One of our crafter PCs expressed interest in contributing some ideas for general recipes, so I'm posting the template for those recipes here, with the iconic Sirdabi sambusak as the example.
"sambusak": {
"skill_words": {"skilled": ["crispy", "golden"], "basic": ["fried"], "poor": ["burnt"]},
"ingredients": ["flour", "herb", "aromatic", "vegetable", "oil"],
"receptacle": None,
"tools": ["tongs", "pot"],
"name": "a <skill> sambusak",
"fresh_desc": "Fried in <oil>, this <skill> sambusak has been made from <flour> dough wrapped in a semi-circle shape around a savory filling of <herb>, <aromatic>, and <vegetable>.",
"rotten_desc": "This <skill> sambusak has gotten old and stale.",
"taste": ["The <aromatic_flavor> of <aromatic>, <herb>, and <vegetable> pour into your mouth past the <skill> crust of the sambusak.", "Crumbling under your teeth, the <skill> sambusak shell gives way to a savory blend of <vegetable> and <aromatic>, pulled together by the <herb_flavor> of <herb>.", "While the outside of the dough is <skill> and crunchy, the interior filling is a soft and savory experience containing <vegetable> and <aromatic> and <herb>."],
"rotten_taste": "The taste of congealed, rancid oil overwhelms everything else.",
"scent": "<aromatic>, <herb>, and <vegetable>",
"rotten_scent": "stale <oil>",
"uses": 5,
"used": 0,
"substance_per_use": 1,
"freshness": 20,
"max_freshness": 20,
"itemtype": ["sambusak", "food"],
"effect": False