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24-09-19 20: 48:51-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: There is a small chance it is a collective fever dream and no such thing actually exists
24-09-19 20: 49:31-05 [-] a fox-faced woman with apprehensive green eyes: It does sound like a nice dream.
24-09-19 20: 50:05-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: haha yes
24-09-19 20: 51:10-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: speaking of.... I only see two characters online and wonder if my character is sleeping walking again >.>
24-09-19 20: 52:34-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: You should be able to tell by your pose. Try score and see if it shows you sleeping?
24-09-19 20: 53:02-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: hmm, looks normal for the moment. ty!
24-09-19 22: 17:29-05 [-] a fox-faced woman with apprehensive green eyes: Thank you for putting up with being SHRIEKED INSULTS AT IN ALL CAPS!!!! XD <3
24-09-19 22: 18:28-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: LMAOOOO I added some new insults to my dictionary. It was fantastic <3
24-09-19 22: 19:06-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: absolutely learned some new blazing insults haha. Thank you for the rp
24-09-19 22: 19:34-05 [-] a fox-faced woman with apprehensive green eyes: Haha, I aim to please!