I feel like a weirdo posting this, but as I just saw CHOKE get used in a friendly, "Let's wrestle!" scene earlier tonight, I just wanted to throw up a quick PSA that the choke code is quite broken at the moment so please be careful if you end up using this. (And this isn't me throwing any shade at Pilgrim because I'm pretty sure our being able to choke each other out should be a ways down the to-do list. And this also isn't me throwing any shade at the person who used choke tonight).
If someone does CHOKE you, just STRUGGLE against them to free yourself. If you SHOVE them away from you (or if they SHOVE you away from them), you might break out of their hold, however the code will still register that you're being choked and the person who was choking you will no longer have a way to drop you from their hold because codedly they're no longer holding you... meaning you will slowly be force-choked to death with no way to break out of it except for a helpful Pilgrim or Mistsparrow coming to save you from your breathless oblivion.
So please choke responsibly. Or don't choke at all until that's fixed!
The Unlucky Person Who Tested the Choke Code in Pre-Alpha