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PSA: Be Careful Using Choke

posted by Zahra

Posts: 152
PSA: Be Careful Using Choke 1 of 3
Jan. 30, 2024, 1:42 a.m.

I feel like a weirdo posting this, but as I just saw CHOKE get used in a friendly, "Let's wrestle!" scene earlier tonight, I just wanted to throw up a quick PSA that the choke code is quite broken at the moment so please be careful if you end up using this. (And this isn't me throwing any shade at Pilgrim because I'm pretty sure our being able to choke each other out should be a ways down the to-do list. And this also isn't me throwing any shade at the person who used choke tonight).

If someone does CHOKE you, just STRUGGLE against them to free yourself. If you SHOVE them away from you (or if they SHOVE you away from them), you might break out of their hold, however the code will still register that you're being choked and the person who was choking you will no longer have a way to drop you from their hold because codedly they're no longer holding you... meaning you will slowly be force-choked to death with no way to break out of it except for a helpful Pilgrim or Mistsparrow coming to save you from your breathless oblivion.

So please choke responsibly. Or don't choke at all until that's fixed!


The Unlucky Person Who Tested the Choke Code in Pre-Alpha

Jan. 30, 2024, 1:42 a.m.
Posts: 272
Re: PSA: Be Careful Using Choke 2 of 3
Jan. 30, 2024, 5:35 a.m.

Thankfully, that particular choke bug has been fixed! If you still see it in BUGS that's probably because I haven't properly cleaned up the bug list... but shoving someone away should make it so you longer are choking them.

However, even if that bug has been fixed, there might be others that could end up being similarly dangerous (I just can't think of what they'd be right now). If someone does get force-choked somehow, please anybody CHOKE them again and then DROP them and the choking status will be cleared.

Also, even if there end up being no bugs at all with choking, I want to add onto this thread that choking in general is a pretty dangerous thing to do. "Breath" is one of the most important of the combat pools when it comes to maintaining a character's life. Anything that damages a character's breath can be very dangerous, like... passing out in the water, or going swimming in a storm. It doesn't take long for someone to die when their breathing is being stopped. It's not going to happen immediately; you should be able to choke someone briefly in a wrestling match and have them be okay in the end, but the title of this topic is very apt: be careful using choke. laugh

Jan. 30, 2024, 5:35 a.m.
Posts: 152
Re: PSA: Be Careful Using Choke 3 of 3
Jan. 30, 2024, 8:52 a.m.

I'm SO GLAD that particular one was fixed. My bug list is a nightmare to slog through so I've just been keeping an eye on the changelog. But I did have a moment of supreme panic last night when I saw someone go in for a choke, so I thought better safe than sorry laugh

Jan. 30, 2024, 8:52 a.m.