Hello! Another excited newbie here, loving all of the work you guys have done and very keen for opening :)
I have a couple of questions regarding Jalanjhur. I know from the Heritages page of the wiki that Jalanit is a presence level 2 heritage, so obviously we're not making characters -from- there. However, with all the references to sea trade routes between Zalawi and Jalanjhur, and the culture of mercantile exchange, I was wondering:
1. Is it intentional that there seem to be no Jalanit language(s) available at all? None are mentioned in the Languages page on the wiki, nor are any available in character generation (that I can see! I could be missing it if its name is very different, but I've tried to match the names with cultures of the languages available). If intentional, is this because it's OOCly protected as a presence-restricted origin, or is there an IC restriction of some kind, like they forbid outsiders to learn/they speak another language as their own/etc? (I only ask because other presence-restricted origin languages do seem to be implemented, so I wasn't sure if there was something different about this one. Not trying to be obnoxious, apologies if it's just that it hasn't been done yet!)
2. Is it frowned upon to include other places in one's background if they are presence-restricted? Such as, "Character spent some time travelling and stayed a year [or two, or five, or a few months, or whatever] in X at one point." Not having been raised there, by any stretch, but nonetheless exposure and time spent. I'm not trying to skirt rules here, I promise, just curious as to what the creators' thoughts are re: what level of involvement in a culture might count as a "heritage" or an "origin" so that I don't overstep boundaries unintentionally, since presence restrictions seem like a boundary on who should be representing a culture.
Thank you thank you!