Help Topic: Pose

Category: Roleplay -- There are no limitations on this command.

When you look at a room, the lines for people and objects that
describe their position in the room is called a pose.

pose <pose>
pose default <pose>
pose reset
arrange <object> <pose>
quietpose/qpose <pose>
quietarrange/qarrange <object> <pose>

pose leans against the tree
pose is talking to the barkeep.
arrange box is sitting on the floor.

This is the end of a full sentence that starts with your sdesc.
Note that you can use sdescs/recogs to reference people in your
pose, but these always appear as that person's sdesc in the room,
regardless of who is seeing it.

When you pose or arrange something, it echoes to the room. However,
you can pose or arrange something quietly without an echo to the room
by doing quietpose or quietarrange.

Note: If you are at a specific vicinity and do not include it in
your pose, it will be automatically included.

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