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24-12-10 02: 25:02-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: the limit is only teaching more than one person I think
24-12-10 02: 25:37-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: I always assumed it was one teacher, one student! Ha! Magic :D
24-12-10 02: 25:50-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: cram school :D
24-12-10 23: 40:23-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: silly question - is there a way to GET or DROP all of -insert keyword for item-?
24-12-10 23: 40:51-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: The only thing closest is to 'DUMP' or 'EMPTY' a container, but I don't believe there's a get all X or drop all X
24-12-10 23: 41:25-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: got it! thank you. :)
24-12-11 01: 26:24-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: ahhh sorry! thanks for letting us know!
24-12-11 01: 26:46-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: er, wrong channel... but it still applies to the appropriate party :D
24-12-18 23: 13:39-05 [-] a short elderly woman: hello - is there anyone who could teach me leather working?
24-12-18 23: 15:37-05 [-] a lanky limber young lady: I... can't actually think of an NPC I have who has leatherworking skill :<