Help Topic: Fabricate

Category: Crafts -- This command cannot be used in combat.

Leatherworking is the skill that allows you to craft raiment and tools that
are made of leather.

The first ability you learn in leatherworking is how to make tanning
solution, which would be the job of an apprentice leatherworker and is
grueling, disgusting work. The next ability would allow you to tan hides.

After that, you will learn how to repair existing leather armor... and
finally, you will gain the skill to fabricate new leather works!

To work leather, you must first have the fabricate ability, which is
learned at the fourth level of the leatherworking skill. To fabricate a
specific item, you must know how to manage the fabrication for making
that item. Custom fabrications can also be designed and submitted for
approval, and then you will know how to use that fabrication too.
Fabrications can be taught to others, but when you first learn the
leatherworking skill, you will have a set of known fabrications relevant
either to your teacher or origin.

Custom fabrications are for particularly unique items that you cannot
easily make with the potential combinations in the adaptable set of basic
leatherworking fabrications. They will always use the exact same materials,
so you may be very specific when describing them.

fabrication view <fabrication>
fabrication <new | submit>
fabrication <defined fabrication value> as <string>

You want to make a helmet. You have tanned leather in your inventory,
and one jewelry item: a golden wire.

> fabrication new
(This starts a new fabrication design for you. It is not submitted
until you submit it, and if you make another new one without
submitting, this one will be overriden.)
> fabrication name goldwire helmet
This describes what the name of the eventual fabrication will
be, so you can refer to it while leatherworking. If your name is
identical to another name, numbers will be added on the end of it
to keep it unique.
> fabrication base as head armor
(This sets the base design for you. It determines what sort of
item this is exactly, what parts it will cover and so on.)
> fabrication material as tanned leather, golden wire
(When selecting materials, use a comma to separate them. You should
have these materials present in your inventory.)
> fabrication sdesc as a gold-lined leather helmet
(This sets the short description of the item.)
> fabrication ldesc as This leather helmet is lined with gold wire.
(This sets the long description of the item.)
> fabrication submit
(This submits the fabrication for approval.)

Now you wait for the fabrication to be approved, and then you can use
it, and even teach it to others.

To use a fabrication that you already know, simply have all the required
materials and tools, and then you can fabricate it.

fabricate <fabrication>

The durability and value of the item you craft, plus the chance that you
completely ruin the materials, is based on your skill in leatherworking and
finesse stat.

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