyed man. (Stand - near the northeastward direction -)

June 3, 2024, 4:53 p.m.