Help Topic: Currency

Category: Gameplay -- Help File

Currency in Song of Avaria can differ when one is in different lands, but usually it comes in variations of copper, silver, or gold coins -- and these variations tend to be of equal-enough value.

When you check your wealth, you will see it often represented as a single flat integer, at the bank or at the end of your collected coins in the coinpurse in your inventory. This integer represents the lowest measure of currency, the copper bit (or folly, as it is called in the Sirdabi Caliphate).

1 copper bit = 1 copper bit (1)
100 copper bits = 1 silver coin (100)
1000 copper bits = 10 silver coins (1000)
10,000 copper bits = 100 silver coins = 1 gold coins (10,000)

In order to get an idea of the worth of these coins, here are some mechanical facts:

- House taxes are a yearly payment, while rent needs to be paid once a month. Most jobs will pay twice a month.

- A poor laborer may make 4 silvers a month (200 bits, each payday, twice a month), while a decent room at an inn would cost 5 silvers (500 bits, once a month).

- A cheap meal in a pub might cost 5-10 bits. A more expensive meal at a fancy restaurant might be 2-3 silvers (200-300 bits).

- Hunting a deer successfully and selling the raw meat and raw pelt might net you around 25 bits, while selling cooked meat and a nicely-tanned pelt could go up to a few silvers (300 bits).

- Outfitting oneself in a decent steel cuirass and a sturdy sword might cost 50 silvers (5000 bits).

- A set of extremely elaborate moonsilk garb could very well cost upward of a hundred gold coins (1,000,000 bits).

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