Help Topic: Grapple

Category: Combat -- This command takes balance and consciousness, and may have other physical in-character requirements.

[works with parenthesis]

When someone approaches you in some way and makes physical contact, if you don't
want to allow it, you have a few options that are covered by grappling commands.

There is a state in grappling where you are held by another character, and in
that state, there's not much you can do -- you can't move to another place, or
stand somewhere else in the locale. You can struggle to get free, or grapple
in order to try to reverse the situation.


Other handsy moves involve shoving or yanking, which can move a character
from the place they're at into another location. You can also just try to
grapple someone in a targeted fashion in order to attempt pinning them. A
tackle is a lunge that can be done from further away and ends with both
parties on the ground.

None of these are necessarily combat moves, but they can be used in combat to
tactical effect, and some of them utilize dice checks.

shove / yank / grapple / tackle

You can tackle, shove, or yank people between rooms, provided conditions are
met. For shoving and yanking, those conditions entail that the person is
close already to the exit they'd have to move through.

Usage to tackle someone in an adjacent room:
tackle <person> to the <direction/exit>

Usage to shove someone into an adjacent room:
shove <person> to the <direction/exit>

Usage to try and shove someone into something:
shove <person> into <campfire / fountain / barrel / etc>

Note: if the capacity of the object you're trying to shove someone into will
not accomodate them, they will just stumble past.

Usage to yank someone into your room when they are adjacent:
yank <person> from the <direction/exit>

When it comes to moving people around, you can also carry or drag them. Read
help interact for more details on that. None of them moves cause direct damage
so they are not necessarily combat moves, but they can certainly be used in
a fight for strategic advantages, especially when working as a team.

For more polite yanking, you can pull a person, as well. If you are seated
at their area and they are standing, this will draw them down to sit with you,
and if they are prone and you are standing, this will draw them up.

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