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Lore Updates

posted by Mistsparrow

Posts: 129
Lore Updates 1 of 3
Jan. 25, 2025, 2 p.m.

Mostly one bigger thing, but also a couple of smaller ones:

  • There is now a Timeline of Avaria up on the wiki. Technically it is a Timeline of Avaria mostly from the perspective of the people of the Sirdabi Caliphate, though some of the events on it are of more interest to the caliphate's fringe communities of other faiths or resident expatriates. Nevertheless all of these events are things that someone of the caliphate might know, based on their background and interests. Also, P.S., obviously this timeline is still laughably incomplete.
  • A list of some saints has also been added to the wiki. As they're all Kalentian saints rather than Azadi wali or marabouts, this is somewhat marginal to most people of the caliphate. However, Kalentians of the caliphate would know them well, and even Azadi might be familiar with locally prominent ones like St. Hieronim of Raziya. This list is, of course, also laughably incomplete.
  • It is now possible to inquire in-game about the reputations of The Royal Court of Ensor and four of its members: Loren, Celestine, Lorick, and Aedith. Inquiring about the Court is a little goofy, as it is technically set up as an NPC and so will return physical features and information on whether it is working or not (local opinions might differ on this...), but that aside, it will cause the friendly gossip-mongers of St. Loomis to mention those four names and some basic information about them so further inquiry is plausible.

If anyone has any further questions, or encounters difficulties with the rumor inquiries, please just post!

Jan. 25, 2025, 2 p.m.
Posts: 167
Re: Lore Updates 2 of 3
Jan. 30, 2025, 10:11 p.m.

Thank you very much for the timeline. It was very interesting/informative.

Attempting to eavesdrop about The Royal Court of Ensor reputation does not currently give a return on results, but the four members did work. Mispelling or targeting a reputation that does not exist does lag out the game for 15-20 seconds.(bug reported a bit ago, sorry to the player logging in when I was attempting.)

Jan. 30, 2025, 10:11 p.m.
Posts: 167
Re: Lore Updates 3 of 3
Feb. 1, 2025, 10:23 p.m.

I am...realizing I did initially type the eavesdrop correctly and missed the return, so working as intended!  (looked at my logs and went ooops.)

Feb. 1, 2025, 10:23 p.m.