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Skill Thresholds

posted by Halima

Posts: 19
Skill Thresholds 1 of 3
May 5, 2024, 10:21 a.m.

I saw in the changelog that upper skill thresholds were set depending on a character's age. What are the thresholds set to, and is that something that's just for character creation?

May 5, 2024, 10:21 a.m.
Posts: 274
Re: Skill Thresholds 2 of 3
May 5, 2024, 1:58 p.m.

It's just for character creation! The idea is that just like magic skills, the process of attaining mastery should be a story -- especially for a young character for whom it doesn't make much sense for them to be a total expert in something. A 50 year old expert is much more believable than an 18 year old who somehow knows all that there is to be generally known on a subject. If anyone feels like their character should be an exception to this due to something in their background, they can totally request that in the application comment, but in general these kinds of limitations in character generation will help us a lot with the process of approving applications.

Age 30: You can increase a skill above 6.

Age 40: Increase above 7.

Age 50: Increase above 8.

This hasn't been set for the web chargen yet but it's part of the process of fixing character generation. Currently it's still kind of being fixed in terms of the web chargen and default archetype builds. This is definitely not a complete fix because we also need to implement the equalizing between in-game exp and chargen skill points. 

May 5, 2024, 1:58 p.m.
Posts: 29
Re: Skill Thresholds 3 of 3
May 5, 2024, 6:43 p.m.

I like this change, it makes a lot of sense and helps give a sense of scale for what skills should be; though I'd definitely appreciate some kind of scale of broad interpretation of how competent people are at each level. Like with 1 being layman, 2 being novice, 3 being journeyman or whatever. I do really like not generally having super prodigies, though, ironically.

May 5, 2024, 6:43 p.m.