I'm having a hard time coming to grips with how rolls work, and what the numbers mean in a roleplay context. When someone rolls a 26, or a 75, or 115, these numbers don't mean much to me. Is my roll good, or bad? I mean clearly a 5 is probably quite bad. And 115 is probably very good. But in relation to what standards? Are they relative to your own ability? Is it 1d10 for every point in a stat or a skill? Does that mean the cap is higher when rolling a stat + a skill, rather than a stat alone? Is the rough scale 1-100, and anything above 100 is "superhuman?" What is an "average" roll, by an average human with an average stat or skill?
What are the thresholds of difficulty in rolls? What is required to pass an easy roll? Medium? Hard? Legendary?
Would it perhaps be possible to echo your number roll and the threshold privately when rolling vs a difficulty?
e.g., something like:
"You rolled strength and intimidation at hard difficulty, and the result was a pass
Your roll: 98
Hard difficulty threshold: 70"
It's just difficult to know precisely what any given roll means, in any context, and how to roleplay accordingly. If someone rolls a 26 on magnetism, am I... listening but not compelled by their argument? Bored? Actually enraged by how bad they are at talking to me?
Any guidance would be much appreciated!