GameHelp History
24-07-23 00: 42:09-05 [-] a rangy mongrel: Do any of you know of some way to combine stacks of like items in the room? So for example, two separate piles of pebbles combined into one pile?
24-07-23 00: 42:28-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: If you pick up both piles it should combine in your hands, and then you can set it back down
24-07-23 00: 43:00-05 [-] a rangy mongrel: Right. That's what I usually do, but it's not letting me pick up more than one stack at a time today... I'll keep messing with it, try a few things. Thank you anyway.
24-07-23 00: 43:51-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: it might top out at weight, maybe? but huh, weird if it changed. Otherwise I usually just toss things in a container to combine
24-07-23 00: 43:52-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Hmm, could be due to the weight of the stacks. MAYBE if you place each in a container, that might be a trick.
24-07-23 00: 43:57-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Jinx
24-07-23 00: 44:07-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: jinx (dang too slow)
24-07-23 00: 44:10-05 [-] a rangy mongrel: Ohh a container... Lemme try that...
24-07-23 00: 44:34-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: this does sound like another idea for a suggestion! for like a combine command, kind of like stack, but not actually needing to hold anything if possible...
24-07-23 00: 44:40-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: although some containers are.... buggy >.>