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24-09-02 10: 04:19-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: She's legit one of my best friends
24-09-02 10: 05:36-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: I've got a new neighbor who's 85 and I made the mistake of addressing him as "Mr ___" when yelling hi the other day, as if I was a child, but he just waved over his head without looking at me, because he's exceedingly cool
24-09-02 10: 06:51-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: hahaha, yeah, see, the cool ones are just like "I have no time to get weird/upset over stupid things, I've got better things to spend my energy on" and that is the energy I want
24-09-02 10: 07:23-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: yeah, that is the best :D
24-09-02 10: 08:01-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: hope you're able to keep in touch with your elderly friend <3
24-09-02 10: 09:23-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: Yeah, I do, but I'm not the best at it >.> Reminds me I am meaning to draw her a picture of her horse who died recently (he was very old also)
24-09-02 10: 09:45-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: aw... RIP. That's a sweet thing to do.
24-09-02 10: 10:53-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: Yeah I imagine she must be at a loss without him to look after, since she's had horses her whole life, and obvs isn't getting another
24-09-02 10: 13:09-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: It's hard getting old...
24-09-02 10: 14:32-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: Eh, yeah. But there isn't an option, so I sort of choose to just ignore it generally. I certainly prefer it to childhood.